Too Late

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You and Loki walked into McDonalds, spotting Sylvie instantly. She wore an orange uniform, giving out people's orders. She seemed happy.

"I'm not gonna lie, part of me hoped we'd never see her again when she first pushed us through the time door" you whispered to Loki, now feeling very nervous to talk over to her. She had betrayed you and you really didn't want to talk to her. However, you had to.

"Just follow my lead" Loki whispers back, placing a hand on your back to gently push you along. Sylvie spotted the two of you, staring with some sort of annoyance as you made it to the counter in front of her. You sighed.

"Hi" you say to her after a moment of silence. She gives you a short nod, clearly very awkward.
"Hi" she replies. There's another moment of silence. None of you wanted to talk to one another. "Listen, I haven't got all day. You guys gonna order something, or what?" She snaps.

"Can we talk?" Loki asks quickly, knowing you were about to blow up at her. You hold your tongue.
"My break's in five minutes" Sylvie tells you both, walking away. You groan, talking Loki's hand and dragging him outside to wait.

"She's acting like we betrayed her" you instantly start ranting. "As if we did anything wrong. We didn't!"
"I understand you're angry, darling, but try to be nice otherwise we'll be here for nothing" Loki replies as Sylvie steps outside. She walked past you both without giving you a glance.

"It's a short break, so talk fast" she says, walking over to a van and taking down the back. She took a seat as you and Loki walked over, glaring at you both.

"I know we're the last people you want to see-"
"Correct" Sylvie instantly cuts Loki off. You scoff, making her snap a look at you.

"Listen, we haven't come here to make any trouble" you snarl at her.
"No? Then why are you here?" She asks you, tilting her head sarcastically. "You just trying to piss me off even more, traitors?"

"Oh, fuck you! I-"
"This is going to sound strange, but, there's been a problem," Loki smiles, a hand now covering your mouth to make you be silent. He couldn't afford for you and Sylvie to fight right now.

"It's complicated. We've been pulled through time between the past and the present. Well, we were in the past-"
"Just get the point Loki" Sylvie rolls her eyes at him.

"You know, I don't care for this fucking attitude. You betrayed us" you point out.
"Really? I remember you stopping me from killing He Who Remains."
"I remember you kicking us through a time door" you yell back to her. "Look, it doesn't even matter. We were in the future and we saw you!"

She raises an eyebrow at you, clearly not impressed. Loki just sighs.
"The TVA is in danger, and you were there. We need to know why" Loki explains to her.
"So you guys see the future now? Cool" she smiles, sipping her drink.

"It's not something we chose" you say but Sylvie quickly shakes her head to shut you up.
"Look, as much as I'd love to see the TVA burnt to the ground, I have no intention of going back there. My life's here now, and I'm not running. I'm happy!"

"Explain what we saw then" Loki says.
"I don't know! I don't care!" She raises her voice at him.
"It's the future. It's going to happen" Loki points out.

"Is it?! Really?! Because that sounds a lot like the future's already been written. And we all know that it hasn't. Not anymore," she smirks. "I made sure of that."
You roll your eyes but hold your tongue, for Loki.

"Enchant me, you can see what I saw" Loki suggests but Sylvie just groans.
"I don't want to see! I want nothing to do with this! I have no answers for you!" She argues.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now