Love (Christmas)

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OMG CHRISTMAS IS JUST IN A FEW DAYS :0 !!! anyways here is a short (long) Christmas story (This is set just 2 months after Cody and Noah became boyfriends >:P) 

It was a chilly winter morning when Cody was rudely awakened by the brightness of the sun seeping through the blinds and his sister Heather's shouts of excitement. She couldn't contain her joy as the snow fell softly outside and she dashed into his room, her glee obvious to see. She burst inside and began pestering him to hurry up and get ready so they could go out and enjoy the flurries of the first snow together. After getting dressed and prepared, Heather practically dragged Cody outside with her, their excitement palpable as she practically bounced in her steps. 

They were on their way to the park, where a few of their friends had already gathered, excitedly awaiting their arrival as the snow flurries danced around them all. As they arrived, they all greeted each other warmly, the snow adding to the festivities of the day with its magical beauty. Hey guys!" Cody called out, waving excitedly as he approached the group with Heather right next to him. Heather immediately headed to her boyfriend Alejandro to say hi and greet everyone else, while Cody went over to Owen, Kitty, Emma, and Justin. "Hey guys! Is Noah or Izzy not here yet?" Cody asked, looking around for his other friends. "You know Izzy, she's always late," Kitty said, giggling. "Remember she was staying the night with Noah because she blew up her house," she added playfully. "Anyways, how have you guys been! I haven't seen you guys since two days ago!" Owen said, sounding cheerfully. "I've been doing well," Cody replied. "Heather's family has been so nice to me," he continued. "That's good. Emma finally seems to be having fun instead of just studying in her room all the time!" Kitty teased. "Uh what! I have fun! And I don't always just stay in my room and study!" Emma protested towards Kitty, her younger sister. "Yeah yeah, anyways, Justin, how are you and Trent doing? Have you confessed yet?" Kitty teased. "Well uh..." Justin replied hesitantly, looking away from Kitty, his blush clear to see. "No not yet... But I will! In thirty years!" Justin joked, receiving a chuckle from Kitty. Suddenly, someone came running towards Owen and made him slip and fall over. "Izzy is here!" Izzy yelled as she stood on top of Owen, who was now laughing and giggling uncontrollably in response to her antics. Noah came running from behind and slipped on some ice, falling on Owen and making Izzy fall beside him also. "Hey guys..." Noah said, trying to push Izzy off of him, clearly embarrassed by the whole ordeal. "Hey Noah!" Kitty said, helping him up and giving him a reassuring smile. Noah brushed the snow off of him and helped Owen and Izzy up, who both smiled and exchanged light banter. "Is everyone here?" Heather yelled as she looked at everyone, clearly being the more responsible one. "Yeah!" "Good so come on guys! Let's go shopping!" Heather cried, running with Lindsay and Leashawna behind her. "Oh no you don't!" Leashawna laughed, grabbing Heather playfully as everyone else walked towards the mall. 

When everyone entered the mall, they split into small groups and decided to meet back at a Cafe in two hours. Cody was with Noah, Kitty, Trent, Justin, and Emma and they all walked into this store full of video games where they proceeded to try out as many games as they possibly could, laughing and talking loudly over the games and each other, a small crowd forming around them as they played. Cody and Noah were alone in the arcade playing Mario Kart, and they were neck and neck, the score constantly going back and forth. The score was so close that it took both of them being on their A-game to even have a chance at winning. In the end, it was Cody who won and he let off a triumphant shout. "Yes! I finally won!" Noah smiled and blushed at his boyfriend's celebration, obviously touched by how excited he was to have finally beaten him. Suddenly, Kitty ran over to both of them with a giant teddy bear, a huge and joyful smile on her face. "Guys! Look what Emma got me!" Kitty said, looking proud and happy, clearly touched by the gesture. While Emma stood a little back, smiling and enjoying the whole scene. "Wow that's giant!" Noah said with a smile. "I didn't know that Emma had a single good bone in her body to do something like that!" He joked, to which Emma jokingly slapped him on the shoulder and retorted with something equally teasing. "Hey guys!" Justin came in with Trent behind him, carrying SEVEN bags of clothes. Emma looked at the two of them affectionately and giggled, looking away from Justin's direction. Justin gave a grin, then looked to Trent who was looking at Justin with his big ol'sweetheart-eyes and a loving smile on his face. Justin smiled back and took a step towards Trent. As Trent stepped forward, their eyes locked in a deep gaze, it was as if in that moment, everything stopped and the world around them disappeared. It was just the two of them in their very own world, a bubble of pure joy, love, and affection. Neither of them could stop smiling or looking at each other, each lost in the others smile, their expressions soft, their glances light, and their eyes dancing with love. Kitty and Cody exchanged a knowing look, feeling the tension between Justin and Trent, but also finding it hilarious that they were too shy to actually confess their feelings to each other. "Guys let's head to the café now, it's five minutes until we need to be there and I want to be early." Emma said, looking pointedly at Justin and Trent, hoping that they'd at least give each other a hint that they should move the friendship along. As the five of them walked towards the café, Cody and Kitty were giggling to themselves while Noah and Emma were talking. Without Noah knowing he brushed his hand against Cody's, causing both of them to blush uncontrollably. They were both relatively new to dating each other, but their affection and tenderness towards each other was obvious. Noah then took Cody's hand and continued talking to Emma while keeping his eyes on their hand, his heart fluttering with butterflies. Justin and Trent were in the front of the group and Justin was going on about something while Trent simply looked at him lovingly and listened attentively. It was obvious to everyone around them that Trent was head over heels in love with his best friend, and he wasn't hiding it at all. Trent couldn't stop looking at Justin and smiling at what he was saying, his gaze as soft as his expression as he looked at the person he loved most. 

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