He Who Remains

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The group of you stood, facing towards Alioth as the noise of thunder filled your ears. You stood between Loki and Mobius, taking in a shaky breath.
"Ok, so whats the next move?" Mobius yells over the noise, asking.

"The TVA needs to be bought down. We don't know who created it or where they are, but that thing out there does. When it hit me earlier, I linked to it. It was brief, but I caught a glimpse of something and I think if I can get close enough to it, I can enchant it, and it's going to take me to whoever's behind all of this" Sylvie says.

You turn around, seeing Sylvie handing the TemPad to you and Loki. You slowly take it, locking eyes with Loki and he knew.
"We're staying" he says out loud.
"Loki, I don't even know if this is going to work" Sylvie tells him.

"Sylvie I think you know better than you think we're actually going to let you face a killing cloud alone" you turn to her, seeing her lips curl into a smile. You walk over, handing the TemPad to Mobius.

"It's happening guys. The branch will be right out there!" Kid Loki yells, standing beside kid Y/N.
"I'll give your regards to Renslayer" Mobius jokes to the three of you.
"Oh, please do" you roll your eyes.

"You guys want a ticket out of here?" Mobius asks all the Variants.
"What? No. We're staying here" kid Y/N tells him.
"This is our home" Classic Loki adds, Alligator Loki and Y/N growling in agreement.

"You sure? What about Alioth?" Loki asks them.
"We've survived this long. We know what we're doing" Classic Y/N says, her hand in Classic Lokis.

"Loki, you're going to need this on your journey" Kid Loki summons a golden dagger, handing it to Loki. "Go on."
Loki takes it, nodding as he conjured a holder on his back and slips the dagger inside.

Classic Y/N walks over to you, placing her hands on your shoulders. She looks at you like a proud mother, cupping your face with a smile. "Good luck" she says to you. "I hope you find what you're looking for."
You smile, nodding to her. "Thank you" you whisper.

Classic Y/N brushes the hair from your face before bringing her hand down to your wound. You feel the pain suddenly ease, looking down to see she's closed it up to stop the bleeding. You look back up at her in shock and she gives you a wink.

"I think we should relabel you" she says. "Brave Y/N. The one who's never walks into a fight afraid."
"Oh trust me, I'm terrified" you laugh.
"Scared but not too afraid to do whats right."

She wraps her arms around you and you allow yourself to melt into her embrace.
"Don't die" she smiles.
"I'm with two Lokis. I'll be fine" you say.

As she lets go, you both give each other one last look before she turns around. She holds hands with her husband, the group of Variants walking away. Mobius opens a TVA door with the TemPad, walking towards it.

"Looks like you both got away in the end" Mobius says to you and Loki.
"We always do" Loki smiles. "What will you do at the TVA?" He asks Mobius.
"Burn it to the ground. Thanks for the spark" he responds, making the two of you laugh.

"Well, see you later Loki, Y/N" he offers his hand to the both of you. Loki shakes his head, pulling both you and Mobius in for a small group hug.

"Thank you, my friend" he says, making Mobius smile. He lightly taps you on the shoulder.
"You're my favourite" he whispers, making you silently laugh. You all pull away, watching as Mobius leaves.

You, Loki and Sylvie begin walking down towards Alioth, the storm only growing the closer you got.
"When a branch appears, Alioth will focus on it. That's when I'll enchant it" Sylvie explains.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now