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The three of you made it to the elevator, Mobius still rambling about the kiss.
"So, how did it happen? I need details" he smiles.
"I think we have bigger things to worry about than our love life" you try to brush him off, but he doesn't back down.

"Come on! I've known this would happen since you guys got here! What was it you always said? How you weren't on the timeline anymore..."
"We're not" Loki points out. "Meaning the kiss was completely our idea, not He Who Remains."
"Except, He Who Remains paved the way" you remind Loki, who sighs.

Mobius stares at you both, mentally asking for answers. You gave in.
"Fine! It was 10 minutes after you left. We were in front of Alioth, Loki and Sylvie were going to enchant it. I said I'd distract him, Loki got worried-"

"Just a bit" Loki quickly chips in. You throw him a glare.
"Oh, please! We all know you were fully worried about me."
"It doesn't matter, finish the story" Mobius speeds you along.

"It's really not important right now" you say to Mobius. He just glares at you again and you groan. "Then, I told him I'd be ok. He kissed me, I kissed back. Then he let me go distract Alioth. That's it."

Mobius looked between you both in awe. "That's adorable" he smiles, earning an eye-roll from you.
"It doesn't matter, we have bigger problems here" you point out.
"Yes, like this teleporting business" Mobius says.

"No, He Who Remains" Loki tells him.
"Yes, I understand and we'll get to that. In order to do that, I need a Y/N and Loki Who Remains. We need to address you both constantly disappearing."

"What? We don't keep disappearing-" Loki's argument is cut of as you feel a burning sensation return through your body. You look around, Mobius was gone. Instantly, it returned again and you appear back by Mobius.

"You both just disappeared again" Mobius states the obvious.
"I know" you nod.
"And I can't keep looking at it because it's horrible."

You and Loki both looked at him in shock.
"I thought you said it's not that bad" Loki gasps.
"I was lying. It's terrible, looks like you're being born or dying or both at the same time. It's freaking me out!"

"I thought you could tell when someone was lying" you turn to Loki, who shrugs.
"It's looks really painful, you sure you're both ok?" Mobius asks you both.
"It's not that bad, we can handle it" you tell him.

Mobius sighs, turning to the girl in the corner of the elevator. "How does it look?" He asks her. She looked terrified, awkwardly looking away.

"Okay, Sylvie kicking you both through the Time Door into the past, that somehow started all this?" Mobius tries to ask you both as you exit to elevator. You and Loki both follow him through the TVA.

"All we know is we were in the past" Loki begins. "It was He Who Remain's TemPad, so maybe that's how it was possible."
"Wait, that's who you said had my memory wiped?" Mobius asked him.
"Yes, He Who Remains" you answer for Loki.

"Is that what you're calling him, or that's his name?"
"That's how he was introduced" you shrug.
"That's arrogant. It's like calling yourself 'Last Man Standing.'" Mobius mocks.

"Is is arrogant if you can back it up?" Loki asks him.
"Well, can he back it up?" Mobius asks him, opening the second elevator.
"That's scary."

"Imagine a million of them" you say as you all enter the elevator.
"I'd rather not."
"Where are you taking us?" Loki asks him. Mobius uses his foot, pushing a button at the very bottom.

"It's alright. It's a little off the beaten path. You know, I have no memory of having my memory wiped."

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now