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You walk alongside Classic Y/N, asking a million questions which she answered truthfully. She knew you were confused so didn't get annoyed.
"So whats that massive dark cloud?" You ask her.
"That's Alioth. We're his lunch so that's why we have a base" she tells you.

"Right.. I thought I died. They pruned me and I was in an interrogation room. It was quite a weird feeling. Hurt like a bitch. Uh.. but I also pruned a lot of their agents, shit, are they coming back?!"
"The agents we don't help. We let Alioth take them, you're good. Anything that's pruned, however, get's dumped here."

"So, we're trash?" You ask her.
"Basically" she shrugs.
"And you're me?"
"Or, I'm you, yes. I'm old you. Classic Loki is here too, he's my husband. You'll meet him" she smiles.
"Wait, old Loki?!" You smirk. Classic Y/N nods.

"Though I think we might get there before him. All the Loki's went after the boy that also got here. I think he was a Loki too and-"
"Wait, Lokis here?!" You ask. This confused her.
"Uh.. what Loki?"

"My Loki. What kind of Y/N would I be?!" You ask her.
"Well we already have the Classics, Kids, Alligators, presidents, boastful.."
"Why are there so many of us?!" You gasp.
"Because Loki's and Y/N's always survive. The others don't. Pity" she shrugs.

"So.. I'm.. what?" You ask. "Am I the OG?"
"Technically, thats me. Me and my husband are the oldest here so we got given the old titles. How about determined Y/N? You seem like whatever you want, you fight for it" she suggests.

"So, my Loki would be determined Loki?" You question and she nods. You shrug. "Ok." Classic Y/N smiles at you gesturing you to move along.
"So, my Loki. He has black hair, flicked back. He's kind of dramatic. He's wearing a shirt and pants and a tie so no armour. Is he here?" You ask her.

"That does fit the description of who my husband went after, yes" she nods.
"Then I have to go find him" you tell her, going to walk away but she quickly grabs you.
"Look, I get you're probably worried about your boyfriend but I really don't think wandering alone with Alioth around is the greatest idea" she tells you.

"He's not my boyfriend" you say and her eyes widen.
"Come again?! Have the two of you not hit that mark yet?!"
"Well our nexus event was fighting over the tesseract and teleporting into a desert. We were sworn enemies then. God, that feels so long ago now" you place your head into your hands.

"I see. You're in the denial phase" she laughs.
"I'm sorry?"
"You like him but you don't want to admit it."
"I do not like him! We've just grown closer over the past few days. I mean, you have absolutely not idea what we've been through. We ended up on Lamentis yesterday, which, by the way, is basically the end of the world and somehow caused a nexus event. It's very confusing"

"And you like him" she shrugs. "Probably started liking him during Lamentis, most of Y/N's fall for the Lokis after they have one actual conversation with him. I'm guessing you had time to talk during the end of the world?"

You wanted to argue, but couldn't. She knew you way better than you knew yourself. She was older you, after all.
"Fine, whatever, I'm going to go find him" you tell her. She sighed.

"You really are determined Y/N" she shakes her head. "Tell you what, I'll go and find my husband and if he hasn't got your Loki, I'll let you go and find him. Deal?" She offers her hand. You think for a moment before taking it.

The two of you walk some more, coming to a small round door engraved into the ground. You hear screaming and yelling instantly.
"Sounds like Loki to me" you shrug. Classic Y/N smiles, shaking her head.

"Probably the kids fighting" she sighs, knocking on the door. "Hey Lokes?! It's me!" She yells, no response.
"Lokes?" You question.
"We're so old, we have nicknames" she replies as she stands up, pointing her hand at the door and tilting her head.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now