A Familiar Timeline

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The two of you find yourselves on a timeline. An alive timeline. It had worked. You closed your eyes, seeing yourself still physically holding the Multiverse together as well. It had really worked.

You were free.

You look up and see Loki, who was beyond emotional. He wasn't talking, simply taking it all in. He could have a life. You slipped your hand into his slowly, spotting a house. Not your house, but you smiled.

"So," Loki finally speaks. "Are we heading to New York?"
"I'm not quite sure if that is the best idea" you frown. Loki turns to look at you sceptically.

"Well, I may or may not have taken us to a certain timeline where you actually did invade New York."

Loki glared at you. "Love, tell me your joking."

"It was for good reason!" You defend yourself. "I have someone who I want to introduce you to!"
Loki rolls his eyes, letting you drag him towards the house. It was on a beach, in the middle of nowhere. Very peaceful, very quiet.

You came to the door, knocking, then waiting.
"Darling, just tell me who-"
"Shhh!" You cut him off as the door opens. A small, brunette girl opens it. Her hair was in two messy plates, looking like whoever did them had given up half way through.

"Hey," you smile, kneeling down to her height. "Is your dad home? We need to talk to him."
She nods, running back inside for a moment.

"Who was that?" Loki asks. You look at him, grinning.
"Torunn Thorsdóttir."

Loki's whole face dropped as he looked at you, blinking a few times and trying to make sure he had heard you right.
"Did you say Thor-"

"Why? Whose at the door?" You heard the familiar voice, the door opening again. Thor.
Thor's face also dropped, glancing between the two of you. He looked relieved, then confused, then his eyes suddenly burned with sadness and anger.

"You're alive. Both of you" he snarls. "Was it all some sort of sick prank?!"
"No!" You defend yourself. "No, we really died! We came back."
Thor didn't seem too convinced.

"Oh, come on Thor. It's Loki, he always comes back" you remind him. Loki hadn't spoken. He just watched Thor longingly. "Loke" you try to break his trance. "Loki, say something."

"I don't understand. You both died" Thor frowned. "I watched it! Your neck.. you held an infinity stone. I.. I mourned you both! I have been for over 5 years! I don't understand-"

"Well, I would explain, but it appears someones gone into some sort of trance" you gesture to Loki, who was still in some sort of shock. "Loki?!"
No response.
"Loki, you need to talk."
No response.

"Right, fine! I'll explain. So, long story short, in 2012 Loki stole the tesseract again and-"
"I know" Thor says. "That was you two?!"

"I mean.. yes."
"Right.. you know, that happened before you died."
"I'm aware" you tell him. "But, when we did that, we got arrested by the TVA. I think we can share more stories later, but it's been a long few weeks."

"The TVA?"
"Time Variance Authority. Because, we weren't meant to pick it up. We were meant to take Loki back to his cell, eventually die. Etc. All that stuff, you know the story. Anyway, then this Loom started failing after this Sylvie girl, who's a female version of Loki, killed He Who Remains-"

"Female Loki.. He Who Remains, right.." Thor nods along. He didn't fully understand.
"Yeah.. he's the guy at the end of time. But, now, us two are! Loki walked down this gangway, held every single timeline and then I time slipped up there. He's King of the Multiverse. I just keep him company up there I guess."

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now