The plan

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That night, Cody really wanted to talk to Noah. All day he couldn't find Noah anywhere and he wanted to spend time with his best friend. But Noah had different plans and had had enough of wasting his time. He couldn't wait for Cody anymore and was heartbroken to hear the "news" that Cody liked Kitty. Noah decided he had to just move on and forget about Cody. He couldn't take anymore heartache and disappointment. He had to just forget about Cody and focus on trying to find someone else who could make him happy. Cody finally found Noah sitting on a tree stump, reading his book. Cody got really excited and ran up to him and hugged him. He thought Noah looked so pretty reading his book, the light just shining on him, he was perfect. "Hey, Noah! I've missed you! Where were you this morning?" Cody asked happily. He was glad to finally connect with Noah after trying to find him all day. He hoped that Noah wasn't too upset and that they could go back to being the best of friends again. "What the hell, Cody? I was reading my book!" Noah yelled. He was honestly not mad at Cody, but he was mad at himself. Cody was so pretty in his eyes and he just couldn't get Cody's name out of his mind. He was mad that he had feelings for Cody, even though he knew that their relationship could never happen. He was also annoyed that Cody had interrupted him while he was reading. Noah had a lot of complicated thoughts and emotions running through his head, and he didn't really know how to express them. "Oh, sorry, Noah, I-I... Never mind," Cody said, his voice trailing off. He was sad and afraid he had done something wrong. Noah noticed Cody's sad face and felt guilty. He wanted to hug Cody and say sorry, but he knew that it would only make his feelings grow, so he picked up his book and left instead. Cody watched Noah walk away with a heavy heart and was more confused than ever. He didn't know what he was doing wrong, and he didn't understand why Noah was acting so distant and dismissive toward him lately.

Cody picked himself up and went to find Kitty. He found Kitty talking with Justin, Katie, and Sadie. Cody walked up to Kitty and just leaned on her shoulder, not looking at anyone else. He didn't want to disturb the group and just wanted to be with his best friend. But Kitty noticed Cody and couldn't help but be startled by him leaning on her. "Hey, Cody, what are you doing?" she asked, not knowing how to react. Cody didn't answer, he just kept leaning on her shoulder. "Omg, Katie, don't they look cute together?!" Sadie said as she and Katie walked off. "Omg yes! You guys should totally date!" Kitty gave them a stare, saying it's not the time for that and they both left giggling. "Kitty, I messed up!" Cody cried, not knowing Justin was still there. "I don't know what I did, but Noah won't talk to me! Why can't I just tell him?" "Cody? Tell him what?" Justin asked, curious to hear where this was going. "Tell him what?" Justin asked, curious to hear what Cody had to say. "I... I like him," Cody said quietly, realising how silly it all sounded. He didn't think he would ever admit how he felt about Noah to anyone. But Justin remained quiet and let Cody talk, and that gave him the courage to keep going. "I've liked him for a while, but I never realised it until now. And... I just can't seem to get him off my mind," Cody confessed. "I knew it!" Justin said, smiling and pointing at Cody. "I always thought it was weird when we talked about Noah you'd always blush or that one time you held his hand the entire day and wouldn't let go." Cody and Kitty both giggled, remembering the happy memories they had with Noah. "I guess... I guess you're right," Cody admitted. "I really liked him, and I still do. But what do I do now? I'm so confused and I don't even know what to say to Noah now."  Kitty and Justin looked at each other, thinking about what they should do. Then they had an amazing idea. "Cody, how about you confess your true love that you love him!" Justin joked, but Kitty looked serious. "But I'm all seriousness, you gotta confess. He might even like you back!!!!" The two of them winked at each other, trying to get Cody to do something. "But how do I do that? I don't want to make things awkward, and I don't know what to say to Noah," Cody protested.  "Write a letter!" Kitty suggested. "Yeah, write a letter saying all the things that you love about him, and then tell him to meet you at the lake or something," Justin added. The two of them were getting excited about the idea, and they both thought this would be a perfect way for Cody to finally confess to Noah. But Cody was hesitant. He didn't know how he would get Noah to meet him at the lake, and he also didn't want to write down all his feelings for Noah in case Noah saw it and it made things awkward between them. "I don't know guys, what if he hates me after he reads the note?" Cody asked. "Well, don't write your name, make it anonymous!" Kitty said, trying to convince Cody. "Wait, wait, I'll text the NoahxCody shippers group chat, and they'll help!" Justin said. "You say what now?" Cody asked, sounding shocked. "WHAT WHY AM I NOT IN THAT GROUP CHAT?!" Kitty protested. Justin laughed as he explained, "Oh, we have a group chat dedicated to Noah and Cody shippers, and we talk about them all the time." Kitty was also laughing, and she explained, "It's been super popular among NoahxCody shippers, and we've been speculating about when Noah and Cody will finally get together." Cody felt embarrassed and a bit mortified that there was a whole group chat dedicated to shipping him and Noah. But he couldn't deny that he liked Noah, and he was beginning to wonder if Noah liked him too.

Cody was surprised to see everyone at the lake, gathering around Justin's phone. "Wait, why is everyone in our group in the group chat except Emma?" he asked. "Uh, 'cause you're a great ship, and Emma was dating Noah at the time!" Justin explained. "Hey Justin, we got your text! You said it was an emergency, what is it?" asked Gwen. "Oh, you're here! Awesome! Thanks for coming," Justin said. "So, what's up with this big emergency?" Gwen asked, impatiently. "And, Justin, why, if it was an emergency, why didn't you text the other group chat with everyone or tell an adult?" Gwen asked, seemingly annoyed. "It's about Cody and Noah!" Justin announced excitedly. "OMG, you've got some news, haven't you, girl?" asked Heather, sounding excited herself. Now everyone's curiosity was piqued, and they all crowded around Justin, waiting to hear what news he had to share about Cody and Noah. "Hey, Cody, you wanna tell everyone what you said to me and Kitty?" Justin asked in a teasing tone. Cody was shy and hesitant at first, but then spoke up. "I like Noah..." A wave of murmurs swept through the group as everyone was caught off guard by this unexpected revelation. "You like Noah?" asked Gwen, sounding shocked. "Is it true? Do you really like Noah?" asked Leshawna. It seemed that Cody's secret had come out, and he was the centre of attention now.  "Oh my god, Cody, you like Noah? I called it!" Izzy teased, and everyone laughed. "Yeah, I like Noah! I've liked him for a really long time now, but Noah is mad at me for some reason, and I don't know what to do," Cody explained. The group was now silent, listening intently to Cody's story. "What happened? Why is Noah mad at you?" asked Leshawna. "Yeah, what happened between you two to make Noah mad?" asked Gwen. "I don't know why he's mad at me, but I want to confess to him before he hates me even more!" Cody said. Everyone was silent and waiting to hear Cody's confession. "Come on, Cody, confess!" urged Justin. "Just do it already!" added Heather. "Yes, Cody! Confess now!" agreed Courtney. Cody was feeling so much pressure and he didn't know if he could do this. He took a deep breath and finally said, "Okay, fine!" 

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