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When Noah left Emma's cabin, he felt extremely disappointed in himself. He didn't know what to say or how to fix the situation. He wished he could go back in time and change everything. He couldn't believe how hurt Emma was and he didn't want to hurt her. He was feeling so many emotions and he couldn't seem to put them into words. He was still trying to understand his feelings for Cody and how it had led to everything falling apart.

Emma was absolutely heartbroken. She wished that she could have done better just to save their relationship and keep it going for longer. She cried and cried after a while. Meanwhile, Kitty went inside to check up on her sister and found her crying. Kitty asked, "Emma, what happened?" Emma told her about what Noah had said and how he now liked Cody. Kitty was shocked and devastated to hear this news and she couldn't believe that all this time, Noah had actually liked Cody. She took Emma in her arms and comforted her as best as she could.

Kitty and Emma continued to hug each other until they eventually fell asleep. The next morning, everyone was feeling strange and uncomfortable, especially Cody and Emma. Cody still didn't know that Noah liked him. He sensed that something was wrong between Noah and Emma, but he wasn't aware of the full situation. He felt guilty for possibly causing problems in their relationship without knowing it. Meanwhile, Emma was still feeling weird and uncomfortable around Cody. She was hurt that Noah had changed his mind about being with her and she didn't know what to do. She felt confused and didn't know if she knew her feelings anymore. She just wanted to be able to talk to Noah again to figure things out. Emma was also feeling awkward and uncomfortable after learning about Noah's feelings for Cody. She also felt betrayed and hurt that Noah had suddenly changed his mind after everything she had done for him. She was struggling to cope with the new information and she didn't know how to move forward.

Cody saw that Emma didn't look well and he tried to go up to her, but she just ignored him and left. Cody was left confused about what he had done wrong. Emma wasn't even mad at Cody or anyone for that matter. She just wanted some time for herself to figure out her feelings. She needed some space to process everything that was happening between her, Cody, and Noah. Cody was worried about Emma and he wanted to understand what was going on, but he knew that he couldn't force her to talk to him before she was ready.

Noah walked into the food hall, looking like he had cried himself to sleep. He felt horrible for what he did to Emma. But what was happening with Cody was something completely different. Noah was afraid of what he was feeling. He had never liked a boy before and he was so confused. He was feeling so many different things and he didn't know how to make sense of it all. He wasn't sure what to do or how to handle his feelings. He felt lost and overwhelmed with everything that was happening. When Noah sat down, Courtney, Kitty, and Justin gave him looks. It seemed like the news had spread quickly about the breakup with Emma. Noah felt like a zoo animal while he was trying to eat and he couldn't take it, so he just left the hall and sat on the dock. Bridgette, Heather, and Leshawna followed him and they sat down next to him. Noah was feeling so overwhelmed by everything that was happening. He didn't want to talk to anyone, but he was glad to have his friends around. "Hey String Bean, are you okay?" Leshawna asked comfortably. "N-no," Noah said. He felt the tears coming and he couldn't hold them back any longer. "Hey hey, it's okay, we're right here, you don't need to worry anymore!" Bridge said. They were all so patient and supportive while Noah cried. They wanted to give him time to collect his thoughts and emotions before he shared any more with them. "When you're ready, tell us, if that's okay with you," they assured him.

When Noah finally calmed down, he told them everything about the breakup with Emma and his weird feelings for Cody. He felt so out of place and scared. He wasn't sure what to do or how to handle these feelings. He wanted to be honest with his friends, but he was also scared that they would judge him or think differently of him. He was so confused and overwhelmed with everything that was happening, he didn't know if he had the strength to face the truth or not. "Hey Noah, it's alright that you feel this way. Just calm down and take your time with these new feelings," Bridgette suggested, trying to reassure him. "Thanks guys, I'm sorry," Noah said. "Hey, nerd, don't be sorry, just don't do anything weird with my 'brother'!" Heather joked and the rest of the group laughed a bit. Everyone tried to lighten the mood and help Noah feel less overwhelmed. It was nice to have their support and understanding. The group continued to comfort Noah and reassure him. They wanted him to take his time and not feel pressured to act or decide anything right away. They also advised him to just focus on himself, explore his feelings for Cody, and figure things out on his own terms. With time and space, he would be able to understand his feelings better and decide on the next steps. This would help him navigate his feelings and figure out what he wanted to do with Cody. In the meantime, the group was there to support Noah and help him through the process.

When Noah felt better, the group went back with everyone. "Hey Kitty, I'm so sorry about Emma, I didn't want to hurt her, even more, if we kept going. I'm just sorry," Noah apologised. Kitty put a reassuring hand on his arm. "It's fine, Noah. Emma just needs some time for herself. I promise she doesn't hate you, nor do I. We're just figuring things out," Kitty explained to him. She wanted Noah to know that she didn't blame him and she was there to support him too. Noah listened to Kitty and felt reassured by her kind words. He understood that the situation with Emma was complicated and there was nothing he could do about it. He was glad that Kitty didn't blame him, as he felt so guilty about hurting Emma. He was glad to have his friendships to help him through this difficult time, especially when his feelings for Cody were causing him even more confusion and uncertainty. "Anyways, let's stop being sad and tell me the drama with you and your boo-boo bear," Kitty teased. "SHH, he might hear!" "You're so annoying, now tell mee." Noah was grateful that Kitty was being light-hearted and nice at the moment. He told Kitty what he felt about Cody and that he just wanted to stay friends and not ruin their friendship. He was also thankful to have someone to talk to and share his feelings with in this difficult time.

While Noah and Kitty were talking, Cody went up to them and laid his head on Noah's shoulder, making Noah blush a bright red. Kitty laughed at how red Noah was. Cody said, "Hey, Kitty! Hey, Noah!" Kitty and Cody continued to talk while Noah listened, feeling embarrassed that he was now blushing in front of everyone. Cody laid his head down on Noah's side and said, "Really tired!" He seemed pretty relaxed and tired, and didn't seem to notice or care that Noah was blushing so much next to him. Kitty and Cody continued talking while Noah listened and blushed. Cody seemed to be more focused on talking to Kitty and didn't seem to notice or care that Noah was blushing because of him. This made Noah feel somewhat better and he slowly started to calm down. The group continued to talk, with Kitty and Cody focused on each other and Noah just listening and trying to stay out of the conversation. Noah was glad to have some time to himself to process everything that had happened and to try to figure out what he wanted to do about his feelings for Cody.  When Cody finally realized that Noah was bright red, he looked concerned. "OMG Noah, are you okay, you're bright red! Come with me, I'll get you some water and we'll go outside!" Kitty laughed while Gwen, Heather, Bridgette, and Leshawna started walking toward Kitty and started gossiping about them. Noah felt embarrassed that everyone was talking about him being so bright red, but Cody had immediately jumped up to help him and get him some water. Noah was touched by Cody's kindness and felt slightly less embarrassed.

When Cody and Noah walked outside, Gwen was left confused. "GUYS! What's wrong with Noah?" The others laughed, realising that they had all forgotten to tell Gwen about Noah and Cody, one of the biggest Noah and Cody shippers. They explained everything to her and she was surprised and interested. Meanwhile, Justin came in and heard everything. "Girl, I live on tea and drama. I gotta know everything!" Everyone laughed again and filled Justin in on everything that was going on with Noah, Cody, and the group.

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