Love is hate

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"Looks like everyone already fled" Loki points out as the three of you walk through what you assumed was once a small town.
"If they did, it'd be in vain" Sylvie responded to him.
"How long do we have?" You ask her and she shrugs.
"Twelve hours or so. Things down here are only gonna get worse," she tells you. "More meteors, gravity quakes, and of course, the collapse of society in the face of annihilation."

You all keep walking sone more. You swing your arms out of boredom, Loki noticing this and smirking.
"Could that charge the TemPad?" Loki asks, pointing to the bright sign on one of the buildings.
"Maybe!" Sylvie smiles, running towards it. You and Loki stand side by side, your arms crossed as you watched her. "I'm just checking the coupling. Making sure it can connect" she tells you.

"Right" you confirm, not overly convinced at her performance.
"Okay!" She turns, hand outstretched to Loki. "Hand it over."
You chuckle, even more so when she rolls her eyes. "That was pitiful" you say, a hand on Loki's arm to make sure he doesn't get it out. "He's not giving it to you. You're gonna have to try harder than that, variant."

She scoffs. "Then don't let your boyfriend give me his 'tech savvy' ideas either."
Usually, you'd get instantly annoyed when someone calls Loki your boyfriend. You didn't this time. You kept your guard up, arms crossed, remembering that Loki told you not to start a fight.

"The TemPad requires a massive power source, not a night light" Sylvie snaps at Loki before continuing to walk through the abandoned town. You and Loki quickly follow her, though you slyly roll your eyes.

The three of you eventually come to a small house, sitting complete alone with no other home near it. You follow the Lokis up the steps and towards the front door. Loki stops Sylvie from going in after she gets out her sword.
"Brute force is no substitute for diplomacy and guile" he tells her and she smirks.
"Noted" she remarks.

She walks to the door with a huge grin, kicking it open confidently. She gets blown instantly away, down the steps and into the ground and you let out a huge laugh.
"It's remarkable that you ever made it as far as you did" you smirk, watching her sigh.
"Sorry about that!" Loki apologises to the women inside.
"Don't be. I enjoyed it" the women responds.

"Oh, I did too" you smirk, earning a warning glare from Loki.
"But I can assure you," Loki continues. "Despite our acquaintance behaving like an animal we mean no harm. We're simply weary travellers."
"Sure you are" the women snaps.

Loki looks through the window, seeing a photo of the women and what appears to be her husband sitting on a small table. He looks at you and you slowly shake your head, but he just nods and puts the illusion up.
"Hello dear" he walks out slowly and you hear the women's soft gasps.
"Patrice?" She questions and Loki nods.

"It's been a long time" he fake sobs. "You're as beautiful as I-" Loki is suddenly flung across the ground as Sylvie was, landing beside her with a groan.
"Patrice never said a thing that nice in 30 years!" The women remarks. "You're no travellers. You're devils."

"Correction, they're devils. Not me" you smile innocently, though stop at her harsh stare at you through the window. "Look, can we just talk please? I promise I'll keep my horned dogs there on a leash" you say, earning annoyed noises from both Loki and Sylvie.

The women slowly steps out, her blaster still in hand. Her head turns to you, glaring daggers into your eyes. "What do you devils want from me?" She asks coldly. You clear your throat.
"We just want to ask you a question," you begin, raising your hands and slowly making your way down to join Loki's side. "Where is everyone?"

"The ark" she responds, but none of you knew what that was. "The evacuation vessel" she sighed.
"Something like that would have enough juice to re-power the TemPad" Sylvie whispers to the two of you, Loki nodding in response.
"How do we get there?" He asks the women.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now