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Sierra was about to grab Cody's arm and snatch him from Noah, but Cody had other ideas. Without even thinking, he leaned in and kissed Noah. Sierra was stunned. She couldn't believe what was happening. She couldn't believe that Cody had actually managed to convince Noah to kiss him. The kiss lasted only a few seconds, but it was long enough to send a message to Sierra: Cody was off-limits. She couldn't have him. The kiss was soft, short, and sweet. When Noah realised he was kissing Cody, he blushed really hard, but that only made him want to kiss Cody even more. What had started out as a desperate attempt to get Sierra to back off, had quickly turned into something more. Noah couldn't help liking Cody, and kissing him only made him like him more. It was the perfect way to convince Sierra to leave them alone. She couldn't compete with Noah. She had to let Cody go. "C-Cody?" Sierra screamed, tears streaming down her face. "How could you?!" Sierra ran off into the forest, distraught and devastated. She had never expected this to happen. She didn't know how to handle the sudden shock and pain of seeing Cody kiss another man. Noah and Cody looked at each other, uncertain of what to do. They had never expected their plan to have such an effect on Sierra. Would she ever recover from this? Would she ever forgive them? "Noah! I'm so sorry!" Cody exclaimed. "I didn't know what I was thinking. I just wanted Sierra to go, and-" Before he could finish his sentence, Noah interrupted him. "It's fine, Cody," he said. "As long as it doesn't ruin our friendship!" Cody nodded, relieved that Noah was taking the situation so well. He couldn't help but wonder if Noah didn't feel the same way he did. The kiss had felt so good, and he really liked Noah. He hoped that Noah felt the same way. Heather ran up to Cody and hugged him tightly. "Cody, are you okay?" she asked, concerned. Cody nodded, still a little shaken up by the whole experience. Meanwhile, Eva, Emma, and Kitty were with Noah. "Hey Noah," Kitty said, joking around. "How'd you like that kiss with Cody?" Noah blushed and laughed nervously. "W...Well, it was alright," he said. "I mean, I did it to help Cody, you know? It's not like I enjoyed it or anything." "Yeah, yeah, now come on!" Kitty yelled. "It's already 11pm, and I'm tired!" "Alright, alright," Noah said. Everyone started to head back to the cabins. They had a big day ahead of them, and they all needed their rest. But deep down, Noah couldn't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, he had enjoyed kissing Cody a little bit more than he had let on. Would he ever get another chance to do it again? Only time would tell... 

The next morning, Kitty and Heather were told about the kiss between Noah and Cody in the NoahxCody group chat. "That happened while we were all waiting for you back at the cabin!" Gwen yelled. Kitty and Heather could both feel the tension building in the group chat. Some people were happy for Cody and Noah, while others were against it. This could become a problem for Noah and Cody if the group wasn't careful. They would have to be careful so that they didn't cause any more drama among their friends. "What happened to Sierra?" Justin asked. Bridgette explained everything that had happened that night, the kiss between Noah and Cody, and how Sierra had reacted to it. "Oh my god," Justin said, "this is so crazy." The whole situation was unexpected and unusual, and it was already causing so much drama among the group. Justin couldn't help but wonder what else might happen and whether it could lead to more problems in the future. While everyone was talking, Cody came walking in, looking like he had just woken up. "Hey guys." he said sleepily. Gwen protested. "Cody Anderson! You kissed Noah! AND you didn't tell me!" Cody shrugged. "I didn't think it was a big deal," he said. "Noah and I are just friends, and it was just a kiss, right? It's not like we're dating or anything. I didn't think you'd care so much." "Cody, you literally had a crush on Noah since forever!" Gwen protested. "You cried about him and did a lot of other stuff for him, and you're telling me that isn't a big deal? Cody shrugged. "Yeah, yeah, I guess it was a big deal, but he just likes me as a friend. He even said so himself after the kiss!" Cody sounded sad. It was obvious that he really liked Noah, and that he was disappointed that Noah didn't feel the same way about him. Without thinking, Noah came from behind Cody and rested his head on Cody's shoulder, half-asleep and unaware of what he was doing. Cody didn't know how to react. He was surprised and confused by Noah's actions, but at the same time, he liked it. He liked having Noah close to him, and he liked the feeling of being wanted and cared for by Noah. Noah's actions were starting to make Cody feel...well, things. He wasn't sure what they meant, but they felt good. Owen walked up to Noah and Cody. "Hey Noah!" he said. "Hey." Noah said sleepily, not even looking up from Cody's shoulder. Owen knew something was going on between Cody and Noah, and he was curious about it. He also wanted to wake Noah up so that he could ask him questions. Cody felt Noah stirring next to him and wondered if he should move. He didn't want Noah to wake up, but he also didn't want Owen to keep asking questions about what was going on between them. "Hey, is there something going on between you two?" Owen asked. "Nope," Noah replied. "You sure?" Owen teased. Everyone in the group was giggling behind him. "Nothing really happened," Noah said. Cody couldn't help but smile a little as well. Maybe Noah was just really tired and had accidentally rested his head on Cody's shoulder, but deep down he was hoping that there was more to it than that. Noah was still extremely tired from the night before and he was starting to get annoyed with Owen asking questions. "Nothing really happened," he said tiredly. "I think..." "You sure?" Owen continued. "Fine, I kissed Cody," Noah said without even thinking. He grabbed Cody's face and gave him a quick kiss. Everyone in the group watched in shock. It was clear to them that Noah's intentions had been to make a joke, but instead it had actually happened. And they had seen it with their own eyes. "Then I can't remember what happened next," Noah said as if nothing had happened. "I think I just fell asleep straight after." Everyone was still shocked by the kiss they had seen, especially Cody. He could hardly believe that Noah had kissed him, even if it had been just a quick peck. He could still feel Noah's lips on his face, which was making him even more confused. Noah smiled and walked back, like nothing had happened. "Which in saying that, I'm going back to bed. Night guys!" Cody watched Noah walk away, feeling even more confused than before. He couldn't help but wonder what Noah had been thinking when he kissed him. Was it just a joke, as Noah claimed, or was there something else to it? He couldn't help but hope for the latter. The group chat was suddenly filling up with messages. Everyone was talking about what had just happened between Noah and Cody, and the different interpretations they had for it. Some people thought it was a joke, others thought it was something more.

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