The announcement

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When Cody and Noah arrived at school the next morning, the group was all gathered together and they were all laughing and joking. Cody and Noah didn't know what they were laughing about, so they joined the group and asked them what was so funny. The group immediately turned their attention towards Cody and Noah and asked them what they were doing together the night before. Cody and Noah were caught off guard and they quickly tried to explain themselves, but the more they tried to explain, the more the group teased them for their closeness. Emma and Courtney approached them from behind and asked what all the talking was about. They had heard some of the jokes, so they wanted to know what happened the night before. Cody and Noah tried to explain, but Emma and Courtney just teased them even more. They thought it was funny and embarrassing that Cody and Noah had spent the night cuddling together. Everyone joined in on the teasing, and Cody and Noah were completely overwhelmed by all the attention. They tried to defend themselves, but the more they tried, the worse the teasing became. As everyone continued to tease Cody and Noah, Emma couldn't help but think about her relationship with Noah. She had also noticed that Noah seemed to have a growing interest in Cody. She wondered if Noah had feelings For Cody, even though they were in a relationship together. She couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable and unsure about what to do. She wasn't sure how to handle the situation and she felt a little jealous of Cody. But she wasn't going to let that get in the way of her relationship with Noah. 

The bell rang and everyone scattered for class. Emma and Noah both had the same class together, so they met up at their seats. As they settled in for class, Emma looked over at Noah and asked about his relationship with Cody. She wanted to know if there was anything going on and how he felt about it all. Noah assured her that they were just friends and that he was completely loyal to her, but she could sense that there was more to the story than Noah was telling. She wanted to put her mind at ease, but she felt like something was still off. Emma looked at Noah intently and said, "Hey, Noah, you can tell me anything, you know that, right?" Noah felt a little overwhelmed by Emma's intense stare but he nodded and said, "Yes, of course." He didn't have a secret that he wanted to keep from Emma and he didn't want her to worry. But Emma could sense that there was something going on and she wanted Noah to be honest with her. She insisted that he tell her what was going on, but Noah brushed her off and tried to convince her that nothing was happening.

After class, the speaker rang and said, "Everyone please come to the hall for a quick announcement." Everyone was confused about what was happening, but they all headed to the hall to hear what the announcement was going to be. As they arrived in the hall, everyone was silent and waiting to hear what the announcement was about. Everyone's minds were racing and they were wondering what it could be. Could it be something bad or good? And what would it mean for the rest of the school year? Everyone was anticipating the announcement and they were excited to hear what the news was. Noah spotted Cody, Gwen, Trent, and Heather together in the hall. They were all sitting next to each other and talking amongst themselves. When the rest of the group spotted them, they went over to check in with them and see what the announcement was about. Everyone was confused and they didn't know what to expect from the announcement. "Hello, can I have everyone's attention please?" Someone on the stage said. "You all may be wondering what's happening, well, 26 of you lucky students will be going to Canada for a trip! You'll be staying at this camp for 8 weeks, it's called Camp Wawankawa. You'll all be doing challenges, games, and a whole bunch more, and you'll be looked after by Chris Mclean!" The students were all surprised and excited at the prospect of going on a trip and spending time at a camp.  Everyone in the hall was surprised and they whispered to each other. Noah immediately turned to Cody and whispered, "I honestly don't really wanna go, it seems boring." Cody shrugged and replied, "I think it seems fun and there's a low chance that you might get in, there's like over 1000 kids in our school and only 26 can go." The two of them debated about the trip, whether it was worth going or not. They weighed their options and thought about whether or not it would be good to go on the trip. Noah could tell that Cody really wanted to go on the trip, but Noah himself didn't really like doing outdoor activities or stuff like that. But, since Cody wanted to go, Noah didn't want to make him upset, so he agreed that it would kind of be fun if Cody was there with him or Owen. He thought that it would make the trip a little more enjoyable for him, if the people he liked would be there. And, he wouldn't have to worry about being bored or having a bad time with Cody and Owen there to help him have more fun if they get picked. The person on the microphone talked again and said, "Everyone please settle down. I'll start reading the list of people that would go." And so he went on to read the list. Noah wasn't paying attention and didn't even notice that Gwen and Trent were shaking and smiling so hard and looking at everyone else in the group. It never occurred to Noah that he and the rest of the group would be able to go on the trip as well. He was completely surprised and shocked when he found out that Gwen and Trent weren't the only ones who were selected for the trip. The list continues and named Lindsey from his biology class, Katie and Sadie, the annoying duo, and of course, Cody! Noah was completely shocked and hugged him in excitement and pride. "Good job, dude!" The list goes on to the very end. The final name to be called was Noah!? No one in the group was expecting all of them to be selected for the trip. The news was met with a mix reaction, shock, excitement, and disbelief from everyone. But nonetheless, everyone was excited for the trip and for the fun that they would have together. Cody went to congratulate Noah on their amazing accomplishment and give him a hug, but Heather grabbed Cody and hugged him tight. As Noah started to talk to Emma about their success, Emma ran towards him. She hugged him tightly and said, "Hey, Noah, we both made it!" Emma squealed in delight and kissed Noah on his lips. Noah was surprised by Emma's sudden display of affection, but he was also happy that they were able to get in. They would be able to go on the trip together and that made Noah's day much more exciting. 

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