Don't Stab Your Boyfriend.

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"We can't control it" you were explaining to Ouroboros. The three of you sat on his small bench and he was immensely invested in the two of you. "Trust me, we don't just choose to rip ourselves through time. That shit hurts."

"Language, darling."
"Oh shut up. It's fine."
"What if he's religious?!"
"What the fuck is religious?!"

"When someone believes in God" O.B smiles at you.
"I believe in Gods. I'm dating one" you say back, not seeing the huge smile that spread onto Loki's face.
"No that God. The one above. With Jesus as his son" O.B informs you.

You gasped out loud, your mouth flying open. "Wait.. so that's why Midgardians say 'jesus'?! That's where that came from?!"
"Well, shit! Wouldn't that be disrespectful?!"

"In Asgard, people say Odin's beard, darling" Loki reminds you.
"Oh, for the love of Odin, I know that!" You remark, before taking a pause. "Oh.. right, lets get back on track."

"We can't just make it happen" Loki goes back to the original conversation. "It's random."

"But it isn't random because both of you keep ending up around exactly the people you're looking for, and it's evolving, because you're not just slipping in time, you're also moving around in space. It's like you're a better version of one of those TemPads."

"Never in my life did I think I'd be compared to a machine" you frown.

"You make it sound like it's a good thing" Loki says.

"With science, it's all what and how. But with fiction, it's why. So, why do you need to do this?" O.B asks you both.
"Why do we need to do this?!" You raise an eyebrow.

"I'll tell you why" Loki tells him, scooting up closer. "Because if we can't save the TVA from being destroyed, there will be nothing to protect against whats coming."

"Well, if that's the real why that's guiding you, you should be able to control it. So, go ahead!" O.B smiles. You and Loki share a glance on confusion and awkwardness, looking back at O.B.
"Now?!" You ask. O.B nods happily.

"All right" Loki shrugs, standing and walking to stand in front of you both. You bite your lip.
"Loki, are you sure thats a good idea?" You ask him.
"Of course. When have my ideas ever been bad?"

You raise an eyebrow at him, cocking your head. He sighed. "Let me rephrase that, when have my ideas after coming to the TVA been bad?"
"You know, I still have, like, a few ideas I can share."
"Go ahead."

"Trying to use magic in the TVA, trying to use the tesseract afterwards even after knowing magic doesn't work, pretending to be a guard, getting drunk on the train with me, thinking about kill Alioth with absolutely no idea how-"

"Ok, fine" he cuts you off. "But, if we can control the time slipping, then we can save the TVA. So, I'm going to try."
"Ok" you shrug.
"Focus in on that why!" O.B smiles at him. "You need to save the TVA."

Loki nods, taking a deep breath as his arms outstretch. He holds for a second before you see the movement, him grunting, nothing happening.
"Anything?" O.B asks and you hide a laugh.

"I'm trying" Loki says, forcing himself forwards again. Nothing happened.
"Maybe you need to try harder" you mock, grinning at Loki's glance of annoyance.
"I'm trying as hard as I can" he tells you.

For the next 5 minutes or so, you watched Loki spin himself around, jump around, outstretch his hands, practically dancing in front of you. By the end of it, there were tears swelled in your eyes from laughing.

"You are so mature" Loki deadpans, looking at you. After that, you couldn't hold it anymore and burst out laughing, ignoring the sharp glare he had on you.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now