The fight

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SH warning 

Noah felt a bit sad and lonely without Cody. He has been so caught up on music he didn't have time for anyone, but Noah was lucky to have friends like Emma, Owen, Eva, and Izzy to help pick up the slack. They all made sure to include Noah in their group activities, and to make him feel wanted. Emma and Eva even invited him along on a shopping trip they were planning, and Izzy helped him with a school project he was struggling with even though she didn't even understand half of it. Cody was loving music more and more every day, but he was quickly finding himself busy with band practice and other projects. He tried to make time for Noah, but he felt like they were drifting apart. On the other hand, Noah was having a good time hanging out with Emma, Eva, and Izzy, and Owen he wasn't really putting in any effort to spend time with Cody. It was like they were living in different worlds, and their friendship was being pulled in different directions. Noah hated that but he thought it was for the best for then. They weren't meant to be friends.

Cody made an effort to talk with Noah about their friendship, but Noah was still mad at him for suddenly leaving without saying anything. The two of them had a tense and uncomfortable discussion, where they were constantly talking over each other and having a hard time expressing themselves.

"You haven't been a good friend," Noah said. "I can't believe you would just leave without saying anything to me. I thought you cared about me, you're just a selfish person. I can't believe I trusted you"

"You're being unfair and selfish," Cody shot back. At that point both of them were sobbing and screaming at each other. "I have other things to do besides hanging out with you all the time."

When Cody finally made it home that night, he was exhausted and ready to relax. But to his surprise, his father was home and was clearly drunk. He started yelling at Cody about how he was never there for him and was spending too much time with his friends instead of being a responsible son. Cody was already in a bad mood from the Noah situation, and he couldn't believe his father's audacity to yell at him when he hadn't done anything wrong. That night Cody had enough with everything his parents, music, and of course Noah. Noah was Cody's best friend even though Noah didn't even consider him as a friend. He loved him, he loved his parents but they don't even love him back so why would he care. He opened the drawer that had the knives then did it. He loved and hated every bit of it. After 8 cuts on each arm he bandgeds himself up and cried himself to sleep. 

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