This Is It...

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The door was suddenly burst open by the Hulk, knocking the guard down and the tesseract flew out of the briefcase and landed right at yours and Loki's feet.

Loki looked up at you, as you looked at him, and the both of you instantly bent down to grab it at the same time while Hulk was screaming over stairs in the background.

"Loki, let go!" You screamed, only to suddenly see the small blue cloud appearing around you both and both your eyes widened in surprise. "NO-"

"I'm a big fan of the story between the two of you. Becoming lovers."
Loki's head shot up to Mobius, his face scrunched up. "I would never date her. I hate her!"

"And I hate him. I'd never in a million years date him!"

"We have to gear up. Theres been an attack" you say as he turns to you. You throw his jacket at him and he puts it on as you put on yours.
You look him up and down as he attempts to freshen up, trying to make himself look presentable. He looks at you, mentally asking you how he looks.

"You look fine" you deadpan.
"Fine isn't enough" Loki tells you. "Come on, do I look good or bad?"
"All you did was put on a jacket with the word Variant on the back. I literally have the same jacket on right now."
"You do. And you look ravishing, darling. Now, how do I look?" he tries again.
You roll your eyes but can't help the slight smile that forced it's way onto your lips. "You're such a drama queen. You look good, now come on."

"Right on cue!" Loki yells, shaking you with excitement before running over to a basket of bread, throwing the bread out towards the civilians.. "Enjoy your last meal while you can! Nothing matters! Nothing has any consequences! Dance while you still can!" As Loki says that, he grabs your hand and twirls you around. "Wooo!"

You smile, laughing as he quickly stops you so you don't get too dizzy. Both of you turn to Mobius.
"How'd we do?" You ask Mobius.
"I don't believe it. Zero variance energy. No branching in the timeline" Mobius gasps.

"I have shit to do" the Variant snarls, lifting his hands back and grabbing you, throwing you into Loki while he was attempting to stand up.

You lay for a moment, you on top of him.
"Hi" you say, your faces inches apart.
"Hello" he replies, gently pushing you off him.

"Loki! Y/N" you hear Mobius's voice, turning and seeing him running towards the two of you. "Wait! Loki, Y/N, wait!"

Loki turns to you and you decide to ignore Mobius, dragging Loki through the orange portal just before it closes.

"I don't know where you hid that TemPad, but if you blow up, it blows up, and then I end up blown up" The Variant tells you both. "And if your girlfriend here blows up then you'll get yourself blown up out of guilt-"

"Can everyone stop calling me his girlfriend?!" You scream. "I don't wanna date this prince."
"King, darling" Loki corrects.
"Watch your tone, Asgardian"

"Hey, I thought of an answer by the way. To the love question!" He beams, as he does you eagerly turn to him. "Love is a dagger," begins, summoning his dagger into his own hand. "It's a weapon to be wielded far away or up close. You can see yourself in it. It's beautiful. Until it makes you bleed.." he slowly folds the dagger the other way.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now