Making Friends

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Two weeks had passed since their meeting in the hallway, and Cody and Noah had become good friends. While Noah was still being sarcastic and mean, it was now more in a teasing and joking way, rather than a hostile and cruel way. In fact, Noah was actually starting to be more and more comfortable around Cody, and had even started to open up to him about his personal life and experiences. How Noah has a lot of siblings and how he loves books. Although there was still some awkwardness between them, it was a huge step forward in their relationship and a major improvement. Cody was glad that he hadn't given up on Noah.

As the new semester continued, Cody decided to try out a new class, Music. He was surprised to find out that he had made a few friends in the class, including Trent, Harold, and Justin.Trent was a relaxed and easygoing guy with a natural talent for guitar. Harold was an awkward and nerdy guy who was passionate about music. And Justin was an extremely good-looking guy who had mastered the art of using his looks to his advantage. Despite their differences, Cody enjoyed hanging out with his new friends, and found himself growing more comfortable and confident in their presence.

It was a night before school, and Cody and his friends Owen, Izzy, Eva, and Noah were at a sleepover at Noah's house. They had been having a great time playing music and games all night, but there was no fighting or arguing. They all got along well and had a lot of fun together. As everyone was settling down for sleep, Cody and Noah stayed up a little longer and talked some more until it was 3am. When they finally fell asleep, Izzy took a cute photo of them cuddling together. When they woke up the next morning, Izzy showed them the cute photo of Cody and Noah cuddling together during their sleep. The friends laughed and teased them again, and they all went downstairs to eat breakfast together. After the early morning meal, they headed over to school. Cody and Noah hung out together and continued being friends, but now Cody couldn't help but wonder how Noah felt about the cuddle picture. He was embarrassed that Izzy had made such a big deal out of it, but he couldn't stop thinking about the way Noah's body had felt against his.

sorry for short chapter

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