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Gwen was watching as Noah had a conversation with LeShawna, Harold, and Justin and she couldn't help but wonder what was happening between Noah and Cody. Gwen noticed how close Cody and Sierra were becoming and she couldn't shake this feeling that something was up. She started to feel a bit suspicious of Sierra, despite her friendly nature. Gwen had a weird feeling about Sierra and she couldn't tell if that girl was good or bad news for Cody. Earlier that day, Gwen was talking to Sierra on the plane to Camp Wanankawa and she asked her about Cody. Sierra told Gwen almost everything she knew about Cody. She shared that Cody still sleeps with a plushie, that he still has feelings for Gwen, and other really personal details about him. Gwen wasn't sure why Sierra was willing to reveal so much about Cody to her and it got her a bit suspicious. She couldn't help but wonder if Sierra had intentions for Cody. 

After a while, Gwen went up to Heather and asked, "Hey Heather!" "Oh hey wanna be emo!" Heather replied jokingly. "So you know about Cody and Noah and their situation right now?" Gwen asked. "WHAT! Girl, tell me everything," Heather replied, excited to know the tea and what was going on. Gwen explained everything that was happening, from Noah and Cody's situation to how Sierra was being weird and seemed to have a thing going on with Cody. Heather was intrigued and ready to help Gwen find out more. "So you're saying that Cody was ignoring Noah?" "Yes!" "And then he started hanging out with this stalker girl..." "Yes?" "Omg, I'm literally going to go smack some sense into my little brother, oh my lord. And then I'll go fight that so-called Sierra girl for stalking him!" Heather said proudly, ready to protect her best friend and his "boyfriend". She couldn't believe that Cody was ignoring Noah and spending his time with some new girl. It just didn't seem right to her. Heather's mind was racing with thoughts of how to make this situation better. She couldn't let Cody spend his time with some new girl who could potentially be a threat to Noah. But how could she get Cody to listen to her and break away from Sierra? Maybe she could try talking to Cody again, this time in a more stern tone. She decided that she would do whatever it took to get Cody to see that Sierra was not someone to be trusted and she would make sure that Noah and Cody patched things up. 

Heather wanted to tell Noah about Cody and Sierra, but Gwen stopped her. "Girl, why can't we tell Noah?" Gwen asked. "He might get worried about his 'boyfriend' and also we don't have a lot of proof," Gwen responded. "Oh..." Heather said. "We can tell Owen and Courtney! But don't tell Emma, she's literally the nicest person ever and I kinda don't wanna hurt her." "Gotcha, I'll go tell Courtney, you tell Owen!" Gwen and Heather split up and went to find the others. Sierra watched as they went their separate ways. She was happy to see that Gwen and Heather hadn't yet told Noah about their suspicions towards her. She wondered what else she could do to get closer to Cody and further push him away from Noah. She would do whatever it took to make sure that Noah and Cody were separated for good. Sierra watched from a far as Heather began talking to Courtney. She watched as Heather whispered something into Courtney's ear and Courtney looked horrified and shocked. Sierra wondered what they could possibly be talking about and if it had anything to do with her. Sierra decided to keep an eye on the situation and waited to see how this situation would unfold. She didn't want to risk any news about her getting to Cody and causing him to realise that she may not be the nicest person after all. The group finally found Gwen and Owen and they all started to discuss what was going on. Gwen and Owen explained to Courtney what had been happening with Cody and Sierra. They told her about how Cody was spending all his time with Sierra and ignoring Noah. They also told her about how Sierra knew so many intimate details about Cody. They were all suspicious of her and didn't trust that Sierra had good intentions. They explained that they had seen Sierra and Cody together at the lake earlier, but they hadn't talked to Cody yet and they were planning to find him and ask him what was going on. Courtney heard them out and agreed that Sierra's behaviour was strange.

Emma was walking by and she overheard the group talking about Cody and Sierra. She heard everything they said about Cody spending all his time with Sierra and ignoring Noah. She heard about how Sierra knew all of Cody's intimate details. Emma was confused and sadden as she thought to herself, "Does Noah not love me anymore? What did I do to lose him?" She felt full of sadness and confusion. She couldn't believe what was happening between Cody and Sierra and she didn't want to lose Noah's love and affection. Emma thought about how Noah had always wanted to be around Cody and never her. She thought about how he was always smiling and laughing with Cody, never once at her. Emma felt hurt and confused. She didn't know what to do. She felt as if Noah preferred Cody over her and she felt hurt and rejected. She was tired of being on the sidelines and wanted to be his number one, his special person, his one and only love.  As everyone talked, Courtney spotted Emma in the bushes. "Emma! Are you okay?" Emma could feel tears rolling down her hot red face. She tried to wipe them away, but they kept coming back. "No... I'm not," Emma said. She was overwhelmed with sadness and confusion and she didn't know how to deal with everything. She was feeling so many emotions and she didn't know how to cope. She felt as if she had lost Noah and she didn't know what to do. Emma ran back to her cabin and bumped into Cody and Kitty having a conversation. Cody saw her and asked, "Emma, are you okay?" Emma was too overwhelmed with emotions to answer Cody. She just looked down and cried. She didn't know what to do and she felt like she was losing Noah. She wanted to be his number one and his special person. She wanted to be his love. But as of now, she didn't feel like that was the case and she just felt sad and alone. Cody and Kitty didn't know what to do. They were both trying to calm Emma down. As Kitty sat next to her, Emma turned to her and started crying into her shoulder. "Hey, it's okay," Kitty said, trying to calm her. "When you feel better, you can tell me everything sis!" Emma didn't say anything. She just kept crying and leaning on Kitty for comfort. Meanwhile, Cody was still patting her back and trying to be there for her. He wanted to help her but he wasn't sure what to say or do. When Emma felt a bit better, she told Cody and Kitty everything that she had overheard. Cody was shocked to hear that Sierra was stalking him and felt really uncomfortable. He was confused and he didn't know what to do. Kitty was angry and confused about Noah and Emma's relationship. She was trying to figure out what had happened between them and why Noah was spending more time with Cody than with her. She couldn't understand what was going on and she was worried about Noah and their relationship.

When Emma left, Kitty and Cody went to confront Gwen, Courtney, Owen, and Heather about what they were talking about with Sierra. Gwen explained everything to both of them and how Noah was feeling left out and alone for the past 2 days. Courtney was mad that Sierra was spying on Cody and was worried that Sierra might try to do something to Noah and Cody's relationship. Gwen said that they would need to talk to Noah to get his side of the story and to find out exactly what was going on between him and Sierra. Cody and Kitty were left confused by everything. Kitty was mad at Noah for ignoring Emma, his girlfriend, and Cody was mad at himself for ignoring Noah and making him feel abandoned. They were both confused by everything that had happened and they started talking about what to do next. Cody wanted to help Noah and Emma figure things out and try to get them back together. He understood that Emma was feeling lonely and sad and he wanted to make sure she was okay. Kitty agreed, and she also wanted to confront Sierra about her stalking and interfering with Noah and Emma's relationship.

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