The news

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 Everyone was at the hospital waiting for the nurse. Heather, Gwen, Noah, and Owen were still crying and while they were waiting, they were all talking about the memories they had with Cody, like the sleepover and other fun moments. They were trying to find some humour in the situation and everyone started laughing at Noah, who also started to calm down and feel better. The mood in the room was one of both sadness and relief as they waited for the nurse to arrive with an update on Cody's condition. Izzy tried to lighten the mood by pulling out some photos that she had taken of Noah and Cody cuddling. Everyone started laughing and smiling and Heather even began to tease Noah about how much he "loved" Cody. Izzy was trying to use humour to deflect from the tension and worry that was still present even in their laughter. Gwen also wanted to share a more positive memory with the group. She told everyone how Cody had helped her and Trent get together. She had been trying to find a way to introduce herself to Trent and Cody had brought them together for a group project. It had been awkward and uncomfortable at first, but Cody had helped break the ice between Gwen and Trent, and eventually they had become friends and then started dating. Gwen was thankful for Cody's help and she wanted everyone to remember that about him as well. Justin, Harold, and Trent told everyone how Cody made them into their little group. They talked about how Cody's joyful personality had brought them together as a group and they had grown to feel like he was part of their family. Heather wanted to remind everyone of how she and Cody had become friends. She had been struggling to fit in during the first few weeks of drama class, but Cody had noticed how alone and isolated she felt. Cody had decided to reach out to Heather and make an effort to get to know her. He had helped her to integrate into the group and make some friends, and that's how she and Cody had formed their close bond. Heather felt grateful for Cody's kindness and generosity in helping her fit in and make friends at drama class.Everyone was sharing their fond memories and meaningful moments with Cody, and the mood in the waiting room was one of happiness and relief, as they were all glad to have Cody as their friend. As they waited for the nurse to bring an update about Cody's condition, the group was feeling optimistic and grateful for the bond they had formed with Cody and the memories they had made along the way. It was a difficult moment, but they knew that they were stronger together and they were looking forward to Cody's full recovery and return home.

As the group was sharing their memories and chatting with each other, the nurse finally arrived and announced that Cody was alive but in a small coma right now. The group was both relieved and concerned, as they didn't know when Cody would wake up and what the long-term effects of his injuries would be. They all thought that Cody meant a lot to them and they were worried about his condition. They knew that they would stay by his side and support him throughout this difficult time and they hoped that he would make a full recovery.

Two weeks had passed since Cody had been in the hospital, and everyday after school, Heather, Gwen, Noah, and sometimes Owen and Izzy would visit Cody and talk about their day. Courtney and Emma would go to the police and try to help Cody with his parents, and when they were finished, they would visit Cody and tell him about it, even though they weren't sure if he could hear them. They wanted to do what they could to support Cody and hopefully help him to get through this difficult time. One day Noah walked into the room to visit Cody after school and was overwhelmed when he saw that Cody was awake and sitting in bed watching TV. Noah started crying and laughing as he embraced Cody and told him that he was an idiot for worrying him so much. Noah was so relieved that Cody was awake and doing better, and he couldn't believe how close he had come to losing him. They both cried and laughed and it was a very emotional and special moment. And they both agreed that they would never let something like this happen again. Gwen and Heather barged into the room, still talking about their teacher and didn't see that Cody was awake. Meanwhile, Noah and Cody were watching this all unfold from the bed and laughing as they shared a special moment together. Finally, Gwen and Heather noticed that Cody was awake and they were both so happy they started crying and laughing and rushed to give him a big hug. It was a sweet and funny moment as everyone bonded and celebrated Cody's return. Heather called everyone who had been trying to find Cody the other night, telling them that he was awake and that they could all come and visit him. Everyone came as fast as they could and when they saw Cody, they were so happy to see him awake and recovering that they began celebrating and sharing in his joy. It was a special and triumphant moment as everyone came together to support and care for Cody. Their journey to find Cody and their worry over his health were all worth it because in the end, Cody was awake and everyone could rejoice in his recovery. As Cody was saying hi to everyone, Noah stayed by his side, holding his hand. Cody could feel a happy, warm feeling, but he didn't know what it was. It was as if something about Noah was attracting him and he felt good just being in his presence. Cody could feel a special connection with Noah and he wanted to spend more time with him and get to know him even better. He had a feeling that Noah could be someone important in his life and he didn't want to let that chance slip away.

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