Victor Timely

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"So we haven't been to the Ottoman Hippodrome, where the Ghost Clock was spotted. And the balloon park! That sounds like it could be fun" Mobius cheers, looking down at the paper at all the options.
"I want to see a balloon" you smile, going to follow him but Loki pulls you back back.

"Guys, look" he points, making you turn to the small board. 'Victor Timely's astounding Temporal Marvels.'
"'Temporal'" you say. "That can't be a coincidence."

"That's where we'll find Renslayer" Loki tells you both.
"Wait, so no balloon park?" You frown. Loki gives you a loving smile, giving you a pat on the head before dragging you along.

You all walked through the door, fining a huge crowd smiling and listening to the happy music.
"Oh, I don't do crowds in tight spaces" you freeze, grabbing Loki's hand. "Don't let go or I promise you, you'll loose me in here" you warn him. He laughs lightly, placing a kiss on your forehead.
"I won't" he promises.

"I think she's here" Mobius says. "Well, maybe. She does like a good drink."
"Me too-"
"No" Loki cuts you off. You all walk past the bar, making you smile.
"Come on! I haven't tried this kind of drink before!"
"No" Loki repeats himself.

Eventually, you all find a space amongst the crowd and you start cheering with them, getting ready for the show. Loki still hadn't let go of your hand.
"There she is!" Mobius points, going to run towards Ravonna but Loki pulls him back quickly.
"Don't let her see you!" He whisper yells.

As the music stops, the crowd starts applauding. You do too, earning you a glance from Loki. The curtains pull back, the lights dim.
"The shows starting!" You whisper to Loki.
"I know" he smiles.

On the stage, there seemed to be what looked like a smaller version of the Loom. You felt your stomach drop.
"Is that the Loom?!" You ask Loki.
"I think so" he answers.

"Time.. is.. everything" a man appears on stage, clearly having a stutter. "It moves through each and every.. one of us! It shapes our.. lives. Our.. futures. But perhaps we can shape... it!" A spotlight appears on the man, revealing Victor Timely. Or, better that, He Who Remains.

Suddenly, all the fun you had been having was gone within an instant. Your hand tightened around Lokis, taking a cautious step closer to him. He was just has scared as you.

"It's him" Loki's voice shakes.
"Who?" Mobius asks.
"He Who Remains."

"Ladies and.. gentlemen" Victor continued.
"What?! You made him sound like this terrifying figure!" Mobius says.
"He is" you tell him.

"When I tell you that time is the future of.. energy" his show carries on.
"And just what would you know about the future, boy?" A random man asks him.

"Great question! And the answer is.. more than you.. might think" Victor answers him.
"We can't just stand here!" Loki says, and you nod in agreement. "It's one of the Variants that He Who Remains warned us about! It's coming, it's beginning!"

"I have an idea" you say. "Let's attack!"
"No!" Mobius whisper yells at you. "Look where we are! Does he look like he's about to conquer all of time?!"
You and Loki just look back to watch the show, still terrified.

"Why should we toil in the dirt for coal and petroleum.. when the energy.. of the past, present and future flows.." he places something into his Loom, making a bulb light up. "All around us."

He points to his Loom, looking proud as he bows. "My Temporal Loom," he says. You and Loki look at Mobius, almost like warning glares. He ignores you both. "..inverts the Temporal Decay of the electricity flowing through it, lowering it's entropy, and gathering it into fine threads of.. power!" He yells at the end.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now