Chapter 1

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For someone who has spent my entire life believing I'm straight, I've been having some really strange thoughts and feelings lately.

I'll blame K-pop for this, if it weren't for this new world that I discovered recently, I wouldn't be questioning myself about so many things that I had never thought about before or that simply didn't bother me.

I'm almost sure that after I fell in love with some girl groups it was as if I had unlocked a new phase of my life that I never thought existed. I mean, I'm still dating Bohyun and we've been together for almost 2 years, but lately I've been feeling weird. I no longer identify with the person I was a short time ago, but I simply have no idea what exactly has changed.

Anyway, I'm scrolling through the home page of tweets and I'm always amused when a girl posts about anything. Most of the time, she is complaining about the post office's delay in delivering her orders.

For some reason, she gives me the vibe of being an incredible person. I tried to talk to her and try to form a sincere friendship, but she just responded in a polite way that implied she wasn't interested in making friends with strangers online.

All I know about her is that her name is Jen, that she is finishing medical school, that she buys a lot of things through the post office because they are always late with their deliveries. I'm not sure what her sexuality is or why I'm interested in it, but I've stalked her and haven't gotten a single clue.

I hate mysterious people.

"Are you ok?" I hear Lisa's voice and I frown as I look away from the notebook to look at her.

"Yeah, what's going on?" I straighten up on the sofa and stretch my arms.

"Because your phone is vibrating with several messages from one of your Twitter friends." she says in a mocking tone and I roll my eyes.

"I think you're jealous of them, but don't worry, Lili." I place the notebook next to me on the sofa and get up, walking towards her, squeezing her cheeks "Your place is guaranteed in my heart."

"Ahem..." she looks at me suspiciously "And you continue flirting with several of your Twitter friends?"

"I don't flirt with anyone, we just play. Why do you take this so seriously?"

"Because I wouldn't want Rosé to be flirting with strangers on the internet, don't you think it's a bit of a betrayal?"

"I never thought about it because I don't see it as malicious as you see."

"Does Bohyun know about this?"


"Does he not know about your playful flirtations or does he not know about your account to socialize with strangers to talk about k-pop?"

"For God sake, Lalisa, you're annoying today!" I run my hand over my face when I feel pressured by this avalanche of questions.

"I'm just asking questions, asking doesn't offend, right?" the Thai woman gives me an amused look "Okay, I'll stop annoying  you so you can go back to work, if that's what you do."

"Just because I work from home doesn't mean I don't work, besides, we'll be back to face-to-face work soon." I stick my tongue out at her and she lets out a laugh and walks towards her room.

After I hear Lisa's bedroom door closing, I go to the kitchen to get water and think about the questions she asked. Now I'm feeling uncomfortable.

Just because I playfully flirt with some of my online friends, does that mean I'm cheating on Bohyun?

I have no idea. I don't do it out of malice, I always thought it was just an innocent joke. I let out a heavy sigh when I pick up my phone and see that he has already sent a message letting me know he's arriving.

I run to my room to fix my hair and grab my bag when the doorbell rings. I don't even bother saying goodbye to Lisa and run down the stairs. The advantages of living on the 4th floor because the elevator takes so long that sometimes it's not worth calling it.

As soon as I get out of the lobby, I find Bohyun leaning against his car and looking at his phone. I approach him, still panting from all the physical exercise, and he smiles as he looks at me, then puts his phone away.

"Hey!" He gives me a quick kiss and I rest my hand on his arm. "Looks like you ran a marathon, huh?"

"You know how long that elevator takes and I didn't want to keep you waiting." I give him a soft smile as he opens the car door for me. As soon as he starts driving, Lisa's words come back to me. "Bohyun..."

"Yeah, baby?" he responds softly.

"Today I was seeing some stupid shit on Twitter and there was an interesting debate." I say while looking at the window.

"And what's the current debate?"

"Do you think that if a person dates and flirts with other people on Twitter, even jokingly, that it is cheating?" I try to use my most neutral tone as possible.

"I think so." the brunette says after a few minutes of silence and I hold back the sigh I wanted to release.

"Why?" I look at him again and notice that there are some wrinkles between his eyes, which means he is reflective.

"I think that if you date, you should only flirt with the person you date, because if you are flirting with other people, something is not right." he says simply. I open and close my mouth several times trying to think of something to say back, but I can't think of anything.

"I think you're right." I say finally and look back at the car window.

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