Together (Final)

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Cody looked lovingly into Noah's dark brown eyes, feeling a rush of emotions. "Noah, you've been my best friend since the day we met," he confessed. "You've always been on my side, no matter how bad it was!" Noah looked at him for a moment, taken aback by Cody's sudden confession. He had never thought about Cody in that way before. Was this the beginning of something new, or just a misunderstanding? Noah remained silent for a few moments, as he tried to process what Cody had said. Noah blushed at what Cody had said. "Thank you, Cody! You're so nice!" Cody had a look of determination on his face. "Noah, I'm not finished!" he said, interrupting Noah's reply. Noah seemed surprised by the interruption, but he remained silent and listened to what Cody had to say. Cody took a deep breath and prepared to confess his real feelings for Noah. Cody looked away, feeling embarrassed. "Noah... Please don't be mad at me when I say this!!" he said, trying not to make eye contact. Noah could see that it was taking a lot of courage for Cody to confess his feelings, and he lifted Cody's face so that they could see eye to eye. "I promise you that after all we've been through, I would never be mad at you," Noah said comfortingly. Cody's heart fluttered as he listened to Noah's reply. Cody remained silent, struggling to find the words to express what he felt. "Noah, I-i..." he started, but he just couldn't continue. Meanwhile, Noah took Cody's hand, providing comfort and reassurance. "Take your time," he said patiently. Little did Cody know, though, that Noah was screaming on the inside. His heart was pounding and he couldn't believe that Cody looked this cute. He knew what he wanted to say; he just couldn't get the words out. Cody found the courage to keep going, and he finally managed to say it. "Noah, I-i. I like you!" Noah was caught off guard by Cody's sudden confession. He never thought he would have a chance with Cody, but now that he knew how Cody felt, he couldn't deny that he liked him too. "Noah, I've liked you since the day that I woke up in the hospital," Cody continued, his words flowing out now. "You've always been there for me when I needed you. I know that you don't like me but please don't let this ruin our friendship!" Noah remained silent for a moment, processing what Cody had just said. He couldn't believe that Cody liked him back; he had never even thought about them being anything more than friends. Cody waited patiently for Noah's response, his heart pounding in his chest.  Cody realised what he had said and looked at Noah, scared at what Noah would say next. "Noah I am so" He was cut off as Noah pressed his lips to Cody's in a passionate kiss. Cody felt like fireworks had burst around him, and his whole body was trembling with excitement. He could hardly believe that this was really happening. Noah looked at Cody, their faces still so close together. He could see that Cody was shaking, still in shock from the surprise kiss. He couldn't believe this had finally happened. "Cody, you're such a dork," Noah laughed, hugging Cody tightly. "I've liked you too!" Cody felt his face flush with embarrassment. "You like me too?" he asked, his voice muffled because of Noah's hug. "Of course," Noah said, still holding Cody. "You're literally the most amazing person you're so kind and sweet. I love you, Cody Anderson!" Cody couldn't believe what was happening. Could this really be true? Was Noah really confessing his feelings for him? Cody giggled as Noah confessed his feelings. "I love you Noah Sterecra," he said. It was unbelievable that Noah felt the same way, even though he had always had a feeling. They could hardly believe this moment was real. Noah leaned into Cody's embrace, smiling widely. His voice was filled with joy and excitement as he looked into Cody's eyes. The two couldn't believe this was happening, but they knew it was true. They hugged each other tightly, their feelings of love and affection overflowing as they expressed their joy.  

That morning, everyone decided to go into town together. They met at the same park they had been in the night before. Noah and Cody looked at each other, giggling to themselves. They hadn't told anyone what had happened last night, and they were excited to keep their secret.
They walked into town together, holding hands and exchanging loving glances. The day was filled with happiness and joy as they enjoyed each other's company. They felt like they were walking on clouds, their emotions overflowing with love and affection. "You guys seem happy," Kitty and Justin teased, as they walked with Noah and Cody through town. "Kitty, Justin... I'm dating Noah," Cody confessed, feeling a surge of happiness as he looked over at Noah. Noah looked back at Cody, a look of surprise and joy on his face. Kitty and Justin were taken aback by their announcement, but they couldn't deny the truth. Noah and Cody were glowing with happiness, their love for each other was obvious to all who saw them. "OMG, OMG, OMG," Kitty yelled, jumping around and hugging Cody. "After 50 years, you finally did it!" Justin rolled his eyes at Kitty's outburst of excitement, but he couldn't deny that he was happy for Cody and Noah. "Okay, okay," Justin said, giggling. "Give me three seconds to inform the groupchat." With that, Justin took out his phone and quickly typed out a message, letting the group know of Cody and Noah's exciting news. Justin texted the groupchat to let everyone know of Cody and Noah's exciting news. Immediately, the chat lit up with messages from everyone. "Is this for real?" one person asked. "I can't believe they finally did it!" another person said. The group chat was a flurry of messages, all commenting on how happy they were for Noah and Cody's relationship. Everyone was thrilled to see their friends finally together, and they couldn't wait to see how their relationship would progress.

If you have any questions about the character I will try to answer all of them :D 

Hello this is Kai/Tori. This may be the end of this little book series I may continue later in the future but now I like to leave it like this. I am starting a new project with a whole different fandom and I'm losing motivation on this one :(. I am so forever grateful to everyone who has read all these cringy chapters. On that note thank you for reading Total Drama High School AU Noco!!!

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