I'm sorry for everything

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Owen and Izzy started to get worried when Cody didn't show up to school for over 3 weeks. They called and texted him numerous times, but there was no answer. The two of them wondered if something had happened to Cody, or if he was just taking a personal break. They decided to reach out to Noah and Emma to see if they knew anything about Cody's whereabouts. The two of them were starting to get concerned, but they still held out hope that Cody was okay. Owen and Izzy decided to ask Justin, Trent, and Harold if they had seen Cody recently, or if they had any information about his whereabouts. The boys all seemed surprised to hear that Cody had disappeared, and they admitted that they hadn't seen or heard from him in over 3 weeks. They all agreed that it was odd, and they hoped that Cody would turn up soon. The three boys wondered if Cody had gone on an ill-planned trip or if he was just taking a sudden break away from everything, but no one really knew for sure.

Cody was home crying in his room, feeling overwhelmed and confused. He couldn't understand why Noah was acting so rude and dismissive towards him. He was starting to wonder if he had done something wrong, or if he had unintentionally offended Noah in some way. He didn't want to lose Noah as a friend, but he was tired of the constant back and forth. He wished that Noah would just give him a straight answer instead of playing these mind games with him. As Cody sat in his room, he couldn't help but wonder, "What is wrong with me? Why can't I just do anything right?" He couldn't understand why his friendship with Noah was so uncertain and difficult. He just wanted things to be easy and simple, without all the drama and tension, but it felt like it was impossible. Cody just wanted to understand why Noah was pushing him away, and he couldn't help feeling that there was something wrong with him.

As Noah was sitting with Emma, Izzy, Eva, and Owen at lunch, he couldn't help but feel worried about Cody. He felt really bad about the way he had spoken to Cody that day. He had let his emotions get out of control and it had resulted in hurting Cody's feelings. Now Noah was starting to feel like the whole situation was his fault. He couldn't help but blame himself for causing Cody to leave and not come back. It had all happened so fast and he wasn't sure what to do now. Noah's friends were worried because they had never seen Noah cry before. They were puzzled by his sudden outburst of emotions and tried to comfort him as best they could. They could tell that Noah was feeling really bad about something, and they wanted to find out what was going on. They asked Noah if everything was alright, but he couldn't bring himself to speak yet. He just continued to cry and couldn't stop. They were worried about him and wanted to help, but they didn't know what to do. "It's all my fault that Cody's not here," Noah cried as he continued to weep. "I shouldn't have yelled at him like that, and now he's gone. He's not in school... he's not answering any calls... I don't know where he is. It's all my fault and I don't know what to do." Noah's friends listened to him and tried to comfort him, but they didn't know what to say either.

Noah tried to explain to Owen and the others that his yelling at Cody had caused them to drift apart. He had said some hurtful things to Cody and made him feel guilty, all in order to force Cody to spend more time with him. He was jealous and scared of losing him. It had all gone too far and now Cody didn't want to speak to Noah anymore. Noah didn't know where Cody had gone and he didn't know how to make things right again. It was all his fault and he wished he could turn back time and make things better with him.

Owen and Izzy had a plan to go to Cody's house to see if they could find him. They hoped that they could talk to Cody and help him and Noah work out their issues. They knew that it wouldn't be easy, but they also knew that they needed to do something to fix the situation before it got worse.

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