Chapter 18

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Today I worked so hard that I think all my creativity and vital energy was consumed. I finally got home, took a shower and now I'm lying down, waiting for Jennie to show up since she was as busy all day as I was and we barely talked. But I'm so sleepy and tired that I don't know if I'll be able to hold on for long.

I open the conversation with her and see that she is typing and typing, but nothing is sent.

🐰: What do you write so much but don't send anything?

Mandu 🥟: I just got home

Mandu 🥟: My cousin is going to spend a few days here

Mandu 🥟: I'm finally lying down

Mandu 🥟: But I was talking to my cousin, sorry

Mandu 🥟: I get distracted easily

🐰: Oh

🐰: No problem

🐰: I'm going to sleep then

🐰: I'm really tired, today was really busy

🐰: Have a good rest, Jen

🐰: Good night!

Mandu 🥟: NO

Mandu 🥟: NO NO

Mandu 🥟: NO

Mandu 🥟: I know you can stay awake a little longer to talk to me

Mandu 🥟: Stop being annoying

🐰: Jen lol

🐰: Let me go to sleep

🐰: Soon you will get distracted again while talking to your cousin

🐰: And it's getting difficult for me to keep my eyes open while I wait for your answer

Mandu 🥟: Duh

Mandu 🥟: Stop, Jisoo

🐰: What?

Mandu 🥟: You keep saying that I don't deserve you to stay up to talk to me

🐰: Okay, I won't say anymore

Mandu 🥟: I DESERVE because I'm cool

🐰: Okay, I agree

Mandu 🥟: Duh, go on

Mandu 🥟: You really want to go to sleep

🐰: How good it is to be right

Mandu 🥟: I'm going to stay here sad and depressed

🐰: No, you're so dramatic

Mandu 🥟: Yes, I will

🐰: Something appears to distract you

🐰: Kuma

🐰: Your cousin

Mandu 🥟: MY GOD

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