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The story (explaining some bits)

-In the middle of the story I will add camp Wanakawa(the place they stayed in season one)

-In the start Noah will dislike Cody but they become friends later

-There will be SH and some gore in it

-Cody will start to realises that he likes Noah but Noah doesn't know about his sexuality

-Emma will slowly realise that she likes girls (Ima just make a random character for this)

-Cody will realise that he doesn't like Gwen and they start becoming friends

-Noah will be mean at the start

-Cody just moved in the story that why his house is empty

Characters / My canon in the story

Noah- One of the main characters, so called nerd ,dating Emma (for now) ,extremely smart, sarcastic, intelligent, cynical, pessimistic, hates any kind of sport, loves reading

Cody- The other main characters, gets bullied, self called ladies man, has a huge crush on Gwen(for now), smart, flirtatious, loves music and gaming 

Owen- Noah's best friend, friendly, open with things, dumb, likeable, dating Izzy, love-able, food

Izzy- Owen's girlfriend, crazy, joyful, tries to be helpful, wild, athletic, somewhat smart (if she hits her head on something)

Gwen-Cody's crush(becomes one of Cody's best friends), goth , so called "boyfriend kisser" by Courtney, dating Trent, kind, funny, smart

Courtney- smart, successful, mean(I WONT MAKE HER VERY MEAN), crazy(not as crazy as izzy), dating Duncan ,I AM A C.I.T, uptight

Duncan- Cody's bully, dating Courtney, kissed Gwen, been to jail a lot, mean, smart-ish

Emma- Noah's girlfriend, nice to some people(I PROMISE I WON'T MAKE HER MEAN) , smart, successful

Trent- Gwen's boyfriend, Cody's friend from music, chill, nice, handsome, smart, loves the number nine

Lindsey-Dumb blonde, pretty, not that smart, dating Tyler, not good with names, love-able, sweet, caring

Tyler- Dating Lindsey, very clumsy, so called jock, dumb, nice, friendly, a bit dumb, very loyal

Sadie- The other half of Katie, nice, sometimes annoying when with Katie

Katie- The other half of Sadie, likes D.J, sometimes annoying when with Sadie

Eva- Noah's friend, anger issues, mean, hate-able, can be nice to some people

Geoff- Party guy, nice, dating Bridgette, can get over the top, loves partying and Bridgette,

Bridgette- Surfer girl, nice, caring, loves the ocean, understanding

LeShawnna- Lovable, nice, popular, loved by all (excepted Heather), very funny, confident 

Beth- Nerd, very nice, smart-ish, caring towards others, sometimes selfish, has a massive crush on Justin but has a boyfriend

Heather- Cody's friend (sees her as a sister), mean, smart, dating Alejandro, manipulative, rich, wants everything

Harold- Cody's friend from music, smart, very silly (the silliest), nice with everyone, loyal, dating LeShawnna,

DJ- Loved by all, animal lover, kind, sweet, smart-ish, likes Katie

Justin- Cody's friend from music, popular, handsome, not that smart, very funny, not dating anyone(not yet maybe), flirty, gay

Alejandro- Popular kid, manipulative, somewhat nice, very smart, dating Heather, handsome

Sierra- Cody's stalker(for now), one of Cody's best friends(later in the book), nice-ish, passionate, kinda creepy, possessive 

Ships :D

-Noah x Cody (obvi)

-Courtney x Dunncan

-Lindsey x Tyler (I love them)

-Heather x Alejandro

-LeShawnna x Harold (silliest)

-Gwen x Trent

-Trent x Justin (maybe)

-Owen x Izzy

-Geoff x Bridgette

-Emma x Noah (for like a few chapters)

-Katie x D.J (babies)

-Gwen x Duncan..........................

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