Weird feeling

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After that day, Cody and Noah started getting closer and closer. Cody just wanted to be by Noah's side at all times. He made him feel so happy, and he couldn't describe the other feeling that he was feeling deep inside his heart. It was something new, something he'd never felt before. He just knew that he never wanted to let go of Noah again.

One day Cody, Noah, Heather, Gwen, and Trent were swimming at the lake when suddenly something touched Cody's leg. He screamed loud and went to hug Noah. As he realised what he had done, Cody's face was really close to Noah's, and he felt his face going red. He wanted to move away, but he couldn't bring himself to move. He felt something strange inside his chest when he looked at Noah. He didn't want to ruin their friendship again, but he couldn't ignore these new feelings he had for Noah either. "Cody, you scared me! It was just some seaweed, Cody!" Trent said, trying to console his friend. When Cody finally calmed down, they all went back to shower and went to go to the food hall to find something to eat. They were all feeling happy and relaxed after a good day of swimming at the lake. But Cody couldn't shake the feeling he had for Noah. He kept wondering why he felt so drawn to him and what these strange feelings were that he kept feeling in his heart every time he thought about Noah.  Noah went to sit and hang out with Owen, Izzy, Eva, and Emma that night. Since he had gone to talk to Trent and hang out with him and Harold and Justin before, he decided to go to Cody's cabin and play truth or dare together. Cody was excited to hang out with his friends and play some fun games to lighten the atmosphere. He wanted to ignore his feelings for Noah, at least for one night, and just have a good time with his band members. 

 As they played truth or dare, Trent asked who everyone's crushes were. Harold said Leshawna, Justin said Courtney (which Cody and Harold knew was a lie), and Trent said Gwen. All that was left was Cody. Cody's heart started pounding. He didn't want to admit that he had feelings for Noah, especially in front of their other friends. He just wanted to move on and forget all about these feelings. But Trent, as always, was insistent. "Come on, Cody, it's your turn! Who's your crush?" Cody struggled to find a name to answer Trent's question. He wanted to say that he still liked Gwen, but he realised that he now saw her as an older sister, like Heather. And he still wasn't sure if he liked Noah or not. So, as Trent kept looking at him, expectant for an answer, Cody said the first person that came to his head. "I have a crush on Kitty!" Cody was shocked at what came out of his mouth. Why on earth had he said that? Of all people, he chose one of his best friends. "Kitty, like Emma's sister?" Harold was shocked. "Like that girl that you talk with almost every day, Kitty?" Cody was surprised by how caught off guard he was with the questioning. "Uhm, yeah, she's really cool! A-and uhhh pretty," Cody said, feeling a bit embarrassed. He wondered how to explain his attraction towards Kitty without revealing that he actually had feelings for Noah. He was having a hard time putting his feelings into words and decided to change the topic of the conversation. 

The next morning, Cody entered the food hall to find Owen waiting eagerly for him. "Dude, do you like Kitty?" Owen asked, looking at Cody curiously. Cody was taken aback by the question and didn't know how to respond. He felt embarrassed to tell Owen that he actually liked Noah, so he decided to pretend that it was true. "Yeah, sure, I guess I do," Cody said, trying to act nonchalant. He hoped that Owen would believe him and not keep nagging him about Kitty. But he knew that he couldn't keep up with this lie for long. "Cody, I thought you still liked Gwen?" Owen asked. Cody was getting tired of all the questions. He couldn't reveal his feelings for Noah, so he just kept up the act of liking Kitty. "Yeah, I guess I do," Cody said, trying to sound as convincing as possible. He didn't know what else to say and he knew that if he said he still liked Gwen, it would only lead to more questions. So, instead, he decided to keep up the lie, even though he wanted to be honest.

 As Cody left the dining hall to get some fresh air, he was suddenly dragged into a bush by Emma. "Cody, you like my sister?" Emma said. Cody was shocked to see Kitty standing behind Emma. He didn't know what to say. Of course, he did like Kitty, but not in the way Emma thought. He just didn't know how to convey that. Instead, he stayed in the bush with Emma and Kitty and pretended to be excited about the idea of liking Kitty. "Emma, I don't like Kitty! It was just a cover for my real crush!" Cody yelled as Emma dragged him into a bush where Kitty was standing. Kitty was shocked by this revelation and yelled back at Cody. "What? You lied to everyone? What kind of person does that?" Cody was trapped. He couldn't admit his true feelings to Emma, but she wasn't going to let him off the hook so easily, either. "Cody, what does this mean?" Emma asked. "What do you mean cover up for your real crush? She can't be that bad!" Cody froze, not knowing what to say. He wanted to tell Emma about his true feelings, but he was too scared to do so. "Th-they are not a she..." Cody whispered. He was so scared, and could feel tears welling up in his eyes, ready to burst out. He wasn't sure how Emma would react to that information, and he felt trapped. Cody was too scared to say anything else. "Hey Cody, it's okay, you don't need to tell us," Kitty said comfortingly. She put her hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down. Cody felt so conflicted. He wanted to say something, but he also didn't want to hurt anyone. He couldn't keep hiding his feelings forever, but he didn't know how to tell anyone the truth. He was trapped in a cage of secrets, and didn't know which way to escape. Cody looked up at Kitty and Emma, tears rolling down his cheeks. "They're my best friend, and I don't want to ruin our friendship. The last time I showed my feelings, I almost lost them," Cody said, his voice full of emotion. Kitty and Emma looked at each other, trying to figure out who this person was. It suddenly dawned on them that Cody was talking about Noah. The two girls were shocked, but they also wanted to be there to support Cody in this difficult time. "Cody, is it Noah you're talking about?" Kitty and Emma asked, their tones now softer and more reassuring. Cody nodded. "When did you realise?" Kitty asked him. Cody thought back to that day in the hospital when he had woken up, and Noah had been there, by his side, the entire time. "I don't ever want to lose him," Cody said, his voice breaking as memories of that time came flowing back to him. He was so grateful for Noah's presence in his life, and he didn't want that to change. Kitty and Emma comforted Cody as he spilled his feelings for Noah. "Oh, Cody," Kitty muttered. "We understand," Emma added. They realised that Cody was stuck in a terrible situation, where he risked losing his best friend if he admitted his feelings. But they also agreed that what Cody felt, even if unrequited, was valid and that they would support however he chose to handle the situation. Noah was certainly a special person in Cody's life, and they could all see that he meant a lot to Cody. 

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