I don't trust her

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Noah heard a scream and knew that it was Cody. He started running and screaming, desperate to find Cody and make sure he was safe. "CODY!" he yelled, his voice cracking with worry and fear. "Where are you? Cody, are you okay!" Noah ran as fast as he could, following the sound of the scream. He had no idea what had happened to Cody, but he was afraid that something terrible might have happened. All he wanted was to find Cody safe and sound. Noah was running as fast as he could, desperately trying to find Cody, when Kitty called out to him. "Noah! Slow down!" But Noah didn't listen. He was too worried about Cody, and he didn't want to stop running. "Noah, what's wrong?" Emma asked when she and Owen arrived. Noah tried to catch his breath, tears streaming down his face. "Cody...something happened to Cody...I don't know where he is," he managed to say between sobs. Noah tried to calm down, but he was still overwhelmed with worry about Cody. What had happened to him? "We're all trying to look for him," Emma said, trying to be reassuring. "We'll find him, I'm sure. We just have to keep looking." Owen nodded and stepped forward. "Yeah, Noah, you don't need to worry. Cody will turn up eventually." Noah tried to take a deep breath, but he was still shaken up. "Please...find Cody," he said, struggling to keep his emotions in check. When everyone finally caught up, they all tried to calm Noah down. "Oh my days, string bean, I didn't know you could run that fast, Imma run outa breath!" Leshawna said, catching her breath. Noah nodded and tried to take some deep breaths, but he was still nervous, worried, and overwhelmed with emotion. "Okay, okay," he said, trying to stay calm. "I'm getting better now. We have to keep searching. Cody must be out here somewhere." While everyone was catching their breath, Bridgette realised that Geoff wasn't there. "Geoff! Babe? Where are you?" Bridgette called. She looked around for him, feeling increasingly anxious. Where could he be? Was he lost? Had he gotten separated from the group? "Geoff!" She called out again, her voice loud and desperate. "Please come out! I'm starting to feel scared! Geoff!"

Meanwhile, with Geoff, he was running with everyone until he noticed something in the moonlight. It was Sierra, and she was just standing there, staring at him in the moonlight. Geoff was confused, wondering why Sierra was there and what she was doing. "Sierra?" he called out. "Sierra, why are you still here? I thought you went back to school because of Cody." Sierra didn't respond. She just stood there, staring at Geoff with a strange, blank expression on her face. It was like she didn't even hear him. Geoff stared at Sierra for a moment, feeling increasingly uneasy. Something wasn't right here. He called out again, louder this time."Sierra, what are you doing here? Don't you think we should be looking for Cody?" Still, Sierra said nothing. She just stood there, her expression completely blank. It was like she was in a trance or something. "Uh...Sierra? Are you okay?" Geoff said, his anxiety growing. He took a step towards Sierra, trying to get her attention. "Oh, hi Geoff! I'm fine! How about we look for Cody-kins together?" Sierra said eagerly. Geoff was confused. He thought Sierra was supposed to be back at school, but now she wanted to look for Cody? What was going on? He hesitated for a moment, not sure what to think. "The more the merrier, I guess," he said finally, trying to put on a friendly tone despite his concerns. He decided to trust Sierra for now and hoped that they would find Cody together. Little did Geoff know, he was helping Sierra find Cody for her own selfish reasons. She wanted to have Cody all to herself and was willing to go to extreme lengths to make that happen. But Geoff was completely oblivious to Sierra's plans. He saw nothing suspicious about her behaviour and took her offer to join the search for Cody at face value. He was just happy to have Sierra's help in looking for Cody and hoped that they could find him soon. 

As Bridgette and the others retraced their steps, they all called out for Geoff or Cody. They hoped that they would find one of them soon. "Babe! Geoff, where are you?" Bridgette called out. Then, they heard something. A faint sound of footsteps, faint but unmistakable. Bridgette and the others looked at each other with a mix of excitement and anxiety. "Geoff!" Bridgette yelled. At that moment, Geoff appeared, and Bridgette ran toward him and hugged him tightly. Bridge gave Geoff a quick kiss and looked at Sierra as she tried to process the situation. What was Sierra doing with Geoff? Why was she there, instead of going back to school like Geoff had thought? "Babe, what are you doing with her?" Bridge asked, feeling concerned. She knew all about what Sierra had done to Cody before Sierra left, and she couldn't help but worry about what Sierra might be up to this time. "Oh, she said she's helping us find Cody, of course!" Geoff said, sounding happy and oblivious to any sinister intentions Sierra might have. Bridgette leaned in and quietly whispered into his ear. "Geoff, she's not what you think she is," she said, her voice tinged with worry. Geoff was confused by what Bridgette was trying to tell him. He didn't know what she meant by "she's not what you think she is." All he knew was that Sierra had claimed she wanted to help them find Cody, and he was just happy to have Sierra's help in finding Cody, not realising that Sierra had other intentions. "It's fine, Bridge," he said. "She's helping us look for Cody. That's all that matters." He wasn't going to let Sierra's past actions affect how he felt about her now. She was helping out with the search, and that was all that mattered. Besides, what had happened with Cody back at the cabin was in the past. Maybe Sierra had learned her lesson and wouldn't do anything like that again. "Babe I don't think we should trust her!" Bridge protested. "Come on, Bridge, we need more people to find Cody," Geoff said in defense of Sierra. Bridge was still uneasy, but she didn't want to cause a conflict or delay the search. So, she reluctantly agreed to continue with the search with Sierra as part of the team. Just as they were about to continue their search, a loud noise was heard nearby. They fell silent, trying to figure out what it was. 

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