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It was finally the day that everyone was going back to school and leaving camp. The mood was a bit bittersweet, as everyone was excited to see their friends and family again, but also sad to say goodbye to the summer and the new connections they'd made. Everyone gathered in one final circle to say their goodbyes and reflect on the memories they'd made at camp. It was the day they would all go back to reality and the real world, but they would always remember the bonds and lessons they'd learned at Camp Wawanakwa. As Noah and Cody waited at the airport, they remained awkward with each other. Noah laughed and talked with Emma, while Cody watched from afar. "Cody! You have to confess today!" Heather yelled. "Just look at how awkward you two are together. It's not even funny at this point!" Cody got flustered and looked away. He couldn't believe Heather was calling him out in the middle of the busy airport. He was getting really nervous about confessing to Noah, but he felt like he HAD to do it after Heather's comments. Cody finally decided to talk to Noah. His heart was racing and his palms were sweating, but he knew he had to do this. "Hey Noah?" Cody asked. Noah stopped his conversation with Emma and looked at Cody. "Oh hey Cody, what's up?" "Can I talk to you?" Cody said. "I wanted to tell you this for a while now." "Oh really?" Noah said with a curious smile. "Sure, why not?" "I... uhh... I like your yogurt! I love yogurt!" Cody said, panicking. Noah looked confused. He was hoping that Cody would say something like "I like you" or "I love you." Instead, he was saying something about yogurt. "Oh um, okay?" Noah said, still confused. He didn't know how to respond to Cody's statement. Suddenly, Emma stepped in and said, "Cody, I think I know what you're trying to say to Noah." Cody panicked as Emma said she knew what he was going to say to Noah. Was Emma really going to expose everything he thought about Noah? "What was Cody trying to say to me, Emma?" asked Noah, curious. "He was going to say that he-" Emma got cut off by the speakers. "Attention passengers, Flight A14 will be boarding now. Thank you!" "Come on, kids," Chris yelled. "That's us!" Everyone started heading towards the boarding area, including Noah, Cody, and Emma. Noah walked in front of Cody and Emma and went to talk to Owen, Izzy, and Eva. Cody followed along and yelled at Emma, "Emma! Why would you do that?" "Come on, you needed some help!" Emma said. "I was only trying to help!" Cody shook his head in disagreement. "I know you all want me to confess already, but please give me some time!" "But what if he doesn't like me back? Or what if things get even more awkward between us?" Cody protested. "You don't understand how nervous I am!" "Cody, you are overthinking things," Emma told him. "Just talk to Noah, and you'll feel much better." Cody sighed. He was getting tired of this argument with Emma. He was still very nervous about confessing to Noah, but he knew deep down that he had to do it as soon as possible.  Noah watched as Cody entered the plane and saw that only two seats were left - one by Duncan, the person that beat him up, and one by Noah. Noah waved at him to come over. Cody's heart fluttered when he saw Noah, but he couldn't look at him. Instead, he sat next to Duncan. He was still very excited and nervous to be on the same plane as Noah, and he hoped that they would be able to talk and mend things between them during the flight. "Why are you sitting with me, nerd? Why aren't you sitting with your boyfriend?" Duncan asked, snickering. "Oh, um, I'm just-" Cody tried to say something, but Duncan cut him off. "Never mind! Just don't talk to me!" Cody felt ashamed and embarrassed. He regretted sitting next to Duncan, but there was no changing it now. He decided it would be best to keep his head down and ignore Duncan as much as possible for the entire flight.

Midflight, Cody noticed Duncan leave his seat. He was confused and wondered where Duncan could be going. After a while, Duncan came back with a big smile on his face and sat down in the seat next to Cody. "Why you looking at me like that, nerd?" Duncan asked aggressively. "Nothing," Cody said. "I've just never seen you so happy before." Duncan laughed and nodded in agreement. He was having a lot of fun teasing Cody and making him uncomfortable. As Duncan continued to make Cody uncomfortable, Tyler ran out of the bathroom looking scared. Cody noticed this and wanted to say something, but Duncan didn't let him leave. Courtney spoke up. "Tyler, is everything okay?" "Courtney," Tyler said, sounding serious. "I'm so, so sorry to say this but, you know Duncan, your boyfriend?" Courtney looked shocked. "What do you mean? Duncan is my boyfriend, but what do you mean by that?" "Well, I don't think he's your boyfriend anymore," Tyler confessed. Courtney looked shocked and mad. "Tyler, what do you mean?" she asked. "I just saw him kiss Gwen in the bathroom!" Tyler said. Courtney's eyes widened in surprise. "No, he would never do that!" she said. "Duncan is a loyal boyfriend, he loves me. I don't believe you. You must've seen something else." Tyler comforted Courtney, who was crying and was now in shock from Tyler's revelation. Meanwhile, Gwen came out of the bathrooms, smiling and blushing. When Gwen saw Courtney crying, she immediately went up to her. "Courtney, are you okay!?" "No, Gwen! Tyler said that he saw you kissing Duncan!" Courtney said while still crying. Gwen was taken aback by Courtney's accusations. "W-what? That's not true! I would never go after Duncan. You can't believe Tyler's lies." Duncan stood up and walked over to Gwen, who was still smiling and blushing. "Hey babe!" he said, completely ignoring Courtney's accusation. "Sorry, princess," Duncan said to Courtney. "You were just too uptight for me." Courtney's tears immediately turned into anger and she stood up to face Duncan. "Duncan! How could you? After all the time we spent together, this is the thanks I get?" Courtney's tears immediately turned into anger and she stood up to face Duncan. "Duncan! How could you? After all the time we spent together, this is the thanks I get?" "Well, Courtney," Duncan said in a mocking tone. "Maybe if you weren't so uptight and controlling, this wouldn't have happened, hmm?" Courtney's eyes turned red with anger. "How dare you!? Why didn't you just break up with me if I was so 'uptight'?" she yelled. "And Gwen," Courtney said accusingly. "Why did you do this to me? I thought we were friends! I trusted you!" Gwen looked confused. "I'm so sorry Courtney and he wasn't even your boyfriend anyways you guys broke up when we got on the plane last time!" "Gwen, we got back together!" Courtney yelled. "I can't believe you. I thought you were my friend!" "Come on, Courtney," Duncan said, trying to calm her down. "Let's all just forget about it and move on, okay?" Duncan and Gwen watched while Courtney continued to yell at them. Duncan couldn't resist continuing the joke. "No we can't! You just cheated on me!" Courtney yelled. Trent walked in and saw the chaos. "Hey babe, are you okay?" he asked Gwen. "Sorry dude, she's my girl now!" Duncan yelled. Trent's face turned to horror at Duncan's words. He looked at Gwen in betrayal. "Wait, what?" he asked. "You're with him now?" The entire group was in chaos by this point. Gwen and Duncan were still watching  while Courtney continued to yell and Trent stood in shock. "Wait, what?" Trent asked. "You're with him now?" Gwen looked at Trent apologetically. "I'm sorry, I know this hurts a lot, but Duncan is just really charming and funny, and I couldn't resist." "But we were together!" Trent yelled back. "How could you do this to me?" "I'm sorry," Gwen said. "But Duncan's my boyfriend now."

Sorry for no Noco this chapter

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