The new girl

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Cody went outside and it was dark, cold, and misty outside. He was unsure what caused the noise he heard and he decided to go closer to figure it out. He approached the strange sound and waited for a few moments. He then heard something again and decided to move even closer, this time a bit more cautiously. He was scared and nervous to see what he would find out there. He hoped that it wasn't something dangerous but at the same time, his curiosity was getting the best of him.  When Cody finally reached the sounds, he looked inside the bush and there was still nothing there. Despite this, he felt like someone was watching him and he got a shiver down his back. He was terrified and didn't know what to do. He wanted to leave but something was stopping him from moving. He was stuck and his thoughts were racing. He hoped that if someone or something was watching him, it would leave him alone. He couldn't bear to be in this situation any longer and he had to try and leave.  

As Cody went outside to investigate the mysterious sounds, Noah woke up and noticed that Cody hadn't returned yet. He started to wonder what was taking Cody so long to come back and he was a little worried. He stayed up and waited a few more minutes to see if Cody would come back. In the meantime, he heard loud banging coming from outside and decided to go investigate himself. Noah opened the door and saw Cody standing there frozen. He asked him, "Hey Cody! Are you okay buddy?" Cody responded quickly and said, "Everything's fine! I'm fine! I just... Uh needed some air!" Noah noticed that Cody was talking really fast and he seemed a bit flustered. He said that everything was fine, but Noah wasn't sure if that was true. He wanted to get to the bottom of what was going on with Cody and he didn't believe that Cody was being completely honest about why he had gone outside.  

The next morning, Cody seemed a bit distant to Noah and everyone else. He was quiet and seemed stuck in his own world. Noah was worried about Cody and noticed that something was off with him. No one else seemed to notice or notice that anything was wrong with Cody, but Noah just couldn't shake off that feeling. He couldn't tell what was bugging Cody, but he wanted to make sure that Cody was okay and find out what was on his mind.  As Noah was about to go up to Cody, a purple-haired girl named Sierra ran up and sat down next to Cody. The two of them started talking and they both seemed to be laughing and smiling at each other. Cody was completely relaxed and happy with Sierra and it made Noah feel helpless. He couldn't believe that a stranger could make Cody smile so easily but he himself couldn't do the same. He was feeling like he wasn't enough of a friend to Cody and he wasn't sure what to do to make Cody happy again. 

For the entire day, Cody felt like he was being watched. He was lost in his own thoughts and didn't even realise that he was ignoring everyone around him. As he was sitting alone, Sierra approached and asked him if he was okay. Cody quickly snapped out of his thoughts and looked up to see Sierra in front of him. She was concerned and wanted to know what was wrong. Cody was a little surprised to see someone talking to him and he tried to brush it off and said, "I'm fine. Everything's fine."  Sierra didn't believe what Cody said and she sat next to him. She tried to convince him to tell her what was wrong and he finally relented. Cody started to talk about the mysterious sounds he heard. He explained that he felt like he was being watched and he was scared. He could feel the eyes on him and he couldn't shake off this feeling. Sierra listened patiently and told him that he shouldn't worry too much about it and that he was safe with their group. 

Noah was watching Cody and Sierra talk to each other and he couldn't make out what they were saying. He felt a little lost and didn't know what to do. Meanwhile, Gwen saw Noah staring and she walked up to him. Gwen asked him, "Hey, Noah! What's up?" Noah explained to her what was going on and how he didn't understand what was going on between Cody and Sierra. Gwen gave him some reassurance and told him that everything was okay and that he shouldn't worry too much about it. Gwen could tell that Noah felt annoyed at himself and she could tell that he really cared about Cody. She also wanted to know more about this Sierra girl and who she was to Cody. She asked him if he knew who Sierra was and why Cody was talking  with her and not everyone else. Noah explained that he didn't know who Sierra was and that he thought Cody was just spending time with her to make the trip more enjoyable. Gwen couldn't help but feel a little jealous and a bit worried about Cody's relationship with Sierra. 

After Cody finished talking to Sierra, he left to go find his friends. "Thanks Sierra for listening to me. I'm gonna go to my friends now! Bye!" Cody started to look around for Noah, Gwen, Owen, Izzy, and the rest of the gang, but he couldn't find them anywhere. He didn't know where the other campers were or who had split up during the day. He was starting to wonder if he should just go back to his cabin alone or keep looking for his friends. After a while, Cody found Heather, Owen, Lindsey, and Justin. Justin was doing Lindsey's hair while Heather and Owen were caught up in a conversation about Noah and Cody and the gossip that was currently going on. Cody was surprised to see them all together and he wondered what they were talking about. It looks like the gossip had already reached everyone in the group and they were already talking about it. It was clear that they weren't including Cody in their conversation, so he decided to go back to his cabin and try to learn more about the gossip later. 

At the cabin, Cody greeted Sierra and was surprised to see her just sitting on the steps. "Oh hey Sierra!" Cody said, trying to appear happy. Sierra smiled back and replied, "Oh hey Cody-kins! What are you doing?" Cody looked at Sierra and said, "Nothing, just heading back to my cabin to relax." Sierra nodded and said, "Okay, that sounds like a good idea. See ya later, Cody-kins!" Cody nodded and went into his cabin. "Oh Cody-kins!" Sierra grabbed his arm and asked, "Can I show you something?" Cody was hesitant at first, but he had nothing else to do and he followed her to the lake. Once at the lake, he saw Bridgette, Geoff, Kitty, and Tyler swimming. "Wanna swim?" Sierra asked him, waving him over to join the others. Cody was still wary of what Sierra was trying to show him, but he decided to go down to the lake and see what was going on.

As Cody approached the group by the lake, Bridgette, Geoff, Kitty, and Tyler greeted him warmly. They were all smiles and welcomed him to swim with them. Cody hesitated for a moment, wondering what Sierra was up to, but he eventually decided to join the others in the lake. As Cody approached the group by the lake, Bridgette, Geoff, Kitty, and Tyler welcomed him warmly and immediately asked him if he was feeling okay. Cody told them that he had felt like someone was watching him during the night and that he hadn't been able to shake the feeling off. Everyone was curious and wanted to figure out who had been bothering Cody. They wanted to help him figure out what was going on and who would do something like that to him.

Meanwhile, Noah was feeling a bit left out. He couldn't help but notice how close Cody and Sierra were becoming and it made him feel a bit jealous. He wondered why Cody was so interested in Sierra and why he didn't want to hang out with him anymore. He felt like Sierra had stolen his best friend and he couldn't understand why Cody was spending so much time with her. He was feeling a bit lonely and frustrated but he didn't want to make a big deal out of it. Noah hoped that he and Cody would still stay friends after the trip. 

LeShawna watched as Noah sat alone in deep thought and she felt bad for him. She decided to go up to him and sat next to him. "Hey string bean!" she said in a friendly tone. Noah looked up and was surprised to see LeShawna sitting beside him. He broke down and told LeShawna about how he felt lonely and confused because Cody was spending so much time with Sierra instead of him. He told her that he didn't know what to do and he was feeling stuck and didn't want to lose Cody as a friend.

"Oh honey, don't think that way! Cody will always be your friend. I promise you this. Every time I'm with my baby Harold, and he's talking about the drama  brother, Cody is always talking about you," said LeShawna in a comforting tone. Noah felt a bit better after talking to LeShawna and he decided to hang out with her, Harold, and Justin. They all had some fun together and it helped Noah not feel so alone and confused. He still missed Cody, but he was slowly starting to feel better.

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