The party

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It was finally Friday, and everyone in the group was excited to go to Geoff's party. Everyone was so excited to be able to hang out and have fun together. As everyone arrived at Geoff's house, they were greeted by the sound of loud music and laughter coming from inside. Everyone smiled and headed inside, ready to enjoy the night ahead of them. As the group walked inside, they saw a flurry of activity and heard even louder music and laughter coming from the living room. Everyone smiled and walked inside, keen to join in the fun. As they walked in, they saw a huge table covered with food, and a big bowl of punch in the centre. Everyone began to grab plates and cups, grabbing food and filling their cups with punch. As everyone began to eat and drink, the atmosphere was filled with warmth and camaraderie. Everyone was excited to have a party to kick off their weekend together. Cody and Heather were sitting on the couch, enjoying their drinks, when Alejandro suddenly swooped in and stole Heather away. Cody knew that the two of them had been secretly dating, even though it was obvious to everyone else. He laughed as Heather gave him a look, signalling not to tell anyone. Heather and Alejandro left Cody alone on the couch, but Cody didn't mind. He was happy for his friend and knew that she had found someone who made her happy. He took a sip of his drink and settled in to enjoy the party. 

Cody sat alone on the couch for 10 minutes before Noah came along. "Hey, Cody!" Noah smiled.
Noah seemed a bit eager to hang out with Cody, and Cody was happy to see him. They hadn't had much time to hang out during the week due to their busy schedules, but now they could spend some time together. "Hey, Noah," Cody replied, giving him a smile. "I'm glad you came over. We didn't really have a chance to hang out during the week, huh?" "Yeah, we've both been so busy, huh?" Noah nodded in agreement. "I'm glad I got a chance to hang out too, and actually, I wanted to talk to you about something." Noah looked a bit nervous. Cody raised an eyebrow. "About what?" he asked, turning to fully face Noah. "It's a bit... personal," Noah said, looking away. "Can we go somewhere more private?" Noah asked. Cody's heart started beating faster. For the past two weeks, he couldn't stand being in a room alone with just Noah. Noah was perfect in every way: his looks, his personality, everything. "Sure," Cody said, his heart aching. He knew that Noah would never return his feelings for him, and that hurt so much. He got up from the couch and led Noah out of the party to a more private area. He knew that he was setting himself up for devastation, but he couldn't stop himself from being anywhere near Noah. Cody led Noah to a secluded corner of Geoff's house, away from the other guests. There, he couldn't keep his eyes off of Noah—his perfect face, his gorgeous eyes, the way that the light sparkled in his hair... Cody knew he was setting himself up for devastation, but he couldn't help it. Being near Noah, even if he knew the truth, was agony in paradise. "Here we are," Cody finally managed to say, breaking the silence between them. Cody's heart was racing. Before he could say anything, though, Noah spoke up. "I... I have something to tell you," Noah said, his voice shaking a little bit. "And I really don't want you to be mad." Cody's heart raced even faster. "What is it?" He couldn't believe that Noah was admitting something to him. "I wanted to tell you in private... But I-" Cody saw Noah begin to speak, and his heart raced even faster. Before he could say anything, though, Noah got cut off by a scream from somewhere in the house. Cody was suddenly on edge. "What was that!?" He asked nervously. "I don't know," Noah said, sounding just as scared as Cody was. "I'm worried that it might be something bad." 

Cody and Noah could both hear a lot of people rushing around on the main floor. "What's going on?" Cody asked. Cody and Noah rushed out of the secluded area they were talking in to find Lindsay, Justin, Beth, and Tyler. Noah looked at them, concerned. "Guys, is everything okay?" he asked. It looked like Justin was upset about something. He was on the verge of fighting Beth, but Tyler was trying to hold him back. Cody and Noah both looked on in confusion. "What's happening!?" Noah asked. Cody and Noah were suddenly startled by the presence of Kitty, Heather, and Bridgette, who came up behind them and looked shocked. Before he could process what was happening, Tyler said, "Beth poured juice all over Lindsay!" "Huh?!" Cody asked. "Beth, why would you do that?" He looked at Beth who was staring at Lindsay with satisfaction. "Because Lindsay was flirting with Justin," Beth said calmly. "Lindsay, that's not true, is it?" Noah asked with concern. "Number one, I was not flirting with Justin," Lindsay yelled. "We were talking about my dress!" "And two, Justin doesn't even like you," she continued. "So why would you be so mean?" Everyone looked on in shock. "Lindsay, you know that Justin and I have feelings for each other," Beth said firmly. "You were obviously trying to get in my way." Lindsay and Beth were now staring at each other with fire in their eyes. The tension in the room was palpable. "Uh, Beth, I don't have feelings for you, sorry babe!" Justin said jokingly. Everyone laughed, relieved that the tension in the room had loosened. "Lindsay was right," Justin continued in a more serious tone. "We were just talking about her amazing dress!" Lindsay and Beth both rolled their eyes. "Of course," Lindsay said sarcastically. "It was just a normal conversation. No flirting at all." Everyone laughed again, this time a bit nervously. "Justin, what do you mean you don't have feelings for me?!" Beth screamed. "We looked at each other at Maths!" she continued. "And you asked me for help!" "What?!" Justin replied, sounding surprised. "Dude, I just needed help with Maths, that's it!" Everyone looked on in disbelief. Justin said he didn't have feelings for Beth, but Beth was convinced otherwise. The two of them had started arguing in front of everyone, and it was getting really tense. Geoff came over to try to settle whatever was happening between Beth, Justin, and Lindsay. Geoff kicked Beth out of the party. Justin and Lindsay laughed together, joking about how Beth had thought they were flirting with each other. It was a relief that things had calmed down, and everyone began to relax. Geoff asked Lindsay and Justin to tell him what had happened—and they explained the whole situation to him, including that Beth was jealous because she thought Justin had feelings for Lindsay. Geoff took a moment to process the situation. He looked over at Lindsay and Justin, who were still joking and laughing with each other as if nothing had happened. Geoff shook his head, amused by their reactions. "Alright," he said. "I guess that settles it. So, now what do we do?" "I don't know about you guys," Justin said, smiling at Lindsay, "but I'm ready to have some fun." "Me too!" Lindsay said, smiling back at Justin. "Let's do this!" "Do you guys wanna play truth or dare?" Heather asked. Immediately, both Geoff and the rest of the group agreed, and they all walked into the living room together. Geoff called everyone in the living room so they could play. Once everyone was gathered around, they all decided on who would start. "Okay, I have a good one," Geoff said, thinking for a moment. "Truth or dare, Lindsay!?"

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