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Cody and Kitty decided to go and find Sierra together and ask her what was wrong with her behaviour for stalking Cody and trying to ruin Emma and Noah. As they walked around, they finally spotted Sierra and they approached her to confront her. They demanded to know why she had been so interested in Cody and why she was trying to get in between Noah and Emma. Sierra denied all accusations and said that she was only trying to be Cody's friend and nothing more. She didn't know that Cody and Emma had always been a couple. Cody and Kitty didn't believe her lies though. Sierra continued to say that she had been watching Cody sleep at night and observing what he ate in the morning. She was obsessed with him and couldn't stop herself from watching his every movement. Cody was feeling very uncomfortable and was glad to have Kitty's support. Kitty hugged him and consoled him, telling him that everything was going to be alright and they would figure things out. She didn't want Cody to feel overwhelmed but she also wanted to make sure he knew how dangerous and concerning Sierra's obsession with him had become.

After Sierra confessed to watching Cody sleep and studying his habits, Cody and Kitty left to go find the adults and tell them everything that she had said. They arrived in the office and broke the news to Chris, Chef, and the rest of the staff who were shocked to hear all the strange details about Sierra's obsession with Cody. Chris then came over to the loudspeaker and announced that Sierra had been removed from the camp for her inappropriate behaviour. Cody and Kitty watched as Sierra packed up her things and left the island. They both felt relieved and glad that the situation seemed to be resolved. As everyone listened to the speakers, they all crowded around Kitty and Cody and asked what had happened. They both explained what Sierra had confessed about watching Cody sleep and studying his habits. Everyone in the group was shocked and horrified to hear that Sierra was acting in such an obsessive and creepy way. They were all glad that the situation had been resolved and that Sierra had been removed from the camp for her inappropriate behaviour. Overall, the entire group felt relieved that the issue was being addressed and that Sierra's behaviour had been taken seriously. Heather was relieved that her "brother" was okay but Noah was horrified. He had just heard that his own best friend had been stalked by a girl who he thought they could trust. This same girl had tried to ruin his relationship with his girlfriend and he hadn't done anything to stop her. He felt guilt and regret for not realising what Sierra had been doing and for not trying to protect his friends from Sierra. He knew that she had a crush on him and he should've been more careful with how he interacted with her.  As Noah thought about it more and more, he realise that he had been neglecting Emma and not being the best boyfriend to her. Emma was the most beautiful and perfect girl for him, but he wasn't the "dream boy" she deserved. He had hurt her multiple times without even realising it, just by hanging out with Cody all the time. He felt guilty for not realising what he was doing sooner and he realised that he had been so focused on Cody that he wasn't paying attention to his own relationship with Emma. Noah loved Emma, but there was something about Cody that just felt right to him. He didn't know what this feeling was. Was it love? No, Noah liked Emma, right? But he was starting to question these feelings. He felt so comfortable around Cody and he had never felt this way before. He wanted to explore these feelings more but he didn't want to hurt Emma. He was confused and conflicted about what he should do.

Bridgette saw Noah lost in his thoughts and she went up to him and asked, "Hey Noah, how you doing? Are you okay? You don't look good." Noah looked up to see Bridgette and he said, "Hey Bridge, can I talk to you?" Bridgette was confused at first but she could see in his eyes that it was important. She said, "Yeah sure anything!" Noah took her to a private place and started telling her how he felt about Cody. He said that he didn't know what to do and he was confused. Noah began to cry and panicked while he talked to Bridgette. Bridgette hugged him tightly and she comforted him while he cried into her arms. "There there it's okay," she said calmly. "Calm down, Noah." She knew it wasn't easy for him to open up about his feelings, but she wanted to be there for him and support him. She was happy that Noah felt comfortable enough to be vulnerable with her, and she knew it was important for him to have someone to talk to. After Noah calmed down, Bridgette tried to explain what she thought he might be feeling. She asked Noah, "Noah, how do you feel when you're around Emma?" Noah replied, "I-I feel happy, safe, loved." Next, Bridgette asked, "Okay now how do you feel when you're around Cody?" Noah thought about it for a while then spoke. "Happy ,appreciated, safe, cared for, lo-loved...? I don't know at this point!" Bridgette nodded in understanding. Noah kept thinking about the different emotional responses that he had experienced with Emma and with Cody. Bridgette waited patiently as Noah kept thinking. Finally, he said, "I feel comfortable around Cody. I feel loved around Cody... but I'm so confused." He couldn't understand what he was feeling and he didn't want to hurt Emma, but he also didn't want to ignore the way he was feeling about Cody. He felt torn between them and he didn't know what to do. 

Meanwhile, Geoff was casually following behind to see what Bridgette and Noah were talking about. He heard everything. Noah likes Cody? But he also likes Emma? After Noah stopped talking and went to hug Bridgette , Geoff went off to tell Heather and Kitty who were nearby. "HE SAID WHAT NOW?!" Kitty yelled in disbelief. Geoff repeated everything that Noah had said and explained the situation to Heather and Kitty. They were both stunned to hear what Noah had said and they weren't sure how to deal with this information. "OMG, I'm going to fight that nerd when I find him!" Kitty said in anger. "Wait, Noah and Emma aren't in the mood for this right now," Heather and Geoff both said at the same time. "How about we watch and see what Noah will do," they agreed. "And maybe that will be better," they added. They wanted to see what Noah was going to do and they hoped that his actions would clear up the confusion between him, Emma, and Cody.

Noah and Bridgette went back to the group after their talk. Bridgette told Noah that he needed to tell Emma how he felt and that he should start thinking about himself first. She also advised him to tell Emma about the Cody situation. Noah agreed that it was the right thing to do and he was determined to follow Bridgette's advice. He knew he had to be honest with Emma but he wasn't looking forward to their conversation. It was going to be a difficult discussion...

Noah went to Emma's cabin that night. "Hey Emma can I talk to you? It's about us..", he said. As soon as Emma heard him say that, her heart sank. She knew that he had some bad news to deliver. She tried pulling a fake smile but her tears were already there, ready to fall. She opened the door and let Noah inside. "Come in," she said, her voice shaky with sadness. She didn't know what to expect from Noah, but she knew that their conversation wasn't going to be easy.

Noah entered and Emma led him into her cabin. She shut the door and they both took a moment to compose themselves. Noah gathered his thoughts and he was ready to tell Emma the truth. "Emma, I need to tell you something." Emma was about to say something but Noah continued, "I've been confused and conflicted about everything lately. I have feelings for someone else and I've realised that I need to be honest with you." Emma listened in shock as Noah continued. "I like Cody. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to hurt you but I can't keep it from you any longer. You deserve to know the truth." Emma was speechless. She didn't know what to say or do. She had never expected this to happen and she was struggling to accept the reality of the situation.

"Oh Noah..." Emma started crying. Noah quickly went over to comfort her, but Emma was a mess and he wasn't sure how to handle it. "Noah, I'm sorry that I wasn't better." Noah shook his head. "NO no you were everything to me I just don't know anymore!" "I will always love you Noah, but if you like Cody I will support you no matter what you know!" Emma cried even harder and Noah embraced her tightly, desperately trying to comfort her but not knowing what to do. Noah embraced Emma tightly and she continued to cry into his shoulder. He didn't know how to handle the situation either and he just wanted to comfort her but he didn't know what to say. Emma cried even harder. "I thought you were the one for me, Noah," she sobbed. "I thought we could be together forever." Noah hugged her tight and he too was very emotional. "Emma, I'm so sorry, I can't help how I feel, I tried to bury these feelings and be with you but I couldn't, I'm so sorry."  Emma was still sobbing and Noah was trying his best to comfort her and figure out how to make the situation better, but he was also lost in his own thoughts. Emma continued to cry and didn't want to face Noah anymore. She couldn't believe what was happening and she felt extremely hurt. She knew this meant that their relationship was over and she was grieving it.

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