The sarcastic bookworm

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Cody was walking down the hallway on his way to chemistry,, when he passed by a group of students standing together in the corner. He recognized two of the students as Owen and Izzy, but he didn't know the third guy, who had brown wavy hair and was wearing a layered outfit of a rolled-up white sleeve, a teal polo shirt, and a red vest. He looked to be smarter and meaner than both Owen and Izzy, and for some reason, he had a pessimistic look on his face, as if he was already judging Cody before he had even introduced himself. Feeling curious, Cody decided to introduce himself to the mysterious new guy, and walked up to the group of students. "Hi, I'm Cody," he said with a smile. He noticed that the new guy's eyes narrowed in disbelief as he heard Cody's name, as if he was suspicious about why Cody was talking to him. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Noah," the new guy responded. His tone was sarcastic and his expression was cynical, as if he didn't believe Cody's friendly overture was genuine. Noah continued to look Cody up and down, as if he was looking for some ulterior motive behind Cody's attempt at friendliness. He didn't want to admit it, but he felt curious about the new kid at school, and wanted to know why Cody was so eager to talk to him and his friends. When Cody asked how he met Owen and Izzy, Noah rolled his eyes and said he went on a school camping trip with Owen and Izzy earlier this year. Noah continued to be rude and mean towards Cody, but he treated Owen and Izzy with kindness and consideration. He made no effort to hide his disdain for Cody, while at the same time, he went out of his way to be friendly and helpful to Owen and Izzy. It was almost as if he had a personal vendetta against Cody, and he didn't. As the bell rang and everyone headed towards their next class, Noah and Cody realised that they were both in the same chemistry class. From the moment the bell rang, Noah made it clear that he didn't want to be in the same class as Cody, with his rude and mean behaviour. He ignored Cody's attempts at friendliness. While Noah felt comfortable and at ease in chemistry class, he didn't extend the same Courtesy or friendliness to Cody, who began to feel singled out and targeted by Noah's rude and hostile behaviour.

As the bell rang, everyone left the classroom for lunch. Cody followed the flow of students, and was relieved to find Owen and Izzy in line at the cafeteria. They all sat together, but Cody couldn't stop thinking about Noah, and his new girlfriend, Emma. Emma was intelligent and ambitious, and while she was kind to Cody, she was clearly focused on her education. As Cody looked around the cafeteria, he realised that most of his classmates were too caught up in their own groups to notice or care that he was alone. He chose a seat next to Owen and Izzy, who were talking about their classes and upcoming exams. Cody nodded along, but his mind was filled with thoughts about Noah and his girlfriend, Emma. What kind of relationship did they have? Was Noah as mean and rude with Emma as he was with Cody, or did he treat her with kindness and respect? Cody couldn't help but feel jealous and insecure as he watched them together. Cody tried his best to ignore Noah and Emma and focus on his conversation with Owen and Izzy. Cody was lost in thought, staring at Noah and Emma across the room. Then, he suddenly remembered that he had been with Owen and Izzy, and realised that they were looking at him. "Oh, nothing," he said quickly, trying to act like he hadn't been staring at Noah. "I just...I just...nevermind." Owen and Izzy exchanged a look, and Owen spoke up. "If you're thinking about Noah, don't worry about him," he said with a smile. "He was like this last year with me and Izzy, but we slowly became friends."

Cody felt incredibly confused and conflicted as he watched Noah and Emma together. Everywhere he looked, there they were, laughing and smiling together, and Cody could feel himself getting more and more miserable with each passing minute. Eventually, lunch ended and everyone had to head back to class for the next period. Cody was still feeling low about his situation, but he tried to remain hopeful that things might be different tomorrow.

It had been a week since Cody had first met Noah, and he was still trying to figure out how to make amends with him. Owen and Izzy had advised him not to push too hard, since Noah kept pushing him away. Cody didn't fully understand why he had this overwhelming urge to be friends with Noah, but he just had a feeling that they could get along well if they gave it a chance. Cody was determined to prove Owen and Izzy wrong, and he was going to make Noah see him as more than just a thorn in his side. In their chemistry class, Cody was glad to have the opportunity to work with Noah, but Noah was annoyed because he wanted to work with his good friend Eva instead. Eva was overly violent and aggressive, and Cody was disappointed that Noah was friends with someone who treated other people that way. Meanwhile, Cody's attempts to make friends with Noah continued to be met with annoyance and rejection, but Cody refused to give up. He felt like Noah just needed a bit more time to get to know him and realise how much they had in common.

After chemistry class, Cody and Noah were walking around the hallway and talking. Suddenly, Duncan appeared out of nowhere and pushed Noah against the lockers, yelling at him for not doing his side of a history project. Duncan was threatening to punch Noah if he didn't get it done ASAP. Cody was horrified to see Duncan treating Noah this way, and he quickly stepped in to stop Duncan. He tried to explain that Noah had been busy and was working on it as soon as he could. But Duncan wasn't listening and he turned his anger towards Cody, and started beating him up instead. With Noah standing there watching, Cody tried to defend himself but he was no match for Duncan's strength. It was a horrific and unjustifiable act of violence, but all Noah could do was stand by and watch it happen.

As soon as Duncan left, Cody passed out and Noah rushed over to his side. "Are you alright?" Noah asked, his voice full of concern. He helped Cody up and carried him to the nurse's office, where Cody quickly regained consciousness. When Cody opened his eyes, he was surprised to see Noah standing over him. Noah was smiling and acting friendly, which was a far cry from his previous cold and distant behaviour. Cody couldn't help but be suspicious of Noah's sudden change of attitude, but he was also grateful to have a friend-ish by his side.

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