Time Cell

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The guards walked the three of you through the corridor of the TVA, two guards clutching both your arms tightly to prevent you from escaping.
As you walked, Sylvie was taken another way from you and Loki making you instantly worry about her.

"Well?" Mobius looks at the two of you.
"Well what?" You spit.
"I know one of you has some quip you're dying to say" he says.
"I don't gave a quip. I've got nothing to say!" Loki yells, struggling against the guards. "By the way, we should have an equal amount of security. This is insulting!"

"You just can't help yourself" Mobius shrugs.
"You betrayed us!" Loki yells.
"No, you guys betrayed me!"
"Oh, grow up" you scoff.
"You grow up!" He yells. "You know, it occurred to me that you're not really the God of Mischief. And
Y/N, you're not really as much of a hero as your timeline suggests."

"Oh, here it comes" Loki sighs. "The folksy, dopey insults from the folksy dope. What am I? The God of Self-Sabotage? The God of Back-Stabbing?"
"You're both just assholes and a bad friend. Right, keep Y/N out here for a moment while I take this one in."

"What?" You question. "You're not interrogating us together?!"
"I'm not interrogating you at all right now. I'm taking you someplace different."
"Where are you taking her?!" You hear Loki ask as he's dragged into the room, Mobius following after.

You're left waiting, the soldiers still having a tight grip on your arm.
"What are they doing with him? And Sylvie?" You ask the agents. They didn't respond, but a smile crept it's way onto their lips. "Fine," you sigh. "Let's do this the hard way."

You pull one arm closer to you, feeling an agent's grip loosen and quickly pulling your arm away before elbowing him in the face. While the agents down, you turn to the other and push them into the wall. Once completely free, you throw them into the other agent and pick up the prunestick they dropped.

You turn it on with a smirk, walking over and pruning one of them. The other was knocked out so you didn't bother. You hear the door open, Mobius stepping through but stopping when he sees you.

You point the stick at him. "What did you do with them?!" You ask, your voice dangerously low.
Mobius raises his hands in surrender. "They're ok" he reassures you. "Just giving them time to think."

"How do I know you haven't killed them?!" You yell.
"I could've let you and Loki die when you first got here, couldn't I? But I didn't."

"Yeah, because you needed us. You don't anymore. Now you listen to me, old man, you're going to take this time collar off me and take me to see Loki or I swear to god I will prune your ass right here, right now!" You yell at him.

"I can't. I'm on a tightrope as it is! Keeping you all alive is basically me holding a knife to my own throat!"
"What do you want from us?!"
"I want to know what caused that nexus event back on Lamentis. And to find that out, I need the three of you alive" he shrugs. He didn't seem too scared of you at that moment. You laugh.

"Nexus event" you smirk, lowering the prune stick. "That's all you guys care about. We're breaking your precious timeline. We have the answers you don't. They aren't gonna talk!"
"They will" Mobius says as you feel the prune stick get taken from you from behind. Two more agents had made their way down, grabbing you and beginning to drag you along. "And so will you."

"Mobius!" You yell as you get dragged into a different room. "Let go of me!"
"We get to choose the memory?" One of the agents ask as they fiddle with the TemPad.
"Memory?!" You question as a red TVA door opens. Your eyes widen. "No, wait!"

You land on the ground forcefully, groaning as you slowly look around. It was a small room, light yellow walls with some toys neatly packed away in a toybox. For a childs room, the room was absolutely spotless. No decoration. No fun paintings. Just a bed, clothes, small toybox.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now