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Last night, Cody woke up in the middle of a really bad panic attack. He was overwhelmed and scared, and all he wanted was Noah by his side. But he couldn't have that, and it broke his heart. He missed Noah so much, but he assumed that Noah hated him, even though he deep down knew that wasn't true. He tried to console himself by telling himself that Noah didn't actually hate him, but it was hard for him to cope with everything that had just happened.

The next morning, Cody woke up exhausted and tried to put everything behind him. He just couldn't stop thinking about what happened and wondered why he couldn't have just left things alone. He and Noah could have still been friends if he just ignored his feelings and kept them to himself. Instead, his love for Noah drove a wedge between them and made everything even worse. As he thought about his ruined friendship, Cody couldn't help but feel guilty and sad. He felt like he had just lost everything and didn't know how to cope.

Noah was far from happy. He couldn't believe he had hurt Cody's feelings by just trying to hide his own. Cody must have hated him now if he wasn't talking to him, which was Noah's thought. He felt so ashamed and guilty, knowing that he had ruined his friendship with one of the most important people in his life. He tried to convince himself that Cody wouldn't hate him just because he couldn't reciprocate his feelings, but that was hard to believe. Just the mere thought of losing Cody as a friend made his stomach churn. Gwen, Heather, Bridgette, and Leshawna saw both Noah and Cody and realized how bad things had gotten. They wanted to fix this situation ASAP before something else happened and made things even worse. They all tried to convince both Noah and Cody that they didn't hate them and that they just needed time to process their feelings, but the tension between the two friends was thick and they didn't seem ready to mend their broken bond just yet.

After coming up with a plan for Noah and Cody to reconcile, all four of the girls decided to go for it. Leshawna would talk with Noah and walk with him by the lake while Gwen does the same with Cody. Heather and Bridgette would call Gwen and Leshawna over, leaving Noah and Cody together on their own. They would instruct the two boys to keep walking and to wait for them. Eventually, the two boys would bump into each other and be forced to confront their emotions and deal with their unresolved feelings.

Gwen approached Cody and asked, "Hey, Cody, are you feeling better?" Cody replied with a simple "No." Gwen looked back at Heather, who was hiding in the bushes, and knew that the plan to have Cody and Noah reconcile would take some effort. "How about we go on a walk around the lake?" Gwen asked Cody. He was feeling too sad to do anything that day, so he just shook his head. "Come on, Cody, I'm trying to help! Now come on, let's go!" Gwen said, trying to be more persuasive. Gwen picked up Cody to try and force him to come with her as she headed towards the lake. She was determined to get him to talk and to open up about his feelings. Cody resisted and tried to wrestle his way out of Gwen's grip, but she just wouldn't give up. Finally, he relented and allowed Gwen to take him on their walk. Once they were by the lake, Gwen tried to convince Cody one more time. "Aren't you feeling better yet?" she asked. Cody still just shook his head. "Okay, look, Cody, I know you're not feeling great right now," Gwen said. "But you need to talk to me. What happened between you and Noah? You can't just ignore your feelings and keep pretending like everything is okay. Don't you think it would be better if we just talked things through and got everything out in the open?" Cody looked at Gwen with a hint of annoyance. "Why can't you just leave me alone?!" he asked. Gwen was taken aback by Cody's sudden burst of emotion and frustration. Cody was shocked at what he said to Gwen and looked back at her with an apologetic look on his face. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say that to you," he said over and over while hugging Gwen and crying. Gwen was shocked at what Cody said, and felt so bad for him. When she saw the expression on his face, she realised that he was thinking about his cruel mother and how every time he raised his voice, she would yell at him and hit him. Gwen felt so sad for Cody and wanted to protect him and make everything better. "Hey, it's okay, buddy, I'm sorry for being so pushy!" Gwen said in a calm and loving tone. "How about we take that walk and you can tell me everything that's not okay?" She held out her arms to Cody to offer a hug and a safe space for him to let his emotions out. Gwen didn't want Cody to suffer alone, and she wanted to help him any way she could. She couldn't bare to see him so upset and confused after everything that had happened between him and Noah.

"Hey, Noah!" Leshawna said, walking up to her friend. She could see that Noah still felt really bad about Cody and wanted to help him as much as possible. "Hey, string bean, how about we go and have a walk around the lake?" She spoke in a kind and understanding tone, hoping to make Noah feel comfortable. She wanted to be there for him and help him feel better. She knew it would take more than just words to make Noah feel okay, but she hoped that she could at least be a source of comfort and support. "Sure, Leshawna, that sounds good to me," Noah said with a small smile. He was feeling a little bit better after spending some time walking with Leshawna around the lake, talking about his feelings and trying to make sense of everything that had happened. Leshawna was a good listener and she made him feel safe and understood. He appreciated her being there for him and giving him a place to vent. As they continued walking, Noah started to feel better and hoped that he and Cody could eventually reconcile and become friends again.

After a while of Gwen, Cody, Leshawna, and Noah walking and talking, it was time for phase 2 of the plan. Bridgette and Heather called Leshawna and Gwen and told them to turn around, leaving Noah and Cody walking towards each other without them knowing. Both Noah and Cody were surprised to see each other but they still felt tense and awkward. Neither of them wanted to talk about their feelings or what had happened between them. They were both hoping that they could just pretend that everything was fine and act as if nothing had happened.

When Noah saw Cody, his heart started racing and he could feel his eyes watering. But he held it back and tried to stay calm. "H-hey C-cody," he said awkwardly, trying to act like nothing had happened between them. He didn't want to face the fact that he'd hurt his best friend so deeply. Cody just looked at him in silence, his eyes full of hurt and disappointment. He wanted to say something, to try and make things better between them. But he couldn't find the words. "Look Cody, I'm so sorry from what I said to you," Noah continued, his voice trembling. "I didn't mean any of it! You're literally my best friend in the whole world, I could never hate you!" Noah could feel himself crying hard as he finally let out all of his pent-up emotions. Cody was surprised that Noah was saying sorry. He thought Noah was mad at him and didn't expect him to respond with kindness and understanding. "You don't hate me?" Cody asked, his voice full of emotion. "Because you're my best friend and I could never hate you." Cody broke down and started crying while laughing, while he went over to hug Noah. Noah hugged Cody back and they just stood there, tears streaming down their faces. They both realised how much they needed each other and how much they had been through together. They had almost lost their friendship and it was a miracle that they had been able to come back from it. As Cody looked at Noah, his heart started racing and his hands got sweaty. He felt something new in his chest, something he had never felt before. He thought Noah looked so cute, and his brown eyes stared right into Cody's. He started to think about Noah and what their relationship meant to him. What was this feeling he was feeling? Was it love? Or just a strong friendship? He wasn't sure, but he knew that whatever it was, he didn't want to lose Noah again.

In the bushes, the four girls were watching and giggling the entire time. "Oh, my Lord, they just need to kiss already! I'm literally going to fight them if they don't!" Gwen said loudly. Cody and Noah both heard that and looked over to the bushes to find the four girls laughing. They both realised that the plan had worked and that their friends wanted the best for them. They felt happy and relieved that they had been able to reconcile and that their friends were there to support them. "GUYS, THEY FOUND US!!" Bridgette yelled, jokingly. Noah and Cody were shocked and looked over to see where Bridgette's voice had come from. To their surprise, they saw Bridgette poking her head out from a bush, with a big grin on her face. Gwen and Leshawna were also there, giggling at the scene that had unfolded. They had just finished their part of the plan and were now ready to see what would happen next.

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