It's About Who

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You and Loki walk back through the Time Door, looking around at your friends. Technically, strangers.
"Hey" you wave.

You walk towards O.B's bench taking a seat. You knew full well everyone's eyes were on the two of you, waiting for answers.

"You should all go home" Loki tells them sadly.
"What?" O.B glares at you both. "Why?!"
"We got it wrong" you tell him. "The universe isn't dying we just.." you look between all your friends. "We wanted our friends back."

Your head falls tiredly onto Loki's shoulder, letting your eyes close as you listen to the conversation around you.

"You showed up and told us we were the key to saving all of existence.. and now we're not?!" Mobius asks you both.
"I'm sorry. We got it wrong, alright?" Loki frowns. "It was more about what we wanted."

"You should go back to your sons" you tell Mobius.
"I know, but that's just it! You said they were in danger! So, now they're okay?!"

"You should all just go back to your lives. It's where you belong" Loki tells them, his voice cracking slightly.
"But do I need to go back to exactly where I was?" Casey asks.

"What about the TVA?" O.B frowns.
"The TVA.." you start. "You're fine without it. You're all fine without it."

"No they aren't" you hear Sylvie's voice, seeing her walk through a Time Door in front of you. Your head shoots back up from Loki's shoulder. "Everything's falling apart. The branches are dying."

"What does that mean?" Mobius asks her.
"I don't know what's happening, but there must be something we can do!" Sylvie frowns.

"We can go back. We can stop the Loom from melting down!" You beam. You knew, without the TVA, you'd never find a safe timeline. Although it was selfish, you were now excited at the thought of getting it back.

"O.B, we're all here!" Loki turns to him. "The pens! We have all the pens! The mug! The coordinates!"
"You know, I love you Loki, but everyone else must think you are seriously drunk right now."

"Okay, first, we need to read the collective temporal aura of everyone in the room on the.." O.B turns around, seeing that the TemPad is suddenly gone. "The.. Tempad.. where did it go.."

"Casey.." you walk over to him angrily. "You took it!" You accuse him.
"No. I didn't take it" he tells you.

"Listen to me, Frank, you can rob every bank you like when this is done. But we need that TemPad, now! Så hjelp meg, jeg skal sløye deg som en fisk!" You scream. (So help me, I will gut you like a fish!)

"Great" he smiles, not knowing exactly what you had said for half of it. "But, I still didn't take it."
Everyone goes silent as Casey suddenly looks down, seeing himself slowly disintegrate in front of you. Your eyes widen.

"What do we do?!" Loki asks Ouroboros. Suddenly, the man starts disintegrating too.
"It was a fiction problem.." he says as he fades away.

"No.." you hear Mobius. "No, I have to go back to see my boys!" He starts running towards the door, only to disintegrate before he can reach it.
"Is this it?" B-15 asks you sadly. "We.." before she can finish, she let out a small cry for help as she disappeared too.

You felt completely helpless as everything started falling apart around you. Everyone was slowly disintegrating and you stood there, having no power to do anything.

"There's nowhere left to go" you hear Sylvie's small sob, making you turn to her. You watch as she slowly disappears as well, making you now turn to Loki instead.

"Don't go" you whisper, going to take a hold of his hand, afraid he'll disappear, but felt nothing. You look down in horror, seeing your hand had completely disappeared.

"No" Loki cried, cupping your face. Slowly disappearing made you feel suddenly empty. Everything about you was just fading away. It didn't hurt, but it wasn't painless either.

'Do you think what makes a Loki a Loki, is the fact that we're destined to lose?'

'You know what you are, Y/N? Afraid.'
'You hurt people. You kill people'
'It's inevitable'.

Desperation filled you. Your arms were gone by now, looking at the pain in Loki's eyes was something you wished wouldn't be the last thing you'd ever see before death. Your eyes swelled with tears, helplessness, and...

"There's nowhere left to go" you hear Sylvie's cry again. You turn your head, watching her disappear once again. You look down, seeing your hands were still there. They were going to disappear again soon.

"We did it" you tell Loki. He smiles, a flicker of hope glimmering in his eyes. He took a hold on your hand quickly before it started disappearing, closing his eyes. The two of you concentrated, hard, and...

"No, they aren't! Everything's falling apart! The branches are dying!"
"So, what does that mean?"
"I don't know. I don't know what's happening, but there must be something we can do."

"We did it!" You beam.
"What?" Sylvie asks. You turn to Loki.
"We did it!" You smiled.
"Did that?!" Sylvie asks again.

"We controlled it" Loki turns to O.B, gesturing to the Time Slipping. O.B grins happily.
"You learned to control your time slipping!" He smiles.
"Yes. It's not about where, when or why," he says, turning to look at you. "It's about who."

You smile at him, reaching your hand out. "We can rewrite the story" you tell him. He nods, taking your hand. The two of you close your eyes again, concentrating.

When you opened them, you were back at the bottom on the stairs, standing behind Victor Timely. You quickly looked back up, seeing Loki looking down at you, smiling.

A/N - final chapter for 2 days.. IM SO SAD.

Also.. I learnt to play spoons.. oops..

See you friday..

Hope you enjoyed!
Thanks for reading.
Bye <3

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now