Who are you?

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Cody stared nervously into the dark, feeling all sorts of frightening emotions. He was really scared. He couldn't see anything in the dark. All he could feel was the cold breeze blowing through his hair and his heart beating rapidly. The seconds seemed to last forever as he waited for something to happen. Suddenly, a shadow appeared in front of him. Cody jumped and let out a startled yell. "Who's there?" He asked, trying to sound braver than he felt. The shadow said nothing in reply, just stood still. Cody tried to focus on seeing more details in the faint moonlight but couldn't make out anything.  "Finally I have you all to myself!" The shadow said in a cheerful tone, reaching out to touch Cody's face. Cody froze, his heart beating rapidly and his mouth dry. This voice...he knew that voice. It was...Cody could barely believe it, but was it...was it... Cody squinted in the dim light, trying to make out any features on the shadowy figure in front of him. "Who...? Is that you...?" Cody asked hesitantly, trying to confirm what he thought he already knew. The shadowy figure came closer and Cody could finally make out their face in the dim moonlight. To his surprise, he realised that it was...Sierra?! "Sierra?! Is that you?!" Cody asked, disbelief in his voice. "Oh no! Hello Cody-kins!" Sierra sang gleefully, her voice as adorable as always. "Did you miss me?" "Sierra...?" Cody stared at her in confusion. "What...what are you doing here?" "Cody, did you really think you could get rid of me so easily?" Sierra asked, her voice dripping with affection. "I could never leave you, my love! Not when we belong together." Cody was terrified by Sierra's controlling tone, and he was also confused. Cody was terrified and confused. He thought Sierra had left and gone back to school or something, but he certainly wasn't expecting her to be here with him in the dark woods. How did she find him? And why was she acting this way? Cody took a step away from Sierra, feeling overwhelmed by her sudden and unexpected presence. "Sierra, you have to leave," he said, trying his best to remain calm. "I appreciate how much you care about me, but you can't just show up like this." However, Sierra wasn't having any of it. She stepped even closer, practically pushing herself against Cody, and looked at him with a sickeningly sweet smile. Cody backed away from Sierra with a look of fear in his eyes. "Sierra, please!" he pleaded. "You can't just follow me around like this. It's...it's not normal. You're scaring me." Sierra just kept smiling and stepped closer to him. She reached up and brushed his bangs away from his face, revealing her crazy, obsessive look. "Oh my love," she whispered in a creepy voice, "This is just the beginning. I will never let you go. You belong to me. Forever." Cody froze in fear as Sierra spoke. For a moment, he didn't know what to say, how to react. She was saying all these insane things and coming closer to him, her creepy look never leaving his eyes. He finally managed to find his voice. "Sierra...please..." he said, his voice full of panic. "You're scaring me. You need to leave." Sierra just shook her head and stepped even closer, until they were practically face-to-face. She smiled once more and whispered in his ear. "Don't be frightened, my love," Sierra whispered, her voice becoming more intense and obsessive. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm here with you forever, by your side, loving you more than anyone has ever loved someone else in the history of the world. You'll see, Cody. I'll make you happy." Cody was at a loss for words. He didn't know how to respond to Sierra's increasingly intense tone and behaviour. He felt like he was in some kind of fever dream or nightmare, his mind spinning in confusion. Cody stood there, stunned and terrified by Sierra's words and behaviour. He didn't know how to respond or whether there was even a point in trying. Sierra seemed to have lost all traces of the sweet, innocent girl that he had once known. Now she was obsessive and crazy, claiming to love him more than anyone ever could. Cody felt like he was trapped and didn't know what to do. The situation was getting more and more surreal, and he feared he might be in real danger.

As the minutes ticked by, Noah and everyone else grew increasingly worried about Cody. They called out for him and searched everywhere they could think to look, but they couldn't find him anywhere. Noah's stomach churned in fear as he imagined the worst possible scenarios. He couldn't shake the feeling that something bad had happened to Cody, and he was wracked with guilt at the thought that it might have been his fault. "What if...what if Cody's hurt or...or worse?" Noah whispered, unable to finish that thought. "I...I can't believe I let him go off by himself like that." Noah stood there, feeling sick to the core, when he saw Gwen coming toward him. He turned towards her, praying that she had good news. "Noah," Gwen said, her voice filled with worry. "We've searched everywhere. There's no sign of Cody anywhere." "Guys, come quick!" Harold yelled, pointing down at something on the ground. "Isn't that part of Cody's shirt?" Everyone looked to where Harold was pointing and stared in shock. There on the ground was a small piece of yellow fabric, which looked just like a piece of the shirt Cody had been wearing earlier. Immediately, the group felt a chill run down their spines. Has something terrible happened to Cody after all? Everyone stared in shock at the small, yellow piece of fabric that matched Cody's shirt. It was as if all the colour had drained from the world, and a deep sense of fear and foreboding filled the air. Something terrible had happened to Cody, everyone could sense it. But what? As the group tried to make sense of the situation, they heard something rustling in the bushes ahead. All at once, they froze and looked around nervously, half-expecting to see Cody pop out from behind a tree or something. Everyone held their breath and stared intently into the shadows of the woods, listening for the slightest sound or movement. Then, their focus was suddenly drawn to the bushes ahead, where they heard something rustling. All at once, they were filled with dread and anticipation, feeling as if they were in a suspenseful movie or something. Could that rustling be Cody? Could he have heard them and been hiding this whole time? "Do...do you think it's him?" Heather asked nervously. They all held their breath as they listened.  As the group crept further into the forest, they heard nothing but the wind in the trees and their own footsteps on the leaf-covered ground. "I thought I heard something," Heather said. "Yeah, me too," Gwen agreed. Everyone stopped in their tracks and listened intently, their hearts racing. Suddenly, they heard a scream. Everyone froze and looked around nervously. Where had that scream come from?

"Sierra, please stop," Cody begged, his voice trembling with fear. "I don't like this."
"Why not?" Sierra asked, her voice dripping with a mixture of affection and control. "Don't you want to be with me?" Cody felt completely overwhelmed. He was afraid of Sierra's obsessive behaviour, and the more she pressed for him to kiss her, the more uncomfortable he felt.
"No...please, Sierra," he begged. "Just step back. Just...just give me some space." Sierra ignored Cody's pleas and came even closer. She brushed her hair out of her face and leaned in toward him. "Sierra, please," Cody begged again. "Please stop." Sierra just smiled and caressed his cheek. "Please, Cody," she whispered. "Just one kiss. Just one kiss and I'll leave you alone." Cody froze, unsure of what to do. On one hand, he wanted to get away from Sierra and her obsessive behaviour. On the other hand, he feared what she might do if he pushed her away. "Sierra, please, just step back," Cody said, more forcefully this time. "I mean it. I want you to leave me alone." Sierra didn't budge. She kept staring at Cody with a sickeningly sweet look on her face. "No, Cody." She whispered. "I'm not leaving you until you give me what I want." Cody could feel a wave of panic rise within him. He was afraid of Sierra's obsession, and he wasn't sure what to do next. When Sierra was just an inch away, Cody had had enough. He suddenly pushed her away and ran off into the woods, desperate to get away from her and her obsessive behaviour. "Cody!" Sierra called after him, sounding completely unhinged. "You can't do this! Don't you love me?" Cody kept running, ignoring her pleas. He was scared for his life, and he just wanted to get away from Sierra and her crazy obsession. Cody was too focused on trying to get away from Sierra and didn't see the log in his path until it was too late. He tripped and screamed in pain, hurting his leg. "Oh, poor Cody~" Sierra said, speaking in a sweet tone that sent chills up Cody's spine. "I know you're out there somewhere. I can smell your blood." Cody felt a wave of fear. Sierra seemed to be completely obsessed with him and he didn't know what she was capable of.

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