Welcome back

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It had been one week since Cody woke up and today was the day he could finally go outside. He was still getting his bearings and adjusting to being back in the world. But he was excited to see his friends and spend some time in nature. He wanted to take a simple walk and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. He was grateful to be healthy and out of the hospital. He was ready to see the world and appreciate his life. Heather also offered Cody the chance to stay at her house for as long as he wanted. She said that he could come stay with her and her family and they would take care of him while he recovered. Cody was touched by Heather's generosity and he accepted the offer. He was eager to start living again and he felt like staying with Heather and her family would help him transition back into the world more gradually.

Cody had just returned to school and everyone was staring at him. It was a little awkward and uncomfortable for him at first, but Heather didn't let it bother her. Whenever anyone stared at Cody or tried to talk to him, she stepped in and said to leave him alone. She protected Cody from the attention and made sure that he was comfortable. Cody was grateful to have Heather defending him and helping him ease back into the school environment at his own pace. Cody was getting his stuff from his locker when he suddenly felt someone hug him from behind. He turned around to see Izzy smiling at him. "Hi, Cody! We've missed you so much, especially Noah" she teased as she gestured to a blushing Noah standing beside her. Noah was embarrassed at being caught, but it was all in fun and the others laughed and teased him for the blush. Izzy was teasing Noah and everyone was having a light moment as they welcomed Cody back with open arms and lots of hugs.

At lunch, everyone was outside and they were walking around. Eventually, Noah had the idea of breaking away from the group and talking to Cody alone. "Wanna go somewhere quiet?" Noah suggested. "And you can tell me all about how you missed me so much and what you missed in chemistry." He was teasing Cody and wanted to catch up with him without the distraction of the main group. Cody was surprised and a little embarrassed, but he was happy to spend some time alone with Noah so they could catch up and talk together. They found a quiet tree to sit down under and Cody followed. Izzy turned around and caught them and said "watcha two lovebirds talking about?" This caught Cody and Noah off-guard, but they quickly recovered. Noah chuckled and said that they were just talking about how excited they were to have Cody back at school. Behind Izzy, the rest of the group had all gathered and they began teasing Noah about how much he had missed Cody and how he wanted to steal him away from the rest of them. Everyone found it hilarious and they kept the teasing going, making Noah more and more embarrassed. Cody played along and said that he wanted to spend time alone with Noah, just to tease him even more. This caused Noah to blush bright red and he hid his face on Cody's shoulder. The group laughed again and everyone continued to enjoy this lighthearted moment of teasing and silliness. Whilst everyone was laughing and enjoying the moment, Courtney and Emma's phones both vibrated and they checked the texts. Everyone notices and Cody asks them what the texts are. They show the messages to the group and everyone gets a serious face. The messages are from the police, saying that they have found something about Cody's parents. Everyone is shocked and concerned, and they wonder what else is going on surrounding Cody's family situation. This puts a damper on the light-hearted atmosphere and they all begin talking about what they can do to help Cody. The message from the police continues, saying that they had found family pictures of Cody and his parents in the abandoned cottage. It had been abandoned for a long time, but the pictures were still in good condition and they could clearly see Cody and his parents in the photos. Cody began reading the message and started having a panic attack. Everyone gathered around Cody and tried to comfort him, but he was clearly shaken. The group was shocked to hear that the cottage was abandoned and it raised even more questions about Cody's family and their current situation. No one knew how to comfort Cody at the moment, so they all decided to call Heather. They knew that she was on the other side of the school and that she would come as soon as possible. While they waited, they did their best to support Cody and remind him that they were there for him. They wanted to ensure that he knew that he wasn't alone in this situation. Heather finally arrived and everyone let her take over. She knew exactly how to comfort Cody and she helped him to calm down and process the information. Cody did not calm down at the moment and he pushed Heather away. Cody then stood up and pushed everyone away as they tried to comfort him. He walked to '

Noah hugged him tightly, crying and seeking comfort. Noah understood what Cody was going through and he held him closely, reassuring Cody that he was there for him. Cody felt safe with Noah and he was grateful to have a friend like him in this difficult time. While this was happening Heather was speaking. "Courtney and Emma! Why did you show that message? You know he's been through a lot already! And why call me from the other side of the school when Noah was here?" The friends argued, unaware that Cody was listening. But he was, and the arguing and talking about his family situation was making him cry even harder. He was suddenly overwhelmed by his emotions and memories that were brought back to the surface, and he was reminded of how much he had lost and how much struggle he had faced already in his life.

At the end of the day, it was just Cody, Noah, and Gwen. Cody asked if he and Gwen could stay at Noah's house and they all agreed. They needed a break from school and the drama associated with Cody's family situation so they wanted to go somewhere where they could relax and forget about all the stress for a while. They made their way to Noah's house together and prepared to spend the night and have a fun and relaxing evening. Everyone was feeling bored, so they decided to watch a horror movie. Cody wasn't a fan of horror movies, but he didn't want to ruin the moment so he never spoke up. As the movie was playing, Cody got a little closer to Gwen and Noah on the couch, scared from the jumpscares in the movie. The others were also feeling nervous from the scary scenes, but Cody was more sensitive to the horror elements. As the movie continued, Cody had to get even closer to Noah, and Noah could sense Cody's increased closeness. Cody was scared and tense, so he naturally sought comfort from Noah. Noah felt an emotional connection with Cody and he put his arm around Cody's shoulder to comfort him and help him feel safe. Soon after the movie ended, Cody was awoken by the sensation of Noah cuddling him. Noah fell asleep in his sleep and he started cuddling Cody without knowing what he was doing. He was still asleep and he was unaware of what was happening. Cody didn't want to wake Noah up, so he decided to leave things as they were and not move. Cody liked the feeling of Noah cuddling him, even though he felt embarrassed that they were in that position. He wanted to wait for Noah to wake up, but he didn't want to ruin Noah's sleep. Cody didn't know how to handle the situation, so he decided to let things be for a while and enjoy the feeling of being held by Noah. He hoped that Noah would wake up soon, but he wanted to keep Noah comfortable and let him enjoy his sleep. After Cody and Noah had fallen asleep in each other's arms, a few minutes later Gwen took some photos of them and sent them to a group chat with all of her friends. She knew that the photos would be scandalous, but she thought that it would be humorous and she wanted to show her friends what was happening. The group chat was buzzing with excitement and surprise, and the photos quickly became the topic of conversation. Gwen tried to keep it a secret, but it was hard to contain such a juicy piece of gossip. In the group chat, the group was talking about how cute Cody and Noah were together. Many of the group members think that Cody and Noah have the biggest crush on each other but don't know it yet, and they found it hilariously cute. They teased Noah and called him "the most gayest person they knew, but has a girlfriend". Gwen felt a little guilty for sharing the photos, but they were all having such a fun time teasing and joking with each other. Noah didn't know about the group chat and he was blissfully unaware of all the teasing surrounding him and Cody.

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