Love is a Dagger

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You and Loki sat by the bar, Sylvie fast asleep on your table. Loki kept his guard uniform up, having another drink. You groan as your head continues to ache.

"Still hurting?" He asks, gesturing to your head.
"You have absolutely not idea" you sigh, slumping your head onto the bar. You feel a hand suddenly place gently on your head, the pain suddenly easing and you shoot up and look at Loki.

"What are you doing?!" You ask him. He goes to take his hand away but you quickly grip his arm and shake your head. "Don't stop! It feels great!" You beam, seeing him smile sweetly as his hand returns to your head, the pain once again releasing from your head.

"So, quick question" Loki turns to you. "What are we doing with that one over there?" He gestured to Sylvie.

"We're using her to get the TemPad recharged, going back to the TVA and never seeing her stupid one-horned-crown again" you answer truthfully. "Us working with her is purely strategic."
"Us?" He smiles and you laugh.

"Fine. Me. I'm going to use the TemPad afterwards to find a timeline for me to go to. I thought you'd want the same but if you don't then leave I don't care" you tell him, having another sip of your drink.
Loki thinks for a moment.
"Maybe we can fine a timeline to share" he suggests. You turn to him, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't you hate me?" You question.
"I do. I'm just saying I don't want to go to a timeline and be completely alone once again. It would be nice to have an arch nemesis that actually puts up a fairly decent fight" he smirks.
"Oh please, I kicked your ass and you know it!" You say, hearing his low chuckle.

"So," you begin, deciding to change the subject. "Technically, everything that female Loki can do, you can too. You probably have the power to enchant. Maybe all Lokis do."

"Darling, my magic isn't just my powers. My mother taught me them but anyone who possess magic can learn a few of our tricks," he turns to you. "Even you."
Your smile grew, finishing your drink and turning to the God. "So, you can teach me how to do that illusion stuff you do?!"

"Duplication-casting. Yes I can" he looked proud of himself. "Only that though. I forgot how my mother taught me half my magic-"
"Show me!" You squeal, rising from your seat and dragging Loki up with you. You could feel the alcohol slowly getting to you now.

He held out his hand to you, allowing you to watch intensely as he slowly created an illusion of an emerald rose in his palm, letting it slowly grow in front of you. He couldn't stop smiling at how mesmerised and excited you were over the whole thing.

The next hour insisted of practising (though you weren't great), drinking, laughing, storytelling and eventually... Loki singing and dancing for you.

"When she sings, she sings come home~" he sung, the verse then bleeding into Asgardian.
His uniform illusion has dropped while he was teaching you and you smiled as you watched the God spin around, swaying side to side as the whole train cart joined in.

He eventually grabbed your hand, dragging you up and twirling your drunk self around. Your laugh was one he cherished at that moment. You spot Sylvie, awake, asking you where Loki's uniform had gone. You shrug, giving her a small wave.

"To Y/N, everybody!" Loki cheered at the end of the song, finishing his drink before smashing the glass onto the ground. "Another!"
Sylvie began approaching the two of you and you drunkly clutched to Loki's arm, hiding behind him as if she was some monster coming to kill you.
"We're in trouble" you whisper loudly to him.
"You don't say, darling" he responds.

"You're both drunk" Sylvie points out instantly when she reached you both.
"No, we're just full" you tell her.
"But, bear in mind, I'm very full" Loki informs her, turning and grabbing a small slice of what looked like red jelly.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now