Leave me alone!

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Just as they were about to continue their search, a loud noise was heard nearby. The group fell silent, listening carefully and trying to figure out what the noise was. They heard it again, this time more clearly. It sounded like a muffled scream. As they listened intently, they heard another scream. Suddenly, they spotted someone in the brush, struggling to escape. "Cody!" Geoff yelled out. "It's Cody!" They ran over to the scene, desperately trying to help Cody. "OMG Cody! Are you okay!" Heather cried, hugging him tightly. Cody was struggling to get away from whoever was attacking him. He was struggling for air, trying to catch his breath. He was covered in blood, and he was starting to lose consciousness. Noah and Heather were shocked by the sight of Cody in such a state and tried to help him. They quickly called out to the others for help as they tried to get Cody to safety. When Heather let go of Cody, she asked him. "What happened! Are you okay?" Cody tried to talk but he saw Sierra smiling creepily behind his big sister. He pointed at Sierra and said quietly, "Her." Heather looked at Sierra with confusion and concern. What had she done to Cody? Sierra continued to stand there, smiling, as if she hadn't just attacked Cody. "What did you do to Cody?" Heather asked, trying to stay calm and get some answers from Sierra. Sierra continued to smile. "I did nothing!" She lied. "I know you're lying, Cody would never lie to me!" Heather yelled aggressively. Cody was too dazed to say anything. All he could do was try to struggle weakly to get away from Sierra. If he could just get away from Sierra, maybe he could get help, and the others could rescue him. But Sierra was standing in the way, smiling at him in a creepy way, as if she had done nothing wrong. Sierra looked at Heather as she yelled. "Tell me! What did you do to Cody?" Sierra's smile remained on her face, and she didn't seem to be affected by Heather's anger at all. Geoff stepped between the two of them. "Hey, hey," he said. "Calm down, Heather, okay? We don't know what happened." "Oh, I think we have a pretty good idea what happened here, Geoff," Bridgette said, stepping up next to Heather. "Sierra, why don't you back off?" Sierra looked at the others and laughed. "You guys are so dramatic!" No one found it funny. "Look, all I want is Cody!" she said, her smile growing even wider. Sierra was beginning to look more and more unhinged. She seemed completely fixated on Cody, and she didn't seem to care how she got him, or who she hurt in the process. The others looked at each other, stunned by Sierra's behaviour. It was clear that she really, really wanted Cody, and she didn't seem to care how she got him. She was acting like a desperate, crazed stalker, and it was becoming increasingly disturbing. The group was unsure of how to handle the situation. They knew that Sierra was obsessed with Cody, but they had no idea just how far she might go to get him. And now, Cody was hurt and incapacitated. What are they going to do now.  Sierra started walking towards Cody, forcibly shoving everyone out of her way. When it was just Heather, Sierra tried to push her out of the way. But Heather wouldn't be pushed around. She punched back hard, sending Sierra stumbling to the ground. The rest of the group was shocked. They had never seen Heather lose her temper like this before. But they couldn't blame her. Sierra had been acting like a crazed stalker, and she clearly wasn't going to stop until she got Cody. They had to find a way to stop her. "Get away from us, you freak!" Heather yelled, filled with growing anger. Sierra laughed and pushed her to the ground. Heather was stunned by her actions. This was a side of Sierra that she had never seen before, and it was becoming increasingly worrying. It was clear that Sierra was becoming increasingly desperate to get Cody, and she would do anything to get him, even if it meant hurting her own friends. "It's just us, Cody-kins! Nothing can stop us from being together forever!" Sierra smiled. Cody tried to scream and run away, but Sierra was too strong. His bleeding leg didn't help either. Sierra didn't care about his injury, though. She had one goal in mind and nothing else mattered, even if it meant hurting Cody. The others watched with growing fear as Cody tried to escape Sierra's ruthless grip. They didn't want to hurt or subdue Sierra, but they knew they had to do something to help Cody. Finally, after watching all of this happen, Noah ran over and took Cody away from Sierra. He started running back towards camp, with Sierra in hot pursuit. She didn't know what they were doing, but she wasn't going to let them take Cody away from her. Heather, Bridgette, Geoff, and the others ran after them, struggling to keep up. They couldn't let Sierra get Cody again. They had to get Cody to safety, no matter what it took. When Cody and Noah finally made it back to camp, they immediately went to Chris, the principal. "We need help!" Noah gasped. "Sierra, she took Cody!" "Sierra?" Chris asked, trying to process what Noah was telling them. "We need to do something!" Heather said urgently. Bridgette and the others echoed her words, all of them looking worried and anxious. Chris looked at all of them and then turned his attention back to Cody. "Did she...hurt you, Cody?" Cody shook his head slowly. "No, she didn't hurt me, but she was going to! She didn't...didn't even care about my leg, Chris! She just wanted to take me away from everyone else so that we could be alone." He looked at Chris, his face contorted with fear and disgust. "I don't want to be alone with Sierra! She...she's obsessed with me or something! She's not...not normal." Chris looked at Cody and his friends with concern and sadness. He knew that Cody was telling the truth, that Sierra was obsessed with him in a disturbing way. He had seen it with his own eyes. He just didn't know what to do about it. Heather spoke up, trying to come up with a plan. "Chris, we can't let Sierra get to Cody. She was going to hurt him, we all saw it. We have to do something, we have to protect him!" As Chris was talking to Cody and the others, Sierra was just a few feet away from them. "Hey Cody!" she called out happily. "You can never run from me! I'll always love you!" Cody jumped at the sound of Sierra's voice. He didn't want to hear her voice, not after what had happened. But he couldn't escape it. It was as if Sierra was following him. Chris looked at Sierra, concerned. "Sierra," he said quietly. "Leave Cody alone." Cody quickly ran into Noah's arms and hugged him, trying to hide from Sierra. "Cody~ Come on~ Don't be such a baby!" Sierra taunted. Cody was scared, and he just wanted to hide behind Noah and stay there. He didn't want to be with Sierra, but he didn't think he had a choice. Sierra was relentless, and she was starting to get aggressive. She wasn't going to stop until she got what she wanted: Cody. Sierra stepped closer to Noah and Cody. "Cody, you can never hide," she said. "I'll always be there with you!" "Leave me alone!" Cody screamed. "No!" Sierra said, sounding more aggressive. "You belong to me! Me and me only! I won't let anyone else have you!" Cody was scared. He didn't want to be with Sierra, and he didn't know what to do. He was starting to feel like he really was stuck with Sierra, no matter how hard he tried to escape her. "Cody, you belong with me forever and ever!" Sierra said. "You're my future husband to be~!" Cody was horrified. He didn't want to be Sierra's husband, he didn't want to be with Sierra at all. But Sierra refused to listen. Sierra was obsessed with Cody to the point where she was becoming increasingly delusional and deranged. She didn't care about what Cody actually wanted or felt. All she wanted was to have him and nothing else mattered to her. Cody was quickly trying to think of a way to keep Sierra away from him. He wanted to do something, anything, that could hurt her and make her leave him alone. Then he thought of something. "Noah!" he yelled. "Kiss me!" "What?" Noah yelled back, blushing. "I don't think it's a good idea!" Cody was desperate. He knew that Sierra would never accept him being with Noah. If he could just convince Noah to kiss him, Sierra might finally leave him alone. "Noah, please!" Cody pleaded. "Sierra would leave us alone!" Noah was hesitant. He did want to kiss Cody, but he was worried that it might ruin their friendship. Plus, he didn't want to take advantage of Cody just to get Sierra off his back. Cody was desperate. He knew that Sierra would never give up unless he could convince Noah to kiss him. He had to find a way to convince Noah, no matter what.

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