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Justin hung his head and admitted that he didn't have a choice. But he knew there was someone who could help the situation. "Wait a second," Justin said excitedly. "I know someone who could help us out here." Courtney looked up in surprise, wondering who Justin could be talking about. "Really? Who do you mean?" she asked. "It's someone who knows all about convincing Noah to do something," Justin replied, a sly smile on his face. Everyone was looking at Justin in anticipation. Who could know all about convincing Noah to do something? Courtney wondered who it could be. "Remember that one time Noah was being really stubborn about going to the movies with us?" Justin said, a sly smile on his face. "Who was it that finally convinced him to come with us?" "Oh my god, you're right!" Gwen said, remembering who it was that convinced Noah to go. "It was Emma!" she said, with a delighted expression on her face. "Hey, Justin, you're a genius!" When Justin mentioned Emma, everyone instantly turned to look at her with anticipation in their eyes. "Emma, help us out here," Courtney pleaded. Emma looked up at them, a little surprised. "Me? Help you with what?" "Convince Noah to go to the lake and meet Cody," Justin explained. "It's part of our plan to help the two of them get together. Please, Emma, we need your help." While everyone was pleading to Emma, Cody walked into the room. "Hey, guys, where's Noah?" he casually asked. Everyone turned to look at Cody, surprised that he had walked in on their conversation. "Ummm, we, uh, we need Noah to come with us somewhere," Justin explained. "But you see, he's being really stubborn for some reason." Cody looked confused at first, then it dawned on him that they were all trying to convince Noah to go somewhere with them. "What about the plan? We need Noah!" yelled Cody, frustrated that Noah was not present. "How am I supposed to confess when he's not even here?" Everyone remained silent for a moment, not knowing how to respond. The plan had been ruined, and the group was now scrambling to come up with a new plan to help Cody confess to Noah. Emma took a deep breath and nodded her head in agreement. "Okay, I'll help you, but you better make it up to me afterwards." "Perfect!" Justin said, relieved that they had Emma on their side now. "We'll figure out how to make it up to you later, I promise." Everyone nodded, satisfied, and they couldn't wait for Cody to finally confess his feelings for Noah.

Emma knocked on Noah's dorm and yelled, "Hey, Noah, you okay?" Noah was surprised to hear Emma's voice outside of his door. "Um, yeah, I'm fine," he said uneasily. He had been trying to distract himself from his thoughts of Cody, but hearing Emma's voice didn't make things easier. "Good, good. But I think you should come to the lake right now," Emma said, her tone leaving no room for argument. Noah was a little surprised to hear Emma repeat the same request that Justin had already made. "Not you too, Emma," he said, with a slight hint of annoyance in his voice. "Justin just told me that an hour ago!" Emma didn't seem to be deterred by Noah's reaction. "I know, but I'm sure Justin didn't give you all the details of how important this is." She paused for a moment, making sure Noah would listen to her before continuing. "Please, Noah, trust me. You need to go to the lake." Noah was surprised by Emma's insistence that he go to the lake. He was starting to wonder if maybe there was something serious he didn't know about. He got up and opened the door, to find Emma standing outside his dorm with a stern expression. "Noah, I'm coming in," she said, walking past him before he could oppose. "And you better not be looking like you've been crying." She paused for a moment, studying Noah's face. "You have, haven't you? Tell me what's going on." Noah was at a loss for words when Emma confronted him. He didn't know what to say and just looked at her helplessly. Finally, he gathered the courage to speak. "Emma," he began. "I don't know how to say this, but... I'm really confused and..." He faltered for a moment as he tried to find the right words to express his feelings. "I..." Before Noah could finish, Emma cut him off. "Oh my god, Noah, is this about your feelings for Cody?" Noah's eyes grew wide when Emma said that she knew why he was upset. "H-how did you--?" he started to say before Emma interrupted him. "Oh my god, Noah, stop crying already!" Emma said jokingly, but the harshness in her tone was a clear indication that she meant what she said. "For god sake, you've changed so much, you idiot! Come on, stop being such a downer and put on a smile!" Noah looked startled for a moment, but he tried his hardest to calm himself down. Noah finally managed to smile at Emma, and he told her what he was thinking. "I think that Cody wants to meet me up at the lake so he can tell me what a horrible friend I am to him," he said, a trace of sadness in his voice. "I just don't understand why he would be so mean to me." Emma nodded in understanding. She knew how much Noah cared for Cody, and she didn't want to see him suffer. "Don't worry, Noah. I'll help you figure out what Cody wants to say." "Now, Noah, you look better than ever!" Emma said, her tone teasing Noah. "Why don't you go to the lake and find out?" Noah blushed slightly, embarrassed by Emma's praise. He knew that she was just saying it to cheer him up, but it still made him feel good. He nodded his head and took a deep breath. "Okay, Emma, I'll go to the lake and see what Cody wants to say." "Yes, yes, yes! Finally, you've made up your mind!" Emma said excitedly. "That took you forever!" Noah blushed at the praise, but deep down, he was really glad he made up his mind. After all, it was important to face Cody and finally get some answers. "Okay, Emma, I'll be on my way. Wish me luck!" Noah said, his voice filled with determination.

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