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That same morning, Noah walked into the food hall and sat down with Gwen and Trent. The three of them were talking about something and Noah overheard Gwen comment on Cody's crush on Kitty. "Trent, does Cody like Kitty??" Noah asked. "Yeah, I knew they were close but I didn't know he had a crush on her!" Gwen replied. Noah could feel himself getting jealous. He didn't like the idea of Cody and Kitty together. Noah felt like he couldn't compete with Kitty, she was so popular and pretty, and he was just an average guy. While Noah and Gwen were talking, Emma and Kitty sat down next to them and everyone started staring at Kitty. "Uh, guys, can you please stop staring at me, and someone tell me why everyone is so chatty!", Kitty said, trying to figure out what was going on. Gwen then decided to tell Kitty everything that had happened, and Emma and Kitty were stunned. After Gwen finished talking, they both stood up to leave and head outside. Everyone wondered what was going through Noah's, Gwen's, and Kitty's minds. Five minutes later, Cody walked in and everyone crowded him, asking him questions. "Cody, is it true that you like Kitty?!" Trent asked, shocked. "Uh, yeah, I guess I kind of do," Cody admitted reluctantly. "Oh, Cody, we thought you liked Gwen! We were so surprised," Izzy said, laughing nervously. Cody felt overwhelmed by the whole situation, and he just wanted to run back to his cabin and be alone. He didn't want so much attention from him. As Cody was being questioned, Noah watched from a distance. "I guess I do?" Those words came out of Cody's mouth and ran through Noah's brain. He was shocked. He liked Kitty? Why would he think Cody would like him? Noah's mind was swimming with questions and confusion. He didn't understand why Cody wanted to be with Kitty instead of him. He was jealous, hurt, and confused. He wanted answers, but he knew that he couldn't just ask Cody outright without causing more problems.

After Cody left the food hall, Noah decided to head out the back door and sit by the lake where he and Cody had become friends again. Bridgette and Leshawna saw him walk off and decided to follow him. When Noah finally reached the lake, he took a seat on a nearby bench and just stared out at the water. He was lost in his thoughts, and he didn't notice that he was being followed. Bridgette and Leshawna kept their distance, but they were curious about what Noah was doing. "Hey, string bean, sorry about Cody!" Leshawna said to Noah with a reassuring smile. She walked over and sat down next to him. "It's fine, he'd never like someone like me anyway," Noah said, sounding a bit disappointed. But Leshawna wasn't having any of that. "Hey, don't be so hard on yourself, you're amazing!" she said, trying to cheer up Noah. She knew that he had a crush on Cody, but there was no need for Noah to sell himself short. Noah let out a small laugh, but he was still feeling down about the entire situation. But he was glad that he had friends like Leashawna and Bridgette who could cheer him up when he was feeling down. Noah kept thinking about Cody and why he liked Kitty instead of him. He felt heartbroken and jealous. He didn't want to be so jealous, but he couldn't help those feelings. He knew he had to move on from Cody and focus on other things, but it wasn't easy.

Bridgette wanted to look for Cody to ask some questions so she left Noah and Leshauwna  After looking for Cody for ten minutes, Bridgette finally found Cody behind a bush near the food hall with Kitty and Emma. Cody seemed shocked to see Bridgette and quickly tried to find an excuse. "Oh, yeah, it's just, uh, the food here is really bad, and, uh, we were checking to see if we, uh, wanted to eat," Cody said, sounding a little bit overwhelmed. Bridgette looked at Cody, and noticed that he was acting a bit evasive. She saw right through his little explanation. Bridgette caught Cody's little excuse and saw right through his explanation. She knew that something was going on. She also noticed that Kitty and Emma were hanging back in the shadows, listening in on the conversation. Bridgette decided to ignore that and instead focus on Cody and what was happening. "Hey, Cody, so you don't like Gwen anymore?" she asked, trying to get to the bottom of the situation. Cody froze, trying to decide how to answer. He didn't want to be honest and reveal his feelings for Noah to Bridgette. Cody froze, trying to decide how to answer Bridgette's question. He didn't want to be honest and reveal his feelings for Noah, but he didn't want to lie to his friends either. In the end, Cody decided to give a somewhat honest answer. "Well, I'm not really sure what I like," he said. "I'm still figuring things out." He hoped that Bridgette wouldn't press him further for answers. But she kept looking at Cody, knowing that he was hiding something important. Bridgette didn't believe Cody's answer and pressed him further. "Come on, Cody, there's something you're not telling me. What's going on?" Cody felt cornered. He didn't want to reveal everything to Bridgette, but he also knew that she wouldn't stop nagging him until he told her the truth. He was stuck and didn't know what to do. He finally decided to take a deep breath and tell Bridgette the whole truth about his feelings for Noah. Cody took a deep breath and told Bridgette the whole truth about his feelings for Noah. He explained that he had been in denial for a while, but eventually realised that his feelings for Noah were real. Bridgette was surprised but tried to hide her emotions. She was happy that Cody was finally being honest with her and himself, but she was confused as to why Cody had to lie. Why couldn't he just have told her the truth from the beginning? But she knew that these kinds of things were hard to talk about, and she was glad that Cody was finally opening up. Bridgette asked Cody why he had been lying to everyone. He explained that he was scared to tell her and everyone else, and he didn't want to face his feelings for Noah. Instead, he tried to make himself believe that he liked Kitty. But he knew that it wasn't true, and that he had to be honest with himself and his friends. Bridgette understood Cody's feelings and told him that she would have supported him no matter what. She just wanted him to be true to himself and his feelings, and not hide anything from her.

While Noah was with Leshawna, he was telling her everything that he loved about Cody, which was everything. He adored him and had realized that he liked him, but that was all over now. Noah wanted this feeling of sorrow and despair to end. He liked Cody so much that it made him sick and he loved him so much that it broke his heart. Leshawna hugged Noah and tried to comfort him, but she knew that he was hurting. She was there for him and wanted him to know that he wasn't alone in his feelings. Noah cried into Leshawna's arms as he poured his heart out. He was hurting so much and just wanted the pain to end. He loved Cody so much, but he knew it couldn't happen. It made his heart ache. Leshawna was there to comfort Noah and support him through his heartbreak. She didn't know what to say, but she knew that he needed to just feel the pain and let it out. She hoped that eventually, Noah would realise that he deserved love and happiness as well.

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