A Break That Lasts Centuries

978 47 46

You were ripped into the past, looking over towards Loki to make sure he had made it. He gave you a nod. O.B was talking to Victor about it.

"When those doors open, get down to the gangway as fast as you can!" Loki cut O.B of, talking very quickly. "Load the Multiplier, hit the green button, launch and get back. Ok?!"
"Ok.." Victor frowned.
"That's exactly right!" O.B gasped.

"Lets keep moving!" You yell, grabbing Victor as you and Loki both usher him down instead. "Let's be faster this time!"

You both watch as Victor gets ready to step out through to blast doors. You mentally prayed, sighing when he died again.
"Well fuck" you groan, turning to Loki. "Again?"

Loki nods, taking your hand and the two of you slip back once again. This time, you decided not to check on Loki.
"Victor!" You screamed, everyone falling silent as you ran over to him. "Get in! Get suited up! Get down the gangway as fast as you can! Load the Multiplier, hit the green button, launch it and get back! Ok, lets go!"

You grab Victor, dragging him down. You hear Loki behind you, having a small bit of relief that he was here. "Faster! Lets go!" You keep yelling.

You send Victor out, waving goodbye as you run back up the stairs. Loki was already there and he sighed, looking at you and shaking his head.
"What happened?" Mobius frowned.

"He's turned into fucking noodles!" You yell, not really meaning to as you ran towards Loki. "We need to go earlier" you tell him.
"Like what?" He asks you. You think for a moment.
"War room, Victor, Ravonna and Brad."

You hear the small eruptions from the Loom, taking Loki's hand and the two of you time-slip again.
The two of you run to the War Room, bursting through to see Victor being interrogated by Ravonna and Miss Minutes.

"Miss Minutes, I know right now you're hurt and you're angry, but we need your help in finishing the Throughput Multiplier, faster!" Loki yells. Miss Minutes just blinks in shock.

"Oh, we don't have time for this" you sigh, running over and taking Victor.
"Hey!" Ravonna yells, but you just stick your middle finger up.

"Time is of the essence" Loki says as you both drag Victor back to the Loom.

Long story short, it didn't work.

"I wasted time and now time wastes me" Loki frowns after the two of you had gone back, grabbed Victor earlier on and dragged him straight there.

He suited up, walking through the blast doors and actually took a step. The small glimmer of hope shot through you until.

"No, don't set the Multiplier down!" You screamed, watching as it rolled off the runway. A second later, Victor was gone. "Fuck!"
"Again" Loki says.

The same thing happened. Again. And again. And again. Even the smallest shots of hope we taken away in an instant.
"What if we go back to when he met O.B" you suggest to Loki, ignoring the Loom melting down. "We could have them do that shit quicker instead."

"Sure" Loki doesn't give it a second thought, the two of you time slipping back. The lot of you were taking Victor down to O.B. If only they knew.

"Introductions! Yay!" You fake a smile, dragging Victor in faster.
"Ouroboros, this is Victor Timely. Victor Timely, this is Ouroboros" Loki rushes things along, ignoring the happy gasps from the two. "The TVA Handbook, you both wrote it! Isn't that amazing?!"
"Truly poetic" you chip in.

"Loki, Y/N, why are you being so weird?" Sylvie asks, which you ignore as you force the tarp off of O.B's model of the Loom and drag it over. O.B and Victor were practically dancing around one another in the background.

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