Confession I guess?

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Noah was walking to the lake when he suddenly heard a voice over the loudspeakers. "Everyone, please come to the food hall. I have an announcement to make." Noah stopped in his tracks, not sure if he should keep walking towards the lake or return to the food hall. He eventually decided to head to the food hall and see what was going on. As he got closer, he could hear a few voices, including Cody's. Maybe Cody was the one making the announcement after all. 

Everyone in the group heard the message and ground to a halt. "What? We were so close!" Kitty exclaimed, clearly frustrated by the sudden turn of events. Cody, Trent, and Heather were talking together, while Emma, Eva, and Izzy went towards Noah. They were all intrigued to find out what the announcement was. "Maybe Cody is making the announcement," someone said, but it turned out that he wasn't. When they reached the food hall, they saw Heather standing in front of a microphone. "Everyone, please listen up," Heather said, her voice amplified by the microphone. "I have some bad news." Everyone fell silent, their faces filled with worry. What could Heather possibly have to say that would be so important? They listened carefully, eager to find out. "Hello everyone," Heather said through a microphone, "Sorry for getting everyone here with such short notice, but unfortunately, we have to leave Monday next week." The group of friends was shocked at this news and exchanged quick looks of surprise. They hadn't been expecting this announcement, and they weren't sure what to think. "Leaving...leaving as in...what?" Noah asked, his voice sounding confused and concerned. "We're going back to school a week earlier because a new school is coming here next week and we can't all fit," Heather said apologetically. "I'm so sorry, guys, but there's no other option." The group of friends was stunned into silence by the news. They couldn't believe that they had to go back to school sooner than expected. They looked at each other, trying to process this unexpected change in plans. "It's okay, Heather," Cody said, finally breaking the silence. "We'll make the best of it." "Thanks, Cody!" Heather said, glad to have his support during this difficult time. Noah's face turned red when he heard Cody's voice, and he found himself staring at him. Cody was calm and composed, as if he didn't have a care in the world. But Noah couldn't help but notice that Cody was perfect in every way. He was handsome, intelligent, and kind. "You can all go back to what you were doing before now," Heather said through the microphone, dismissing the group. "Goodbye!" "Cody, hurry to the lake! Noah's right here and he might beat you to the lake!" Kitty yelled, and Cody instantly took off in a run, with everyone behind him. Noah watched this happen and realised that he needed to get to the lake as well. He was getting closer and closer to figuring out Cody's plan. As he kept walking, he couldn't help but smile, excited about what might happen at the lake. Cody looked up as Noah arrived at the lake. They stared at each other awkwardly for a moment, before Cody finally spoke up. "Hey Noah," he greeted. Noah was surprised that Cody had come this far and waited for him. He didn't know what to say and just stood there staring. After a moment, he remembered that this was an important moment. "Hey, Cody," Noah replied. "You wanted to tell me something?" Cody stared at Noah long and hard, trying to find the right words to say. Noah waited patiently, not wanting to interrupt Cody's thoughts. Finally, Cody spoke up. "Noah, I really wanted to tell you this for a really long time!" Noah's eyes widened in surprise. "You did?" he asked, a note of optimism in his voice. "Tell me, Cody, I want to hear it." Cody opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say anything, Noah rushed to interrupt him. "Cody, if you hate me, I'm so sorry," Noah pleaded. "I didn't mean to yell at you or anything like that! If you're here to say that you don't want to be my friend, I understand." Cody was taken aback by Noah's emotional eruption. "Uhh..." he said, before gathering his thoughts and resuming. "No, Noah, misunderstood...I don't..." Cody took a deep breath and looked up at Noah. "No, Noah, you misunderstood," he repeated. "I don't hate you, I just... I just want to..." He trailed off, not sure how to say what he wanted to say. "Can we...can we go back to how we used to be? You know, before all this?" The words tumbled out of his mouth, and he could feel himself getting flustered. "Can we...can we go back to how we used to be? You know, before all this?" Cody looked up at Noah, his face filled with hope that their once-close friendship could be restored. Noah nodded fervently. He would give anything to go back to the way things used to be between them. He had missed Cody's companionship and the comfort that their friendship brought. "Please, Cody, let's try once more," he said anxiously. "Let's...let's try to be friends again." "I'd like that too." 

 Everyone in the group, including Kitty, were crouched behind the bushes, listening intently. "Oh god, Cody was supposed to say that he likes Noah!" Kitty whispered angrily, unable to believe that Cody had missed his chance to confess. The others nodded in agreement, feeling equally disappointed by Cody's failure to make his feelings known. "Wait," Heather whispered, looking thoughtful. "Maybe we should give him another chance to do it. We can't force him to tell Noah how he feels, but we can encourage it." Heather's suggestion was met with agreement from the others. They had all seen how much Cody cared about Noah over the past few days, and they wanted to make sure that he got the opportunity to express his feelings. The group continued to crouch behind the bushes, waiting for an opportunity to talk to Cody without Noah noticing. 

"Cody, can I tell you something?" Noah asked. He was tired of keeping his feelings from Cody and wanted to get them out already. Perhaps this was the moment.Cody looked surprised, but he quickly composed himself and nodded. "Of course, Noah, what's up?" he said, trying to be casual. "Well, I..." Noah started, but then he faltered. How could he possibly explain what he was feeling? And what if Cody didn't feel the same way? "Well, I...I..." Noah didn't know what to say and froze. Cody looked so effortlessly amazing. Noah was mesmerising by him. "You okay?" Cody asked, his voice filled with concern. Noah took a breath to steady himself and tried to think of the right words to say. "I...I'm glad we're friends again!" He said, a bit too fast and too loudly. He tried to hide the disappointment in his voice. Of course, he was glad to be friends again, but he hoped for...more.

Cody nodded at Noah's words, his face filled with empathy for Noah's discomfort.
"Noah, there's something...there's something I need to tell you," Cody said softly, not wanting to surprise Noah with this information.
Noah felt a mixture of emotions wash over him, including a sense of dread and anticipation. What would Cody say? Was Noah ready to hear it? He took a deep breath and nodded to Cody, indicating that he was ready to hear whatever Cody had to say. Cody took a deep breath, gathered his thoughts, and took a step closer to Noah. "Noah, I have to tell you something." Noah's eyes widened in expectation. He felt like he was about to hear something life-changing. He tried to remain calm and still, but he was nervously itching to move. "Wha-what is it?" Noah asked, his voice filled with both fear and hope. Cody's expression was serious but gentle, as if he was preparing Noah for what he was about to say. Cody finally looked into Noah's eyes and said: "Noah, you're my best friend, you know that, right?" Noah's eyes were wide with surprise. "I-I love you!" Cody said emphatically. "Platonic, right?" Noah asked, a nervous chuckle escaping his throat. "Yeah, yeah!" Cody said hastily, trying to save himself. "Just best friends, haha, nothing romantic! Don't worry." "Okay," Noah said, trying to hide his disappointment. He knew that he wasn't going to get the words he wanted to hear. He knew he would have to be satisfied with friendship, even if he wanted more. "I'll see you tomorrow," Cody said with a smile, and he started to walk away.

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