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When Cody walked away and was out of Noah's sight, everyone who was hidden behind the group ran up to Cody. "Cody! Dude! This was your chance!" Trent said. "You could have finally told him how you felt, and you blew it!" Trent was clearly disappointed in Cody. He knew that Cody had been holding feelings for Noah for a long time and that he had finally had the perfect opportunity to confess them. But it seemed like Cody was too nervous or too scared to say anything. "I know, I know!" Cody said, looking frustrated. "I wanted to tell him, really I did. But I just couldn't do it...I was too nervous, too scared." The others nodded in understanding. They knew how much it meant to Cody and how much he wanted to confess his feelings for Noah. "It's okay, Cody," Trent said, encouragingly. "Next time, we'll be there with you. Then you'll have the courage to say what you really want to say." Cody took a deep breath and nodded. "Thanks, guys, I appreciate it. I guess...I guess I just need time to prepare myself a bit more." The others nodded encouragingly, and they all left Cody alone to process his feelings. They knew how hard it was for him, and they wanted to give him the space he needed. With a bit more time, Cody would be ready to face this challenge. All he needed was a little bit of time, some space, and a bit of encouragement from his friends.

Meanwhile, Eva and Emma found Noah sitting at the lake, watching the sun set. "Hey, Noah, how was your talk?" Emma asked, knowing what had happened.
Noah sighed and looked at the two girls. "It didn't go well," he said with a sad look on his face. "Cody didn't confess his feelings for me, and he still seems to see me as only a friend."
Emma put her hand on Noah's shoulder and gave it a squeeze of reassurance. "I'm so sorry, Noah. You deserve better," she said. Noah nodded and looked down at the water. "I don't know what I expected, but I really thought this was going to be it. I feel like such a fool thinking he actually had feelings for me." Emma looked at Noah with sympathy. "You're not a fool, Noah," she said, trying to comfort him. "Cody's missing out because you're a great guy. It's his loss." Noah couldn't help but feel hurt by Emma's words. He knew she was trying to be nice, but it just made him feel worse. Noah looked up at Emma and nodded. "Thanks," he said, trying to force a smile. "It's just...I really like him, you know? I was really hoping that he felt the same way." "I know," Emma replied, putting her arm around Noah in a comforting gesture. "And it sucks that he doesn't. But you deserve someone who doesn't leave you wondering about their feelings." Noah nodded again in agreement. But his mind was still racing with thoughts of what his future would look like without Cody. "Come on, nerd, stop being sad!" Eva said, trying to lighten the mood. "At least you're still friends with Cody!" "Yeah, let's go back to the hall," Emma agreed. "It's getting late, and tomorrow lets spend a lot of time outside with everyone!" Noah tried to smile and forced a nod. He wanted to be happy and optimistic, but right now it was hard to see all the positives. He was still mourning the loss of what could've been and feeling disappointed with how things had turned out.

The next day, all the campers were having an amazing time together. They were laughing, playing games, sharing stories, and just having a good time. Especially Noah and Cody, who couldn't keep their eyes off each other. They were constantly at each other's side, sharing smiles and joking around.
By the end of the day, Noah was feeling better than he had in a long time. He had finally let go of the disappointment he had felt the day before, and he was thankful that he and Cody had managed to remain friends. 

Before dinner, the campers decided to play a round of truth or dare. Everyone gathered around the fire, ready to start the game. "Who wants to go first?" Heather asked, looking around at the other campers. "Truth or dare?" "Dare!" Cody said, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "Give me your best shot!" People laughed and nodded in agreement. With Cody's choice, the game was ready to begin. The truth or dare game began in full swing, with the campers taking turns asking each other questions and completing dares. Cody did his best to make his turn an exciting one, choosing a dare each time he was asked. His daring antics made the other campers laugh and cheer.As the game continued, it was Noah's turn to choose whether to say truth or dare. "Truth or dare?" he asked, looking around at the other campers. "Dare!" Cody said excitedly, looking forward to whatever challenge Noah would choose for him. Noah thought for a second about a good dare for Cody, then decided on something that would take him outside of his comfort zone. "Cody, I dare you to go into the forest for five minutes, and then come back. "Cody looked surprised by the dare but also excited. He took a deep breath and nodded. "Alright, I'll be back in no time," he said with a slight tinge of nervous excitement in his voice. He got up from his seat and made his way toward the forest. When Cody stepped outside, he was unprepared for the cold breeze that hit his face and caused him to shiver. He stood by the doorway for a moment, trying to gather his courage, then took a deep breath and left the shelter of the hall, heading into the forest. The woods were dark and foreboding, and even Cody's nervous excitement could not entirely mask his unease as he stepped through the trees. He knew it would only be a matter of time before he came across something unexpected in the dark, but he hoped he could make it back before then. As the minutes ticked past slowly, Cody could feel a sense of unease growing within him. He had the distinct feeling that someone was watching him from somewhere out there in the dark. His nerves were on edge, and he knew he needed to get back to the group and the safety of the camp before something bad happened to him. Cody started to pick up his pace, trying to get back to the group as quickly as he could, all the while trying to keep a sharp eye out for any potential dangers. Cody was running as fast as he could through the dark woods, desperate to get back to the hall and the safety of his friends. He knew it had been over five minutes, and he was beginning to breathe a sigh of relief when suddenly, something grabbed him from behind! Cody let out a startled yell, and he tried to turn around to face his assailant. But he found himself pinned to a tree, unable to move at all. He could hear the person breathing heavily in his ear, but the person was too close for him to see their face. Cody struggled to turn around and face his assailant, but he found himself pinned to the tree, unable to move. He could hear the person breathing heavily in his ear, but the person was too close for him to see their face. "Wh--Who's there? What do you want?" Cody asked, trying to contain his fear and stay calm. The person continued to breathe heavily in his ear, but they didn't say a word. "Please...let go," Cody said nervously. "You don't have to hurt me."

10 minutes have passed and everyone in the hall is feeling anxious as they wait for Cody.
"Guys, should we go check on Cody?" Gwen asked, looking anxious. "I'm really scared that something happened to him."
"Yeah, we should go check on him," someone else agrees. "He could be in trouble."
The group was clearly concerned about Cody, and they wanted to make sure he was safe. They took a few moments to gather themselves before heading out to look for Cody in the dark woods.

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