Back To The Beginning

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You braced yourself for impact, and...


After a minute, you allowed your eyes to open. The Loom was suddenly fine. No explosion, nothing. You were suddenly beyond confused, lowering your hand from Loki's chest.
"O.B, I think we.." you turn, but he wasn't there. Neither was Mobius, or Casey, Or B-15, or Sylvie.

You quickly look up, letting out a sigh of relief when you saw Loki looking down at you. He seemed to do the same thing. "Somethings wrong" you state the obvious, to which he nods in agreement.
"Follow me" he says.

As you walked, your hands intertwined, both of you afraid that the other would disappear. Neither of you wanted to be alone. Not now. You walked into the pie room, seeing nothing. "Come on," you say, dragging him along down a familiar hallway.

The one that held all the interrogation rooms. You were hit with a sense of nostalgia when you looked into where you and Loki had started off here, smiling at the memory. Until..

A familiar pain latched it self across your body. It almost felt like you were glitching for a brief moment, your hand tightening on Loki's for a moment. Once it finished, the two of you glared at own another, wide eyed.

"Did you feel that?!" You ask him, to which he sighs.
"No" he yells out. "No, this is not happening again!"
"Fuck!" You scream.

You both stay silent for a moment, trying to process everything that had happened in the past 10 minutes before the pain returned. You were tugged, before you weren't, looking up to see.. Loki.

A different Loki stood before you both, your hand still squeezing the Loki beside you. He was reading a TVA Guidebook, seeming somewhat interested. Your gaze flicked to you, standing a few steps away and glancing at the screen that was dangling down. The screen of branched timelines.

"Hello?" Your Loki asks, the two of you taking a step forward. As the other Y/N and Loki looked up, the pain instantly hooked onto you once again and dragging you back outside the interrogation room.

"I didn't miss this" you sigh as Loki was instantly pulling you along. You both entered the elevator, taking it down into the office where you had just seen another Y/N and Loki.

Your hand slipped from Lokis, running up towards the screen that was still flashing about the Loom's failure. Nobody was around. The TVA was completely abandoned.

Loki walked towards one of the desks beside you, picking up a TVA Guidebook and began flicking through it.
"You think we're in the future?" You ask him. "I hope we are. Means this place seems somewhat ok."

"I'm not sure.." he answers you. You lean on the desk beside you, still glaring at the screen above as you try to figure out where to go from here.


You hear Loki's voice, turning to look at him but he turned a different way. He seemed confused again, looking out at the empty space.
"Hello?" He answers.

"Do you think that was.." before you could finish, the desk you were leaning on was suddenly turning to small strips. You backed away instantly, as did Loki from his desk which was doing the same thing.

The whole TVA was disappearing around the two of you. Your heart rate felt like it picked up, Loki's hand taking your wrist before you were dragged through time. Again.

San Fransisco, California - 1962

You groan in pain as you were ripped onto a branch. It was dark, which you instantly acknowledged. You sighed, slowly straightening yourself up.
"So we're time slipping to different areas now, cool" you smile, turning but seeing nobody. You looked the other way, still nobody.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now