'Queen Of Asgard'

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You watched as one of Mobius's kids, Kevin, ran away as you and Loki were walking over.
"If you keep him from burning down the house, I'll get you a puppy" Mobius said to his other child, Sean.

"And a snake?" The boy smiles.
"We'll negotiate later. Run!"

"I think Sean is your Variant" you joke with Loki, who lets out a low chuckle as you both approach Mobius.
"Hello!" Loki smiles to Mobius.

"Hello" Mobius turns to the two of you. "Oh, you were at the shop earlier!" He smiles to Loki before turning to you. "You weren't. This your wife?"
"Uh, no, girlfriend" Loki tells him.

"Ah. You two live around here?" He asks you both. "Or.. did you follow me home?"
"No! We were actually on our way to uh.." Loki pointed ahead, suddenly struggling.

"To maccies" you chip in. "We're on a date."
"To maccies?" He raised an eyebrow at the two of you. You just nod.
"Yeah.. fancy restaurant date" you smile.

"Right.. well, McDonalds is that way" he points the way the two of you had just come from. Your smile drops.
"We took a wrong turn" you make an excuse. "And we happened to see you and.. my boyfriend was like 'hey! Saw that man today, he's a Jetski seller!' And I was like 'lets go say hi!'" You laugh.

"Yes!" Loki says. "And I also wanted to say that I'm sorry I couldn't stick around back there. I was, uh, in a bit of a time crunch."
"Yeah. You were looking for ATVs" Mobius smiles. You turn to Loki, raising your eyebrows at him.

"Uh.. no, the TVA" Loki saves himself.
"Are you still in the market? I have something I wanna show you, come here" Mobius suddenly drops everything he was carrying, walking over to his garage.

"Jetski shopping?" You whisper to Loki.
"I wasn't Jetski shopping! He just thinks I am.. or, we are."
"Maybe we are" you smile, making Loki snaps a look at you. "What?! I kind of want to ride a Jetski."

"Now, ordinarily, I wouldn't dream of parting with one of these beauties," Mobius tells you both as the garage door opens, revealing two Jetskis. "But, wife is long gone and I can't ride two of 'em. Plus, the boys are probably gonna need braces and math tutors and God knows what else."

"A beautiful union of form and function" Loki points to the Jetskis.
"That's lovely. Yeah, they really are and it breaks my heart, but, what're you gonna do? Hey, you guys want a drink? Maybe a beer?"

"No! We're fine, thank you" Loki cuts you off. "I'm afraid we aren't here to buy a jet ski."
"Oh" Mobius frowns. "What are you here for?"

"What we are about to tell you, Mobius, is going to be hard to believe," you tell him. "We-"
"Mobius?!" He asks you.
"Mobius. That's your name" you say.

"Okay, I think you have me mixed up with someone else" Mobius tells you.
"Oh god, it's Casey all over again."

"Thing is, she doesn't!" Loki explains. "Mobius is your real name and you belong in a place called the TVA."
"Is that right?" Mobius raises a brow, to which you and Loki nodded. "Right.. hold that thought. I'm gonna go check on my kids-"

"No! It's okay" you stop him from getting past.
"Look, I don't want any trouble" Mobius frowns.
"Trouble? No, we're friends" you smile.
"Yeah, I'm a friend too" he says, backing up and now holding something to be used as a weapon.

You suddenly hear a sound behind you, turning and seeing a TVA door had opened and O.B, from before, walks through.
"What? How did you build a TemPad so fast?!" Loki gasps.

"I don't know if I'd say 18 months is fast. Well, 19 months. I had to take a break and move out when I lost my job and my wife left me" O.B frowns. There was an awkward silence for a moment before he continued. "So, what now?"

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now