Love is weird

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Trent was in complete disbelief. He was hurt, confused, and angry. "How could you do this to me?" he yelled to Gwen. "Why would you be with Duncan!? He's such a jerk!" Gwen looked at Trent in shock. "Trent, don't you even know me?" she asked. "Duncan is a nice guy. Yeah, he might be a little cocky, but he's still smart, funny, and kind." "But we were together," Trent yelled back. "How could you just move on so fast?" "You know what?" Gwen said, getting frustrated with Trent. "Our relationship was never going to work! I was tired of you always holding me back and making me feel bad for wanting to be happy. You were too clingy and insecure, and it was really unattractive." Trent was hurt by Gwen's words, but he could sense that there was some truth to them. He wasn't perfect and he knew that he had a lot to learn about relationships. But he was still in shock that Gwen could move on so fast. Trent was almost about to cry as the person he loved most just broke up with him. He was in disbelief. "Gwen, that's enough!" Justin and Heather came from behind Gwen and Duncan. "Move cheaters and go back to your seats!" Heather called out. Duncan and Gwen looked at each other and then stood up and walked back to their seats. They knew they were in a lot of trouble, but they couldn't help flirting with each other. Heather noticed Courtney's breakdown and walked over to comfort her. She put her arm around Courtney and tried to reassure her. Meanwhile, Justin saw Trent crying and walked over to hug him and let him cry into his shirt. Both of them needed comfort and it was nice to have someone there to help them through this difficult time.

Cody watched all of this happen in only a few minutes. He was shocked.
When Duncan sat down next to him, Cody didn't feel comfortable sitting next to a cheater. He was about to say something when Bridgette came over and asked them if they wanted to switch seats. Duncan and Gwen could sit together, and Cody could sit with someone else away from Duncan. "Can I sit with you?" Bridgette asked Cody. Cody was relieved to be away from Duncan and nodded. "Yes, please." "I honestly don't want to sit next to Gwen after what I saw," Bridgette said. "I think that's the same for you too, right?" Cody nodded. "Yes, thank you for sitting next to me instead. I would have been too scared to talk to Duncan." "No problem!" Bridgette said with a smile. They sat down together and were glad to be away from Duncan and Gwen, who were still flirting and laughing loudly. "The only good thing about this is Justin could have a chance with Trent," Bridgette said with a smile. "I highly doubt that!" Cody said, laughing. "True! Anyways, how's your lover boy doing?" Bridgette asked. "Really bad," Cody said with a sad sigh. "Ooh, that sucks. Do you want to talk about it?" Bridgette asked. Cody shrugged. "Sure, yeah, I guess." "So, Noah and I are really awkward right now because of the kiss!" Cody said. "And I want to confess to him, but I keep messing up my words and just leave!" "Oh, damn! That does sound bad!" Bridgette laughed. "How many times have you tried to confess?" Cody shook his head. "Too many to count, I think. I just say something wrong and ruin it every time." Cody asked, "How did you confess to Geoff?" "Well, he actually gave me a handmade photograph of me and him and a poorly written letter inside," Bridgette said, smiling. "But I found it cute and over time we just clicked!" Cody laughed and said, "Dammit, I wish it was that easy for me!" "I know, right?" Bridgette said, smiling and nodding in agreement. "It's so hard to confess sometimes, especially when you're so shy." Cody sighed. "Exactly! I don't know how I'm ever going to get the courage to confess to Noah. And now I'm worried that all the things happening in this plane are going to throw him off." "Nah, don't worry about it, I'm sure Noah is going to understand," Bridgette said. "He's a nice guy, after all."

After many hours, they finally landed back into their home town! Everybody was relieved and excited to be back home. "Oh my gosh, we finally made it back!" Lindsay said happily. "Cody, come on! Dad's waiting for us to drive us home!" "I'm coming!" Cody said. He just needed to sign the final papers to become a part of Heather's family, so he quickly signed them. Then, he met up with Heather and the rest of the group to head out to the car. Everyone was waiting for their loved ones to be picked up at the airport. All the rest of the students had already been picked up, except for a few people: Noah, Emma, Kitty, Eva, Trent, Justin, Courtney, and Harold. "Guys, we've been waiting for hours!" Harold yelled, his tone annoyed but impatient. "Dude, it's been 10 minutes!" Kitty yelled back at him. Everyone tried to keep some distance from Gwen while they waited, since she was the main reason for all the drama that happened. "Hey, Noah, how's your love life going?" Emma asked. Noah groaned. "Not well, I think Cody hates me!" Emma looked concerned. "Why, Noah? Is he acting weird around you or something?" "Yeah, well, every time we talk it's really awkward between us," Noah said. "And he tries to tell me something, but he just changes his mind every time and just leaves." "Damn! I could never have that problem," Emma laughed. Noah laughed along with her. "Yeah, it's really frustrating. It's like you try to talk about something important, but you just don't know where to start." "Well, have you tried just being direct with him?" Emma asked. "Like, say, 'hey, I really like you, let's go out for lunch' or something." Noah thought for a second, and then he smiled at Emma. "That's not such a bad idea. Maybe I'll try that the next time I talk with him." Emma nodded. "Great, Noah! Let me know how it goes, okay?" Noah nodded. "I will, Emma. Thanks." Just then, a car pulled up in front of the group. It was Noah's dad, who got out of the car to greet them. "Noah!" his dad called out. "Come on, lad, let's get you home." 

When Noah got into the car with his dad, he wanted to tell him what was happening with his love life. He wanted to tell his dad that he likes boys, but he didn't know if his dad supports it or not. Noah took a deep breath, trying to gather the courage to come out to his dad. "Hey, dad," he finally said. "Can I talk to you about something important?" "Of course, son," his dad replied. "What's up?" "Well, it's about my love life..." Noah started. "You see, there's someone I really like, and..." How would Noah answer his dad's question, and how would his dad react to the news? His dad looked at him, waiting for him to continue. "Well, the thing is..." Noah sighed. "I like another boy." His dad was quiet for a moment, considering what his son had just told him. Then, he finally spoke up. "I... I always just thought you liked girls, Noah. I... I don't know what to say." Noah's dad stayed quiet for a moment then said, "It's okay if you like boys as long as you're happy just don't get behind on school or your mother would kill you and me!" Noah laughed and smiled at his dad. "Thank you, dad, I love you!" "Love you too, kid," his dad said with a smile. Noah was relieved that his dad was so understanding and accepting. He felt lucky to have a supportive family and was excited to share his true self with the people that mattered most.

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