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~ 2012 ~

"On my way down to coordinate search and rescue" Steve says as he passes you and Loki, who had been locked into handcuffs. You were made to make sure he didn't escape and although you found the god beyond annoying, you attended to so your job.

"On my way down to coordinate search and rescue," Loki mocked, turning into Steve as he did so. "I mean honestly," he begun, turning back into himself. "How do you keep your food down-"

He was cut off when Thor slapped something onto his face, almost like metal tape. "Shut up" Thor tells him as you grab Loki's arm to drag him along. Loki seemed to be offended. You guessed he didn't like some 'lower form' to drag him along.

As you reached the elevator, Tony came in and sat down on the brief case before stopped the Hulk from getting inside.

"Hey! What do you think? Maximum occupancy has been reached" Tony tells him. "Take the stairs" Thor suggests as the Hulk growls in frustration. Loki begins waving bye to him, which you quickly slap his hand down. "Don't be a dick" you snap.

He glared at you and you could practically see the smirk behind the metal. You rolled your eyes, your face lighting up when you finally reached the lower floor after a few minutes.

As you waited for whatever conversation Tony was having to finish, you let out a groan of frustration. "Lord, can't we just move along" you whispered under your breath, hearing a muffed chuckle beside you.

"Don't start. I kicked your ass and I can do it again" you snap, seeing him lift his hands sarcastically up into surrender. Suddenly, the briefcase was somehow kicked along the floor which confused both you and Loki.

You both watched as a guard picked up the briefcase and began walking away. You could have sworn it was Tony, but Tony was on the floor with Thor. "Uh, guys-"

"We know Loki's annoying, Y/N, just watch him!" Thor told you. "No-"
The door was suddenly burst open by the Hulk, knocking the guard down and the tesseract flew out of the briefcase and landed right at yours and Loki's feet.

Loki looked up at you, as you looked at him, and the both of you instantly bent down to grab it at the same time while Hulk was screaming over stairs in the background.

"Loki, let go!" You screamed, only to suddenly see the small blue cloud appearing around you both and both your eyes widened in surprise. "NO-"



As the portal opened, both you and Loki fell from the sky quickly, screaming as you hit the sand. You slowly got up in pain, seeing Loki laying without his restraints and without the metal over his mouth.

Great, more talking.

"What did you just do?!" You asked, looking around the desert. "You sent us to the bloody desert?!"
"We sent us to a desert, darling."
"Don't call me that" you say, looking over to some people coming towards you both confused.

Loki stared at them for a moment before shooting up, running towards a rock and standing on it proudly. "Oh god" you sigh.
"I am Loki of Asgard. And I an burdened with glorious purpose."

"(in Mongolian) who are you? Why have you come to our home?" The women asks.
"Well I-"
"Loki, they don't speak english. Or Asgardian."
"I know that" he groans in annoyance.
"You sure?"

There was suddenly a strange noise, an orange door appearing from thin air beside you both. You quickly stand up, backing away from it as people dressed in black uniform came through.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now