something like care

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"You know, I don't think I've ever walked this much in my life" Loki starts a conversation. The three of you walked side by side, you in the middle of the two, on your way to the ark.

"That's a pretty good life" Sylvie smiles. Loki was slowly rolling up his sleeves, reeling your eyes down for a quick glance.
"Well, you're lucky you missed it" Loki responds to her.

"Here's an idea. What if you enchanted me and you could walk for both of us?" He asks her. "Or I could take a nap in my subconscious and then you could just wake me when we arrive. Yeah?"
"Yeah," Sylvie shakes her head. "That's not how enchantment works."

"How does it work?" You ask her.
"Doesn't matter."
"You know, I feel like we've told you do much about us. We really don't know the first thing about you" you point out.
"Thanks for the tactical advantage" she shrugs.

"So you want to use that tactical advantage to kill us when the TVA shows up?" Loki asks her.
"Worried, are you?" Sylvie smirks.
"We just need to know if we can trust you" you cut in. Sylvie sighs, giving you both a light nod.

"Fine," she begins. "You want to know how enchantment works? I have to make physical contact and then grab hold of their mind" she explains.
"How?" Loki looked beyond confused.

"It depends on the mind. Most are easy and I can overtake them instantly. Others, the stronger ones, it gets tricky. I'm in control, but they're there too. In order to preserve the connection, I have to create a fantasy from their memories."

"And you call me a magician" Loki smiles. He turns to you. "Is it the same to you? When you take control over peoples minds?"
"No," you shake your head. "If I'm taking control over their physical form it's a lot harder but when it's only their mind I trap them into the small void. Everyone has one in their heads but the stronger the mind, the harder it is to keep them there. Or even find it. It's complicated" you try to explain.

"That young soldier from the TVA, her mind was messed up" Sylvie points out about C-20. "Everything clouded. I had to pull a memory from hundreds of years prior, before she even fought for them."

"What?!" You remark, both you and Loki stopping in your tracks.
"What did you just say?!" Loki asks. "Before she joined the TVA?"
"Yeah. She was just a regular person on Earth" Sylvie shrugs.
"Regular person?" You question.

"Loved margaritas" Sylvie tells you.
"We were told that everyone who works for the TVA was created by the Time-Keepers" Loki tells her.
"That's ridiculous. They're all Variants, just like us" Sylvie explains.

'All ticketed passengers..' a voice from the town starts. The ark was leaving soon.

"That's our ride" you say, gesturing the two of them to start walking faster again.


The three of you walk into the town, filled with screams of desperation from the Civilians.
"Do we trust each other?" Sylvie asks. Loki looks down at you and you sigh.
"We do" you reply. "And you can."
"Good," she smiles. "Because this is gonna suck."

You slowly walk further in, stopping next to Loki when you see them forcing people away from the ark.
"They're gonna let those people die" Loki breathes out, having some sort of sympathy in his eyes.
"Is this the same person who invaded New York?" You ask him, smiling when he looked down at you.

"It is, darling. I still don't care about Midgardians" he winks to you.
"Whatever you say, Loki" you reply.
"We have to get on that Ark and make sure it takes off" Sylvie yells to you both, the two of you looking down at her.
"How?!" Loki asks her.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now