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Noah was now only an inch away from Cody's lips. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest.
He felt like fireworks bursting inside him, as he looked into Cody's eyes. It was a tense moment. Both boys were flushed, their faces close together in an intimate position. Would one of them make a move? Would they finally give in to their feelings for one another? The group watched in anticipation, their hearts pounding. Noah could feel an invisible string pulling him towards Cody. He felt like he had no control over the situation, like something more powerful was taking over. Maybe this was fate? Or maybe it was just his heart, longing for Cody's lips. Noah was staring into Cody's blue eyes, wondering if Cody felt the same way. If he felt that pull, too. If he wanted to kiss—but would he make the first move? Only Noah and Cody knew what they were feeling in that moment. Everyone else in the group held their breath, awaiting their response.  The invisible force continued pulling Noah closer and closer to Cody. It was like a magnetic attraction, drawing them together. Noah could feel Cody's breath on his face as he looked deep into his eyes. Cody seemed nervous, his breath coming in shallow swallows. He didn't seem to know what to do. Should he give in to this feeling? Or should he push Noah away? Noah and Cody were staring into each other's eyes, their hearts pounding. The tension was palpable. Noah felt a rush of emotion as he looked into Cody's eyes. He wanted to kiss him, but he didn't want to break the spell. Suddenly, an older person yelled from the doorway, interrupting their moment. "Ahhhhh! Geoff, what is this?!" Everyone in the group turned to look at the door. What was going on? Geoff looked nervous as his mum entered the room. "Oh uh, hi mum..." he said, looking guilty. "Geoff, what is this?" his mum yelled. "We left for two days and you're already having a party!" Everyone else in the group looked surprised. They had no idea that Geoff's mum was coming home, and they weren't expecting to get caught. "Mum, why are you home so early?" Geoff asked. "Your father got really sick! And I think he probably got food poisoning!" Geoff's mum replied. Everyone in the group looked concerned. They hadn't expected that the party would end at such a jarring moment. "Everyone out of my house!" Geoff's mother yelled loudly, her voice echoing around the room. Everyone in the group looked at one another, panic on their faces. They frantically searched for the nearest exit, eager to get out before anything else happened. As they ran outside, some of them tripped over themselves, nearly causing a total chaos.

Once outside, everyone stood in silence, wondering what to do next. Should they go back? Or stay home and wait for Geoff? What would happen with his mother? And how would Geoff respond? Everyone was outside, feeling confused and cold. It was 2am, and they were tired and ready to go home. As they gathered around to discuss what happened, Geoff came to the doorway. "Dudes, I'm so sorry about my mum, she can be a bit..." Emma looked at him sympathetically. "It's fine, Geoff, we're all tired anyway! We should head home." Everyone seemed to agree with Emma's assessment, and they started to make their way towards the door. 

When everyone was outside, they all decided to walk to the park. It was already 2am, and none of them wanted to sneak back home. As Cody and the rest of the group were walking to the park, Cody couldn't stop thinking about how close he had been to kissing Noah. It had been a tense moment, and he was still trying to process everything that had happened. Cody thought back to his last two kisses with Noah, and he felt a fluttery rush of emotion. Cody was still thinking about how close he had been to kissing Noah, how much he wanted to kiss him and confess his feelings.  He was so nervous about finally confessing his feelings to Noah, but he was ready to take the plunge. Today, he decided, was the day. Cody looked at Noah, who was engaged in a deep conversation with Eva. He saw them look up at the same time, and he watched Noah's face light up as he saw Cody staring at him. Noah smiled softly, and Cody felt his heart stop in his chest. Cody was so focused on gathering the courage to confess to Noah, that he didn't even notice when the group arrived at the park. Heather surprised him by grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the swings. As she pushed him on the swing, his thoughts were scattered. Should he chase after Noah? Should he stay with Heather? What would happen if he missed his chance? Heather kept pushing him, causing the swing to move higher into the air. Cody looked around at the night sky, feeling torn between his two choices. "Hey sis, can I tell you something?" Cody asked, as Heather continued pushing him on the swing. "Yeah, anything," Heather replied. Cody took a deep breath, gathering the courage to speak. "I want to confess to Noah, but I don't know what to say. I'm so scared of ruining what we have. Can you give me some advice?" Heather kept pushing, unaware of the internal struggle that Cody was facing. "Aww, Cody, I wish I could help," Heather said patiently, pushing him on the swing. "You're the only person that can confess to Noah, I can't do it for you. You just have to tell him what you feel!" Cody nodded, feeling a mix of frustration and determination. He was so close—he knew it. But something was still holding him back. What could he possibly say to make Noah understand his feelings? Cody sighed, feeling discouraged. He had been so close, but now he was back to square one. He stood up and started pacing, trying to think of what he could say to Noah. What should he do? Should he just tell Noah that he liked him? Or should he try to express his feelings in a more subtle way? If he was too direct, what if Noah rejected him? Cody's thoughts were a mess, and he was feeling frustrated and confused. He had to act quickly, before the opportunity passed him by. "Hey guys, I'm gonna head home now," Noah announced, looking at the group in the park. It was already 4am, and everyone was feeling tired and ready to go home. Cody looked up at Noah's words, feeling a surge of panic. He still hadn't confessed to Noah, and now he might not have another chance. Cody quickly stood up, trying to follow Noah as he left the park. He had to say something, now, before it was too late. Cody felt a stab of panic as he watched Noah walk away. He couldn't let this chance slip away, he had to say something! "Noah! I have to tell you something!" Cody yelled, running towards him. Noah stopped walking and looked at Cody. What was going on? Why was Cody following him now? Cody looked nervous and excited as he tried to catch his breath. "What is it?" Noah asked, tilting his head. Cody took a deep breath and prepared to confess his feelings.

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