Agent Mobius

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"Next case please!" The judge called and the women from earlier dragged both you and Loki down to the front, both of you standing on separate stands.

"Laufeyson. Variant L1130, AKA Loki Laufeyson and Y/L/N. Variant L1131, AKA Y/N Y/L/N. These two are charged with sequence violation 7-20-89. How do you plead?"

"Plead?" You laugh. "Madam, a God doesn't plead" Loki tells her with a grin.
"Then you must be a shit God" you snarl, earning you a glare.
"Look, this has been a very enjoyable pantomime but I'd like to go home now" Loki tells the judge.

"Are you guys guilty or not guilty?" The judge asks again. You roll your eyes. "I'm not guilty of anything. He dragged me with him!" You yell.

"You grabbed the tesseract too."
"I was doing my job, which I was clearly supposed to do on the timeline since you didn't come running out with your pathetic little dog sticks when I was assigned it!"
"Just plead guilty or not guilty!"

"Guilty of being the God of Mischief? Yes. Guilty of finding this all incredibly tedious? Yes" Loki starts.
"Guilty of using big poet words to make his whole existence more dramatic? Yes" you added.

"Guilty of a crime against the Sacred Timeline? Absolutely not, you have the wrong people" Loki smiles.
"Oh really? Who should we have?" The judge asks.
"I suspect the Avengers. We only came into possession of the tesseract because they traveled through time, not doubt in the last-ditch effort to stave of my ascent to God King."

"You saw them to?" You asked Loki, who then looked over at you.
"What? Stark in the suit? Yes I saw him. It was clearly the Avengers from the future."
"Good! I thought I was going crazy from talking to you."
"Oh Darling, just you wait" he smirks.

"That's quite an accusation" the judge quickly chips in, ending the bickering between the two of you.
"Oh believe me, you can smell the cologne of two Tony Starks. You speak of Time Criminals? It's they you should be after. Perhaps you could provide me with a task force of resources, and I could return and eliminate them for you" Loki suggests.

"Has it not proven to you yet that you're not match for the Avengers?" You ask him.
"It clearly wasn't a fair fight. They had my brother and you, the massive green guy, as well as the other tiny humans."
"The tiny humans who kicked your ass?"

"We're not here to talk about the Avengers" the judge cut you off.
"No?" You ask.
"No. What they did was supposed to happen. You two escaping was not."

"Excuse me?! Says who?" You ask.
"The Time Keepers."
"Perhaps I should speak to these Time Keepers. Gods-to-Gods" Loki suggested, but the judge shook her head.
"I'm sorry, they're quite busy."

"What are they doing?" You challenged.
"Dictating the proper flow of time."
"Then what do you do?" Loki asks.
"Dictate the proper flow of time according to their dictations. How do you plead?!" She asks again, clearly impatient.

"Told you he's a shit God" you smirk.
"Shut up! Guilty.." he continues. "Of this," he finishes, outstretching his arms and pushing slightly forward. Nothing happened.

You laughed, watching him keep trying and failing.
"Whats going on?" The judge asks.
"Hang on, everyone quiet" Loki hushed everyone.
"He's trying to use his powers" you tell the judge. "They're not working. Why?" You ask.

"Magic powers are not good in the TVA" the judge informs you, making your heart sink. "The court finds you both guilty and I sentence you both to be reset. Next case please!"

"Reset?" You question as a minuteman grabs you and starts pulling you along.
"What does that mean?! Is it bad?!" Loki questions, clearly scared.
"Stop dragging me!" You scream.

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