Camp Wawanakwa

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It was the morning of the day they would be leaving for Canada. Noah was getting ready and packing for the trip. There was a sense of anticipation and excitement in the air. Everyone knew that they had been waiting for two weeks for this day to finally come, and they were all eager to go on the trip together. As Noah packed his bags and prepared for the journey ahead, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous and excited. He was looking forward to the challenge and the adventure that awaited him and his friends in Canada. As Noah got ready to go on the trip to Canada, he wasn't as excited as everyone else. He felt a bit of anticipation and excitement, but he wasn't as eager as the others. He thought that maybe it was because he was born in Canada, so the trip wasn't as big of a deal for him. But, nonetheless, he was looking forward to spending time with his friends and exploring the country. He knew that it would be a great experience and he hoped that he would enjoy the time he spent in Canada with his friends.

When Noah arrived at the airport, he saw that almost everyone was there. He spotted Owen, Izzy, Kitty, and Emma together. As Noah walked over to join them, he greeted them with a friendly "Hey guys!" They all responded positively and were all excited. They began to talk and share their thoughts and feelings about the trip. Owen said, "Hey Noah! I'm so excited! I've never been anywhere but here!" Noah was stoked to see them so enthusiastic and they were looking forward to having a blast in Canada. As Noah and the group were talking together, Cody suddenly ran from behind and hugged Kitty. The two of them became really close friends after only a few hours of knowing each other. They were both very excited and upbeat and they were both eager to go on the trip. Noah couldn't help but feel a little jealous about the closeness between Cody and Kitty. He didn't quite understand why he felt this way, but he tried to brush off the feelings. He didn't want to ruin either the moment or the trip with his jealousy. Cody was eager to fill Kitty in on some recent drama and he didn't even notice Noah. He yelled, "Hi Kitty! I have so much drama to tell you!" Kitty was immediately intrigued and screamed, "OMG! Spill!" Both of them had been so focused on the drama happening in their lives that they didn't notice Noah was there. Noah was starting to feel a little bit left out and didn't want to interrupt their conversation, so he just kept quiet and wanted to listen to what Cody wanted to tell Kitty. Noah could feel his heart hurting and he wasn't sure what to do. He didn't want to seem like he was jealous or upset, but he couldn't help but feel sad about the situation. Emma noticed and gave him a quick hug and a kiss to cheer him up. "Hey, don't worry about Kitty stealing your best friend," she said. "She's like best friends with every person she meets." Noah hoped it was true. He didn't want Cody to be taken away from him and he didn't want to feel so jealous over Kitty.

After everyone arrived at the airport and boarded the plane, they all went to their seats. There was one new person on the trip that no one knew who she was. Noah found out her name was Sierra. Sierra was very polite, enthusiastic and seemed to know everything about everyone on the trip. She was easygoing and everyone liked her, but at the same time, everyone wondered why she was on the trip with them. They all tried to be polite to Sierra and get to know her, but they couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off about her. Noah was sitting next to Owen and Eva on the plane, while Cody was sitting next to Kitty and Harold. Noah didn't have any opportunity to talk to Cody in the morning, but he was hoping that they would get a chance later. He was worried that Cody would be with Kitty the entire trip, and they wouldn't get a chance to talk or spend time together. Noah was also interested in Sierra and how she always seemed to be looking at Cody and smiling. He wasn't sure why she was on the trip, but he decided to focus on the trip itself for now and spend time with his friends. He wondered if Cody would spend a lot of time with Kitty and Sierra or if he would also want to spend time with Noah. He figured he would have to wait and find out.

After a half a day of flying, the group finally landed on the beautiful Camp Wawanakwa. Immediately, everyone went to find their friends and started exploring the huge camp. Noah went to look for Cody, Emma, Owen, Kitty, Izzy, and Eva. He wanted to spend time with all his friends, but a part of him felt excited to see Cody and see how much time he would be spending with other people on the trip. He had a feeling that Cody would be spending a lot of time with the girls, so he tried to keep his expectations in check. After all he does call himself a ladies man. Noah was surprised to find Emma, Eva, Heather, and Courtney all together. He had thought that Heather and Courtney wouldn't get along with Emma and Eva, but they all seemed to be having a great time. He went over and started talking to them and learning more about what they did and their interests. They talked for a while and Noah learned some fascinating new things from them. He was happy to see that everyone was getting along and having fun together, and he was excited to see how the rest of the trip would play out.

After 30 minutes of talking, the group decided to find everyone and pick a cabin that they would stay in for the next 8 weeks. They all decided to go in groups to find their friends and to meet in 30 minutes back at the same spot. It was time to find a place that they would call home while on the trip and to make sure everyone was okay and safe. It was time to really start their adventure! Only after 5 minutes of looking around, Noah and Emma instantly found Cody, Kitty, Izzy, and Owen in the food hall. The group was eating some food and talking about drama that happened at their school. "Oh hi Noah! Kitty and I were trying to look for you guys then we bumped into Owen and Izzy and Owen was hungry so we decided to get food." Cody smiled and acted like he meant it. He seemed genuinely happy to see Noah and Emma, and he was eager to see the other members of the group as well. After 25 minutes, Noah and Emma found Cody, Kitty, Izzy, Owen, Trent, and Gwen. They all sat down to talk about who they would be staying with for the next 8 weeks. They tried to figure out the right combination of roommates that would make them all happy and comfortable during the trip. They wanted to make sure that everyone was happy and that no one fought or had a bad time on the trip. It was an important decision and everyone wanted to get it right. They all decided that Noah, Cody, Harold, Owen, Trent, and Justin will be in group one. Group two will be Alejandro, Tyler, Duncan, DJ, Geoff, and Ezekiel. Group three will be Heather, Courtney, Lindney, Leshawna, Katie and Sadie. Group four will be Emma, Kitty, Bridgette, Gwen, Eva, Izzy, Sierra, and Beth. It seems like the groups have been determined and everyone is ready to spend time with their friends and make new ones on the trip.

When everyone was done unpacking and settling in, it was already 9pm. Everyone was tired from unpacking, exploring, and the long flight, so they decided to go eat their dinner and then head off to bed. It was an eventful day, but everyone was excited for more adventures in Canada. Now, it was time to rest and prepare for the next day. Everyone hoped that the trip would live up to their expectations and that it would be an unforgettable experience, and they couldn't wait to see what the day had in store for them.

Cody was about to drift off to sleep when he heard a strange noise outside. It was faint but he was still startled and unsure of what it was. Cody got off his bed and went outside to investigate. He was scared and frightened but he couldn't just ignore the strange sound. He slowly made his way out the door and looked around, trying to figure out the cause of the noise. He was cautious and scared, but he wanted to know what it was that he heard.

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